Author: Donny Ferguson

Donny Ferguson is a professional fundraiser and organizational manager. Born and raised in Texas, he has lived in Washington, D.C. for 16 years. Ferguson also served as Senior Communications and Policy Adviser in the United States House of Representatives, operating one of Capitol Hill's most effective media operations.

Nearly every Republican in the United States Senate is sounding the alarm on a Biden administration proposal to reinstate so-called โ€œnet neutralityโ€ rules, a group of heavy-handed Obama-era regulations on the internet. Under the Biden plan, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) would reclassify the internet as a โ€œpublic utility.โ€ That would allow the FCC to essentially fully regulate the internet, giving the federal government control over who can see what information. In addition to the frightening prospect of federal regulators controlling information, senators note plans for a federally-run internet would lead to slower service and higher prices. โ€œRe-imposing heavy-handed, public-utility…

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A lawsuit filed by a nonprofit watchdog reveals six women died after taking Mifeprex, the at-home abortion drug also known as Mifepristone or RU-486. The drug is at the center of several federal lawsuits challenging its 2000 approval by the Food and Drug Administration, with the Biden administration vigorously challenging to keep the abortion chemical legal. Judicial Watch, working with the Lozier Institute and Susan B. Anthony ProLife, โ€œreceived 588 pages of records from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, revealing that during the two-year period 2000 to 2002 at least six womenโ€™s deaths were possibly linked to…

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In what could be an explosive national security scandal, U.S. House investigators reveal that several top foreign policy officials in the Biden White House have secret and compromising relationships with the Islamic Republic of Iran โ€“ a state sponsor of terrorism. The announcement comes weeks after the Biden administrationโ€™s baffling decision to release $6 billion in funds to a regime known to fund international terrorism. It also comes days after a deadly terrorist assault on Israel suspected to have been supported by Iran, carried out by Hamas. A top Biden envoy to Iran, who has since been suspended from his…

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Moments after a fractious U.S. House Republican caucus nominated him for Speaker of the House, Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) revealed an aggressive conservative agenda for the Congress. โ€œSpeaker-designate Scalise highlighted that, as Speaker, he would hold the Biden Administration accountable for its refusal to secure America’s southern border, which allowed for an unchecked flow of fentanyl and suspected terrorists to cross into the United States,โ€ a statement from Scaliseโ€™s office read.โ€œSpeaker-designate Scalise also highlighted his support for Israel and highlighted landmark legislation passed through the House to help families struggling under inflation, and called out Senate Democrats for failing…

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Calling it a threat to the planet, the Biden administration is restricting use of a popular and critical hospital disinfect, which is prompting warnings of vast deadly consequences.Ethylene oxide, or EtO, is widely used by hospitals to disinfect tools and instruments that would be damaged by heat sterilization. The Food and Drug Administration reports that approximately 20 billion medical devices, or half of all those used, and 95 percent of surgical kits are sterilized each year using EtO. For most of these devices, EtO is the only validated and viable sterilization method, the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee…

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With Joe Bidenโ€™s impeachment inquiry heating up, top congressional investigators are now looking into how Biden used taxpayer funds and Air Force Two to fly his son Hunter Biden around the world as part of an influence-peddling scheme. House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) and Representative Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) are asking the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to turn over documents, communications, and manifests related to then-Vice President Bidenโ€™s misuse of Air Force Two and Marine Two. โ€œThen-Vice President Joe Biden abused Air Force Two by allowing his son to jet set around the world…

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A company based in Communist China has been caught running an illegal virus lab in Fresno County, California, where nearly 1,000 mice had been genetically modified to carry the COVID-19 virus. Now Congress is looking into the incident to determine whether the incident was a Communist Chinese attack on American national security. U.S. House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) is investigating whether the unlicensed lab owned by Prestige Biotech, a company based in China were all companies are run as appendages of the government, โ€œposed a threat to public health for allegedly conducting dangerous research…

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A lawyer for the corporate abortion industry may have lied to Congress about comments captured by undercover investigators, and now lawmakers are warning her to amend her testimony or face possible charges. In testimony before Congress, National Abortion Federation chief legal strategist Talcott Camp denied knowing whether she commented on the threat posed when an unborn childโ€™s skull is shattered during an abortion, despite knowing the comment had been captured by undercover investigators and confirming to a court they were accurate. U.S. Representatives Chip Roy (TX-21) and Chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil…

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As evidence continues to pour in of what appears to be a worldwide Biden family influence-peddling scheme, investigators in the impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden have now subpoenaed the personal bank accounts of Bidenโ€™s brother and son. U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-KY) issued three subpoenas for personal and business bank records of Joe Bidenโ€™s son Hunter Biden and younger brother James.Both Hunter and James Biden have received lavish payments and executive positions from global corporations and foreign governments, despite having no experience in the fields in which they were employed.It is alleged that…

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President Joe Bidenโ€™s decision to use a โ€œnational monumentโ€ designation to ban uranium mining in Arizona has sparked national outrage, and questions from Congress about a scheme that leaves Americaโ€™s military and nuclear energy sector more dependent on hostile enemy Russia. During a recent tour of the American Southwest Biden revealed proposals to designate a new 1.1 million acre โ€œBaaj Nwaavjo Iโ€™tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monumentโ€ in Arizona, on land that is rich in uranium. The โ€œnational monumentโ€ designation outlaws mining, as well as most human access. โ€œThe withdrawal area, located far outside the Grand Canyon, concerns the largest…

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