Author: ALN Staff

ALN Staff is a dedicated group of liberty-minded professionals available 24/7 to keep you informed on the news that matters.

A Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin ended in horror on Sunday night when a red SUV plowed into marchers. The normally tranquil city of 70,000 lies 20 miles west of downtown Milwaukee. Eyewitnesses say that there were “bodies flying everywhere” as the multi-thousand pound vehicle sped down the parade route. FOX6 Milwaukee reports: One video shows a woman screaming, “Oh my God!” repeatedly after a group of girls wearing Santa hats and dancing with white pompoms is struck. Another shows the SUV plowing into members of a marching band, their music replaced with terrified screams. Waukesha Fire Chief Steve Howard…

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Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time the social media giant has bowed down to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This time, the video sharing platform stripped ad revenue from a channel that posted a video about Peng Shuai. SEE ALSO: What We Know About Trump’s New Social Media Network Peng is a Chinese star athlete who previously held the world’s number one ranking in doubles tennis. But after accusing former Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli of sexually assaulting her, Peng mysteriously disappeared. Suspiciously, the Chinese government hasn’t commented on her vanishing or whereabouts if it knows anything. The Silence is Deafening…

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Administrators have placed an assistant professor at Norfolk, Virginia’s Old Dominion University’s Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice on administrative leave after they argued for replacing the term pedophile with “minor-attracted people.”  Dr. Allyn Walker argued for a new term, saying that not every adult who is attracted to children will molest children. WATCH: SEE ALSO: Virginia Dept. of Education Promoted Critical Race Theory Despite Repeated Denials The ODU administration under President Brian O. Hemphill initially offered a lukewarm statement indirectly defending Walker, as Norfolk’s 13News Now reports: The statement from the university read: “An academic community plays a…

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The FBI reportedly created “threat tags” to monitor risks for school officials. The idea for the tracking system came from Attorney General Merrick Garland’s request that the agency intervene in school board battles. The New York Post reports: The email, dated Oct. 20, was released Tuesday by House Judiciary Committee Republicans, who said the missive was proof that federal counterterrorism was being deployed against parents at school board meetings. SEE ALSO: Biden Asked to Use Domestic Terrorism Laws to Suppress School Board Activism The email, which House Republicans said came from a whistleblower, showed the creation of the tag “EDUOFFICIALS” to track…

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A well-known defender of critical race theory has modified her approach to broaching the topic in a new Washington Post op-ed. Meena Harris’ article comes at a crucial moment in the debate over CRT. Harris is Vice President Kamala Harris’ niece. In her op-ed, Harris accuses conservative lawmakers of preventing teachers from “discussing racism, equity and justice in classrooms.” She adds that progressives often don’t have “explicit plans to discuss anti-racism” with schoolchildren. But there may be a workaround outside the classroom. As Fox News reports: Harris called for families nationwide to “start taking time at home to discuss the…

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A new Washington Post and ABC News poll shows Republican candidates with a 10-point lead over Democrats nationwide. The GOP’s advantage is the biggest that the party has held with registered voters in the poll’s 40 year history. Keep in mind, registered voters are a group that leans left. SEE ALSO: ‘Surprised’ Biden Unsure of How to Deal With Skyrocketing Inflation WATCH: The Biggest GOP Lead in 110 Polls As Hot Air reports: Technically, ABC/WaPo has had at least one poll in its history that looked worse for Democrats than this one does. That came in 2010, the year of…

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A federal grand jury has indicted former top Trump adviser Steve Bannon for contempt of Congress. The development comes after the House voted to hold Bannon in criminal contempt. That vote came after he defied a subpoena from the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. SEE ALSO: Committee Shoots Down Bannon’s Request to Postpone Criminal Referral Vote Congress’ vote left the decision on whether or not to prosecute Bannon up to the Justice Department. Today’s announcement revealed that the DOJ promptly began working on charging Bannon with two counts of contempt of…

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Donald Trump isn’t giving up. One day after a federal judge rejected the former president’s requests to stop the House Jan. 6 Committee’s request for records leading up to the attack on the U.S. Capitol, Trump is back—asking an appeals court to prevent the documents from going to Congress. The emergency appeal comes little more than one day before the records are set to be released from the National Archives. CNBC reports: The request for a “brief” administrative injunction marks the latest step in Trump’s efforts to stop the National Archives from handing reams of documents over to the House…

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Few politicians can say that they have a genuine mandate. Republican Francis Suarez is an exception. Elected mayor of Miami with 86% of the vote, Suarez announced an ambitious new plan on Wednesday to accelerate the city’s renaissance. The plan is to give out a “bitcoin yield” as a dividend directly to Miamians. As CoinDesk reports: The yield comes from the staking of the city’s own cryptocurrency, MiamiCoin, which was introduced early this year and has already earned over $21 million in the past three months for Miami. Suarez noted that if you were to annualize that revenue, it would equal…

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New data, showing that record inflation has wiped away recent wage gains for workers, has spooked Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.). In contrast to President Biden, who called the rising prices “worrisome, even though wages are going up,” Manchin said that Congress can “no longer ignore” the pain Americans feel in their wallets. Now, the West Virginia Democrat is saying that he may delay Biden’s spending bill—until at least next year. Moreover, Manchin still hasn’t found common ground with the White House and progressive members of Congress on the bill’s climate change provisions. Some Democrats worry that Manchin will use whatever…

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