Author: ALN Staff

ALN Staff is a dedicated group of liberty-minded professionals available 24/7 to keep you informed on the news that matters.

Central to President Biden’s planned $3.5 trillion spending increase is the belief that Congress won’t raise taxes on the middle class. However, reporting from Reason magazine show how smoke and mirrors budgeting practices will affect rich, median income, and poor alike. To pay for this round of profligate spending, the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives has included provisions in the bill’s latest draft to tax tobacco products and cryptocurrency. Statistics show that poorer Americans are more likely to smoke and that millennials invest the most in cryptocurrency. Additional analysis by the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) showed that the plan…

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After a 28-year hiatus, Piers Morgan announced his return to where he started his career: Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation. Morgan’s new role follows his dramatic exit from Good Morning Britain for refusing to apologize for questioning Meghan Markle’s mental health. Now, after six months off-air, Morgan is back with a vengeance. The controversial journalist will host a new show next year airing in the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States on Fox Nation. He has agreed to write two weekly columns for The Sun and New York Post, author a follow-up book to his 2020 bestseller “Wake Up” for Murdoch’s publishing…

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The makers of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine will soon submit data to the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) from children aged six months to 11-years-old. Observers expect the pharmaceutical manufacturer’s data on the vaccine’s safety and efficacy in young children to go to the FDA at the end of September or the beginning of October. ABC News chronicles the advancing clinical trials: In addition to studying vaccine safety and side effects in kids, the study will examine antibody response to ensure the vaccine produces enough immunity at lower doses.The study will include up to 4,500 participants from the United States,…

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A federal judge has issued a temporary restraining order against New York’s compulsory COVID-19 vaccination policy for healthcare workers. The ruling is the latest development in a lawsuit filed by 17 Empire State medical personnel. Per Newsweek: In Dr. A, et al. v. Kathy Hochul, health professionals, including doctors and nurses, are suing the state of New York for violating their Title VII and Constitutional rights with the Covid-19 vaccination mandate while disallowing religious exemptions.By order of Judge David Hurd, the state now has until September 22, 2021 to respond.”For months our clients worked as heroes on the front lines of stopping…

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President Joe Biden wasted little time launching a new charm offensive to win over centrist senators Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Krysten Sinema (D-Ariz.). Both have repeatedly balked at the price tag for the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion economic package. If Biden can’t win over either senator, the massive budget reconciliation bill has little chance of passing Congress. (New York Post) The meetings come at a pivotal point for an agenda that Democrats hope will offer a lifeline to households and stymie Republican efforts to win control of Congress next year. Party leaders gave congressional committees a Wednesday deadline to write their…

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While rejecting most of California Rep. Devin Nunes’ libel suit against former Esquire magazine reporter Ryan Lizza, a federal appeals court did revive one of Nunes’ defamation claims.ย  The judges ruled that Lizza retweeting the story, despite obviously knowing about the suit against him, was “suggestive enough to render it plausible that [he], at that point, engaged in ‘the purposeful avoidance of the truth.'” POLITICO’s Josh Gerstein explains: The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday that a lower court judge correctly sided with reporter Ryan Lizza over the 2018 Esquire article, “Milking the System,” about how members of Nunes’ family…

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Facebook’s conservative skeptics are calling out the social media behemoth for its perceived liberal bias yet again. In this instance, Facebook blocked Five For Fighting’s John Ondrasik from purchasing an ad to promote his new song decrying the Biden administration’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. Ondrasik, known for his soft rock ballads, calls out Biden, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, and Defense Department officials in the lyrics. According to Facebook, his song “Blood On My Hands,” violates “their policy on either politics or social issues.” (The Washington Free Beacon) Facebook’s advertising policies state that “Ads must not contain content that exploits crises or…

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Longtime Republican strategist and self-described “dirty trickster” Roger Stone has a warning for Trump supporters planning to rally in support of arrested rioters who stormed the United States Capitol on January 6. Stone called the upcoming rally “agitprop” and “a setup” for MAGA fans without providing evidence. Per Mediaite: “Here’s my suggestion,” he continued. “The people who will be there will all be working for the government,” he continued, without providing proof. “Nice try.”Stone said he won’t be in attendance….Stone also baselessly remarked that “if there’s a single arme[d] protester there, they’ll be working for the federal government. This is…

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No one can dispute that The View’s takes on Donald Trump are generally uncharitable. Co-host Sunny Hostin, in particular, has an intense, some would say visceral, dislike for the former president. That makes her take on the bombshell allegation against Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley all the more interesting. Mediaite reports: “I think that you break command in that way, you are committing treason,” Hostin said. “You’re going outside of the chain of command. I worked for the government for many years [as a federal prosecutor], and it is sacrosanct to go within the chain of command. And I know…

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Officials at the Department of Defense strongly refute Bob Woodward and Robert Costa’s claim that Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley made unprecedented phone calls to his Chinese counterpart days before President Trump left office. (RELATED: Republicans Divided Over Allegation Leading General Obstructed Trump) Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the high-ranking officers say that Milley’s calls to Chinese Gen. Li Zuocheng were not about reassuring Beijing that Trump wouldn’t launch a preemptive strike against China. Another source described the conversation as not out of the ordinary. POLITICO’s Lara Seligman and Daniel Lippmanย further report: The people also said that Milley…

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