Author: Antoinette Aho

Antoinette Aho writes for American Liberty News primarily on pro-life news. Previously, she was the Politics Editor at Fact Based America and an intern for Campus Reform at the Leadership Institute. Antoinette is a young Catholic living in Sacramento, California.

“There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty, that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism.” โ€• Alexander Hamilton THE DAY AT A GLANCE In the early hours of the morning, Russia invaded Ukraine, from the countries borders to its capital city, Kyiv. Russian tanks are present in Ukraine and explosions have been reported in major cities. The invasion come after Russia launched cyberattacks on Ukraineโ€™s bank and government websites yesterday. For weeks, the international community attempted to stall an invasion through diplomatic negotiations. However, Vladimir Putin continued advancing troops closer to Ukraine and finally made…

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โ€œAmerica will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.โ€ โ€• Abraham Lincoln THE DAY AT A GLANCE: Religious freedom and gay rights will face the Supreme Court this fall. At the center of the case is a female web designer who asserts that creating wedding websites for homosexual couples goes against her religious beliefs. The case mirrors Jack Phillipsโ€™ 2018 Supreme Court win, wherein he argued he reserved the right to refuse to bake wedding cakes for same-sex couples. In a court filing, the designer, Lorie Smithโ€™s…

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โ€œHuman happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.โ€ – George Washington THE DAY AT A GLANCE: President Biden is on the hunt for his Supreme Court nominee. Presidential insiders have reported that the president is currently interviewing his top picks. After Justice Stephen Breyer announced his retirement, Biden pledged to nominate the first black woman to the court. Earlier this month, he released his top four candidates, including Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, a judge on the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit; Leondra Kruger, a Justice on the California Supreme Court; and Judge Julianna Michele Childs, a…

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A pro-life investigative journalist is at the center of an ongoing case with abortion-provider Planned Parenthood. Beginning in 2013, David Daleiden set out to expose Planned Parenthoodโ€™s sale of aborted fetal body parts. He posed as a potential buyer and secretly recorded the organizationโ€™s employees admitting to this illicit market. In a new court filing, Daleidenโ€™s legal team argues that the state is suppressing exculpatory evidence from former Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas. The DA’s declaration confirmed that Daleidenโ€™s investigation unearthed crimes including infanticide, partial-birth abortion, battery, and the sale of fetal body parts. Buying or selling human…

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As chemical abortions gain popularity with mail-order pills, the dangerous procedure is traveling to college campuses. Institutions across the country already cover abortion within student health plans, however, they are now providing the procedure on campus. The University of Massachusetts Amherst announced plans to distribute abortion pills to any student mother wishing to abort her child in her dormitory restroom. To elicit a chemical abortion, a pregnant woman takes pills containing RU-486. As ALN previously reported, โ€œAfter taking the drugs, the pregnant woman experiences severe cramping, contractions and bleeding to expel her dead child, which she disposes of by flushing…

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โ€œThe upward course of a nation’s history is due in the long run to the soundness of heart of its average men and women.โ€ – Queen Elizabeth II THE WEEKEND AT A GLANCE: Here is the most important news you missed this weekend. Foremost, the Sackler family made litigation advancements this weekend with a proposed increase to their settlement. Find the details of the settlement here. After two decades and half a million deaths, the Sackler family and its international company Purdue Pharma are under intense scrutiny. The pharmaceutical company produces OxyContin and is being investigated for its intense marketing…

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On Sunday morning, Buckingham Palace announced Queen Elizabeth II tested positive for COVID-19. She will remain at Windsor Castle, as she is currently experiencing โ€œmild-like symptoms.โ€ According to the palaceโ€™s statement, “She will continue to receive medical attention and will follow all the appropriate guidelines.” Charles, Prince of Wales, also tested positive for Covid-19 earlier this month after meeting with his mother. Earlier this month Queen Elizabeth II celebrated 70 years of service to Great Britain, where she has become a cultural icon for millions. National Public Radio reported on her health, saying, Elizabeth has been in robust health for…

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The Sackler family, owners of Purdue Pharma, the company that produces OxyContin, increased their settlement proposal from $4.3 to $6 billion. After 20 years and over 500,000 deaths lost to the opioid crisis, the Sackler family is being held accountable for their destructive role. However, under the new settlement proposal, additional money was not allotted to the families and victims of the crisis. Advocate and author Ryan Hampton said, The government’s pot will continue to get larger as additional settlement negotiations may continue, yet there’s no increase for direct payments to families and survivors. It’s dead wrong and unjust. Purdue…

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Jean-Luc Brunel, a prominent modeling agent, and associate of child-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in a French jail cell Saturday morning. He was under investigation for a range of charges similar to Epstein, including rape and trafficking of minors. As a frequent flyer on Epsteinโ€™s plane logs, he was a central figure in the international exploitation.ย  At the time of his death, video cameras in Brunel’s cell were not operating. This has raised suspicion regarding the circumstances of his death. Former Dutch model, Thysia Huisman, was a victim of Brunel. She told the Associated Press, It makes me angry,…

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Cheers to the weekend, and welcome to American Liberty News’ Liberty Rising Brief with Antoinette. โ€œAssociate with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for it is better to be alone than in bad company.โ€ – George Washington THE DAY AT A GLANCE: Gun Rights Under Fire A concerning gun rights case is raising questions about no-knock warrants. See what we know so far here. The death of a Minneapolis man is raising questions regarding the legality of no-knock search warrants when no life is in immediate danger. Gun Owners of America (GOA) is calling for a…

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