Author: Donny Ferguson

Donny Ferguson is a professional fundraiser and organizational manager. Born and raised in Texas, he has lived in Washington, D.C. for 16 years. Ferguson also served as Senior Communications and Policy Adviser in the United States House of Representatives, operating one of Capitol Hill's most effective media operations.

A public interest law firm with a record of winning cases is now suing the Biden administration to force the release of internal communications planning an armed federal raid on the home of former President Donald Trump. Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security “for all communications between the Secret Service and Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding the search warrant which precipitated the raid on former President Donald Trump’s Florida residence at Mar-a-Lago on August 8, 2022.” The Secret Service cooperated with FBI agents and gave them full access to all portions…

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A non-stop assault of propaganda from government institutions, schools and media outlets has left an entire generation of children riddled with “eco-anxiety,” as a new survey reveals 70 percent of young children are worried about “plastic pollution” and “man-made climate change.” “The survey by eco-grocery start up Modern Milkman found that 71 per cent of children born between 2010 and 2015 are increasingly concerned about changes in the environment,” EuroNews reports. “More than a quarter (27 per cent) of the 1000 respondents cited the impact on animals as their most pressing concern, while one in five (19 per cent) fear…

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President Joe Biden is stripping legally-owned guns from Americans with legally-recognized medical marijuana prescriptions, even as he moves to free prisoners jailed for marijuana possession. U.S. District Judge Allen Winsor granted the Biden administration’s request to dismiss a lawsuit brought by Florida’s agriculture commissioner and other Floridians challenging the federal ban on gun purchases or possession by Americans with a legally-issued medical marijuana prescription. (RELATED: Florida Democrat Challenges the Gun Ban for Marijuana Users) “Federal laws also bar certain people from buying and possessing guns, including people who use drugs illegally. The lawsuit, filed in April, alleged the federal prohibitions…

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A Canadian government investigation into Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s iron-fisted suppression of COVID lockdown protesters reveals U.S. President Joe Biden applauded the draconian measures and expressed concerns that protests would spread to the U.S. “The revelations were revealed in testimony and documents tabled Thursday at a public inquiry into the federal government’s decision to use emergency powers to end the ‘Freedom Convoy’ blockades and clear a weeks-long occupation of downtown Ottawa that started in January 2022,” POLITICO reports. As the “Freedom Convoy” obstructed roads and bridges across Canada to protest brutal Canadian measures to shut down transportation and lock citizens…

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The number of Americans who carried a loaded handgun each day doubled between 2015 and 2019, coinciding with the rise of rioting and domestic terrorism as a liberal political tactic. Personal safety was cited as the top reason for carrying a handgun. “An estimated 6 million American adults carried a loaded handgun with them daily in 2019, double the number who said they carried a gun every day in 2015, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Public Health,” the liberal Guardian newspaper reports. “A 2015 study by the same researchers, using the same methodology, had…

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Following a congressional request and demands from users, new Twitter CEO Elon Musk hinted he will release internal documents on how the platform suppressed news stories on Hunter Biden’s laptop in an apparent bid to assist Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. Responding to a tweet asking if Musk should release all of Twitter’s internal discussions on suppressing posts discussing the story, Musk replied “This is necessary to restore public trust.” Twitter was widely criticized for censoring posts and even suspending users who discussed public news reports that Joe Biden’s adult son Hunter Biden was engaged in unethical and possibly illegal…

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A national group of black farmers is calling out President Joe Biden for allowing entities controlled by the communist Chinese government to buy U.S. farmland as American farmers struggle. John Boyd, Jr., President of the National Black Farmers Association, appeared on “Fox & Friends First” to discuss how Biden’s policies are driving up inflation and causing suffering for not just black farmers but all Americans. Watch the latest video at “Inflation is on the rise with no end in sight right now. And the president, the agriculture secretary, isn’t doing enough to assist America’s farmers right now,” said Boyd.…

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Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, once the darling of online liberals and late-night talk show hosts, will soon have to address a different audience. A federal court. Psaki tried to quash a subpoena to testify in a lawsuit brought by the states of Missouri and Louisiana, who argue their citizens’ rights were violated when the Biden administration allegedly supplied social media companies with lists of accounts and posts to censor or suppress for differing with White House policy. The Biden Justice Department backed Psaki’s effort to avoid testifying, with Psaki claiming it would be an “undue burden” to…

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One of the most powerful Democrats in Congress violated federal law and House rules by demanding free gifts, the Office of Congress ruled, but no action will likely be taken to punish her. New York Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, a 15-term incumbent, illicitly demanded free tickets to New York’s Met Gala, a lavish nationally-televised celebrity fundraiser featuring top Hollywood figures, the report found. The report was finalized in June but only recently made public. Roll Call reports: In the report, the OCE excerpts an email that describes how Maloney complained to Metropolitan Museum of Art officials when she wasn’t invited to…

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