Author: Austin Hamblen

According to, a site that monitors CRT curricula and training in higher education,ย at least 23 of Americaโ€™s 25 most prestigious medical colleges and universities have some form of mandatory student training or coursework on ideas related to CRT. William Jacobson, professor at Cornell Law School and founder ofย Legal Insurrection designed and curatedย criticalrace.orgโ€™s sprawling databaseย that previously examined elite K-12 private schools and 500 of America’s top undergraduate programs. When examining the top 25 medical schools in the country, based onย U.S. News & World Report’sย methodology, the list of prestigious medical schools incorporating critical race theory includes internationally renowned institutions, such asย Johns…

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Basketball star and outspoken critic of the Chinese Communist Party, Enes Kanter Freedom has called out Pennsylvania Senate candidate Mehmet Oz, known professionally as “Dr. Oz,” over his dual citizenship in Turkey. Freedom claims that the celebrity doctor and Republican senate hopeful would act as “Erdoganโ€™s arm” if elected to the U.S. Senate. Freedom has long been a critic of Erdogan, who has tightened his grip on Turkish society and removed political enemies from positions in the government and academia. As a result, the authoritarian Erdogan declared Freedom a terrorist and issued an international arrest warrant for supporting Erdogan critic…

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We all know that crime has risen nationwide, but statistics show an especially pronounced spike in swing U.S. House districts held by vulnerable Democrats. Even before the latest numbers were published, Democratic incumbents were bracing for a potentially brutal midterm election. Now, variables such as crime trends and President Biden’s spiraling approval rating signal that is an increasingly likely possibility. (RELATED: Fox News Correspondent Gets Psaki to Admit to What Led to a Crime Surge in Dem-Run Cities) The Washington examiner reports: House Democrats in swing districts will have to confront voter concerns about public safety at a time when…

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Throughout 2020 and 2021, officials mandated the use of cloth masksย as a means to slow the spread of COVID-19. Now, in a massive messaging shift, experts are saying that most masks are not helpful at all. (RELATED: Why Did the Flu Disappear? Hint: It Wasnโ€™t the Masks.) The Washington Examiner reports: โ€œCloth and surgical masks do absolutely nothing for protection from ambient virus,โ€ said Chad Roy, a microbiologist at Tulane University School of Medicine, referring to the virus spreading through the air. โ€œAll this song and dance of wearing cloth masks with some presumption that you’re being protected from ambient…

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According to a recent report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), traffic deaths have increased nearly 12% over last year. NHTSA estimates that 31,720 people were killed on U.S. roads last year through September, the highest total since 2006. The Washington Post reports: The figures released Tuesday underscore how an increase in deaths initially attributed to drivers speedingย ย on roads emptied amid the pandemic has continued, even as people have gotten back into their cars. It also shows the scale of challenges facing the Transportation Department, which last weekย pledged to eliminate road deaths.โ€œWe have to change a culture that…

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Following extensive research into more than 18,000 studies, a John Hopkins report concluded that lockdowns have had little to no effect on COVID-19 mortality and little to no positive public health effects while imposing enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. (RELATED: Perspective: Gut Check on COVID-19 Risk) Early on during the pandemic, lockdowns were cited as one of the best ways to slow the spread and reduce the mortality of COVID-19. However, early reports touting the success of lockdowns as a form of non-pharmaceutical intervention (NPI) were flawed for failing to consider external factors that this…

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The Federal Reserve is set to increase interest rates due to high inflation and the labor market returning to levels consistent with maximum employment. Coupled with the sharp drop in unemployment in the second half of last year, to 3.9% in December, inflation rates have skyrocketed at the fastest pace since 1982. (RELATED: Wholesale Prices Rise at Fastest Pace Since Records Began) According to multiple sources, the Fed gave its clearest indication today that it could raise rates starting as soon as March. As Gallup reports: The federal government recently reported that the 7% increase in inflation in December 2021…

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In the face of Russia’s expected invasion of Ukraine, inflation-weary Americans may need to prepare for gas prices to skyrocket. With oil prices already high, Russian aggression could cause prices to spike. Meanwhile, sanctions on Russia would dramatically increase the price of oil and natural gas. As CNBC reports: โ€œItโ€™s a very tight gas market … and thereโ€™s no question that this sense of imminent crisis building with Russia and Ukraine is also hanging over the market, particularly since Russia does provide about 35% of Europeโ€™s gas,โ€ energy expert Dan Yergin. Ukraine has also served as the primary transit route…

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