Author: Angelina Gibbs

On Thursday, August 10, 2023, close to one thousand Indians โ€“ mainly in their teens and 20s โ€“ gathered for the second nationwide March for Life India. CHARIS India, the National Governing Body of Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services in India, organized the first-ever national March for Life on August 10th, 2022, in New Delhi. Both the 2022 and 2023 marches were supported by His Eminence, Oswald Cardinal Gracias. This year evangelical pro-life leaders also joined along with a diverse gathering of people from across the country. The day began with an Exhibition for Life hosted by the Catholic Diocese of…

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Tara was 18 when she found out she was pregnant. As she felt the world crumble around her. She knew right away she was getting an abortion. She wasnโ€™t mentally and physically prepared to be a mom. She had her whole life ahead of her, including her dream of going into film. On top of that, her feminist views in her mind convinced her that abortion would be an okay option. These obstacles against her, including her and her boyfriend Ray’s relationship gave her a pathway toward her choice. Tara was a scared teenager with no support, so she turned…

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Namibia โ€“ a large coastal country bordering South Africa with a population of only 2.7 million โ€“ is hosting public hearings on whether to legalize abortion. Namibians have been rallying religious and community leaders and young people to attend the government hearings and express their vote for life. The hearings started on April 15th in the Khomoas region of Namibia and continue through April 26th. In Namibia, abortion is currently only legal in the cases of the life or health of the mother, significant special needs of the pre-born child or rape. The hearings follow the introduction of a motion…

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