Author: Donny Ferguson

Donny Ferguson is a professional fundraiser and organizational manager. Born and raised in Texas, he has lived in Washington, D.C. for 16 years. Ferguson also served as Senior Communications and Policy Adviser in the United States House of Representatives, operating one of Capitol Hill's most effective media operations.

A senior congressional Democrat with a history of bizarre statements and conspiracy theories is claiming numerous classified documents found to illegally be in President Joe Biden’s personal office and home were planted by Republicans in a conspiracy involving former President Donald Trump, even though Biden himself says his staff placed the documents there. “Alleged classified documents showing up allegedly in the possession of Joseph Biden … I’m suspicious of the timing of it,” Georgia Democrat Congressman Hank Johnson tells Fox News. That appears to be a reference to former President Donald Trump, who is under criminal investigation for taking classified…

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With President Joe Biden using the Federal Reserve’s vast control over American companies to push a radical leftist agenda, outgoing U.S. Senate Banking Committee Ranking Member Pat Toomey, R-Pa., introduced the Federal Reserve Accountability Act to increase accountability, address left-leaning political activism and ensure greater geographic and professional diversity within the Federal Reserve System. Toomey sponsored the bill in response to Federal Reserve banks openly lobbying for political legislation and using their powers to push “social justice” initiatives and “Environmental, Social and Governance” rules on investments, which require companies to move investor’s money into leftist political causes instead of companies…

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A top congressional Republican is demanding the Biden administration turn over documents and communications concerning a coordinated scheme between hospitals and government officials to push young children to sex change operations and threatening parents who object. Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., sent letters to Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Xavier Becerra and multiple hospitals offering gender-transition interventions to children about policies that deny parents the opportunity to be involved in life-altering medical decisions impacting their children. In the letter to Becerra, Foxx writes: “[T]he current administration has pushed to make it…

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A measure slipped into the Democrats’ $1.7 trillion omnibus spending spree ends a program to provide Americans with taxpayer-funded crack pipes. “Tucked on page 3,128 of the nearly 4,700-page bill is a provision that says federal dollars cannot be used to ‘purchase, procure, or distribute pipes or cylindrical objects intended to be used to smoke or inhale illegal scheduled substances,’’” The Washington Free Beacon reports. The language mirrors a proposal by U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, called the “CRACK Act,” which would have a proposed $30 million Biden administration plan to use taxpayer funds to buy so-called “safe smoking kits” for…

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A group of Republican senators is looking to head off a new Biden administration rule that would force companies managing Americans’ retirement funds to direct investments into left-wing political activism. “In November, the Biden administration’s Department of Labor finalized the Prudence and Loyalty in Selecting Plan Investments and Exercising Shareholder Rights rule, which allows fiduciaries to consider “climate change and other environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors” when they make investments or proxy vote for shareholders,” U.S. Senator John Kennedy reports. Under “ESG” requirements, companies are banned from investing in companies involved in oil, coal, natural gas, firearms or any…

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Ahead of Republicans taking control of the U.S. House of Representatives, two top-ranking members of the House Judiciary Committee are notifying the FBI director to preserve and turn over documents detailing the Bureau’s efforts to suppress the spread of news stories damaging to President Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign. Reps. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Mike Johnson, R-La., the presumptive next House Judiciary Committee chair and chair of its Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray “demanding all documents and communication between FBI employees and representatives of Twitter from January 1, 2020 to present,”…

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President Joe Biden has inked a deal to get minerals for so-called “green energy” programs from mines in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Zambia, even though those nations use child slave labor in the mines and while banning such mining in the United States. “Secretary of State Antony Blinken entered into the agreement [Dec. 13,] signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the two nations and lauding their work improving the electric vehicle battery supply chain,” Fox News reports. “Green energy technologies like electric vehicle batteries, solar panels and wind turbines require a massive expansion of cobalt,…

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Drawing a line in the sand, one fiscally conservative House Republican plans to make GOP senators pay for approving a $1.7 trillion left-wing spending package of waste and abuse by blocking anything and everything they propose. The massive spending bill, packed with left-wing policy goals, passed with the support of 18 Senate Republicans. Texas Congressman Chip Roy and 30 House Republicans announced they “would do everything in their power to ‘thwart even the smallest legislative and policy efforts’ of senators who vote for this week’s $1.7 trillion omnibus bill.” “(B)ecause almost every Senate Republican has bloviated about inflation and the…

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Pro-life Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., has introduced a bill to stop a Biden administration scheme to have federal agents traffick illegal alien children across state lines for taxpayer-subsidized abortions. “The Biden administration is unlawfully using taxpayer money to transport pregnant, illegal alien children across state lines for late-term abortions,” said Boebert. The Biden administration released new guidance in November mandating that HHS “make all reasonable efforts” to promote taxpayer-subsidized abortions for illegal alien children. Those measures include trafficking children across state lines to evade state laws regulating abortion and promoting late-term abortion by ignoring guidelines limiting air travel by late-in-pregnancy…

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The Republican congressman who will be in charge of investigating government corruption is calling for the FBI “to be dismantled” over revelations the agency tried to stop Americans from sharing information that could have harmed Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign. “Representative James Comer (R., Ky.), the incoming chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said…the FBI ‘needs to be dismantled’ after the latest installment of the ‘Twitter files’ revealed the bureau was in constant contact with Twitter before Elon Musk took over,” National Review reports. “This is serious. What else are in they involved in at the FBI? The entire FBI…

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