Author: Donny Ferguson

Donny Ferguson is a professional fundraiser and organizational manager. Born and raised in Texas, he has lived in Washington, D.C. for 16 years. Ferguson also served as Senior Communications and Policy Adviser in the United States House of Representatives, operating one of Capitol Hill's most effective media operations.

The United States Senate has passed a motion urging lawmakers in the House of Representatives considering H.R. 4521 to retain language introduced by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) prohibiting funding for federal agencies from going to gain-of-function research in China. The language is part of Paul’s amendment to S.1260, the Senate’s companion bill to H.R. 4521. Sen. Paul’s office released a triumphant statement on Wednesday: โ€œEven as Dr. Fauci denies it, there is strong evidence COVID-19 started in a lab in Wuhan,โ€ said Dr. Paul. โ€œBut, if we have learned anything from this pandemic, itโ€™s that risky virus-enhancing research โ€“ like the…

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Representing an agricultural state, U.S. Sen. Johnย Thuneย (R-S.D.) knows better than most how the Biden administration’s failures have hit farmers particularly hard. Thanks to inflation hitting production costs and the administration’s burdensome, anti-energy agenda, producers in America’s breadbasket pay sky-high prices. America’s farmers struggle mightly between the assault on domestic energy production and record-high energy prices. And Thune warned in an impassioned speech that if the White House gets its way, life could worsen dramatically. Thune’s Remarks Below โ€œMr. President, from the beginning the Biden administration has displayed a hostility to fossil fuels.โ€œPresident Biden set the tone on day one of…

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Once again, the Biden administration has its priorities all mixed up. Fortunately, a group of influential Republican senators is determined to learn why the Justice Department punished three deputy U.S. marshalls for doing their jobs. The Justice Department placed the deputies on limited duty after opening an investigation into their actions to defend a federal courthouse from Antifa rioters eager to burn it down. The decision came despite the commendations and excellent evaluations the three marshalls had received from their superiors. In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, the senators declared, “the timing of this decision is inherently suspect,…

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Democrats have plenty to worry about these days. One of the more ominous signs facing the beleaguered party ahead of the midterms came in a recent Fox News poll. The survey and follow-up interviews show why Hispanics have become the new swing voters and how Democrats pushed them away. Per the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC): Joe Biden and the Democrats have lost Hispanic voters. It could not be clearer why Hispanic voters are moving away from Democrats in droves. They support the Republican agenda of smaller government, capitalism, and secure borders. And they reject the Democratsโ€™ agenda of big…

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Pennsylvania’s Lt. Governor John Fetterman wants you to know he’s not your typical politician. Now he’s hoping his unorthodox campaign will help Democrats win the Keystone State’s all-important U.S. Senate race. However, a 2013 incident involving a shotgun and a black man has haunted his campaign. The controversy is unlikely to go away anytime soon, especially given his changing story and unwillingness to apologize. Instead, the physically imposing Democrat is fighting back with a new talking point, arguing he made a “split-second decision” as “Braddockโ€™s chief law enforcement officer and as the mayor.” NBC News reports: John Fettermanย said he heard…

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One of the latest ominous signs for Democrats leading up to the midterms came from a CBS/YouGov poll showing President Biden’s approval rating at an all-time low. Even worse than his 42% approval rating is how voters rate the president’s handling of crucial kitchen table issues. As the NRSC opines: Americans donโ€™t trust Joe Biden and Senate Democrats to handle important issues like crime and inflation. Why should they? Senate Democrats and hopefuls donโ€™t even know how muchย a gallon of gas costsย in their states.Senate Democrats spew empty rhetoric about working to lower prices. But at the end of the day,…

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A Los Angeles court has restored a hint of sanity to California. On Friday, Judge Terry Green ruled a controversial state law unconstitutional. Assembly Bill 979 required publicly traded companies in California to add individuals from “underrepresented communities” to their corporate boards. The conservative legal group Judicial Watch successfully argued the law violated the equal protection clause in the Constitution of California. As representatives for Judicial Watch explained in a press release: Judicial Watch announced Friday that a California courtย ruledย unconstitutional the stateโ€™s racial, ethnic, and LGBT quota for corporate boards of directors (Robin Crest, et al. v. Alex Padilla, in…

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A new poll from NBC News shows how much of a drag Joe Biden’s floundering presidency is on vulnerable Democrats. Fewer than three in 10 Americans have confidence in Biden’s ability to resolve the crisis between Russia and Ukraine. The Russian invasion and economic malaise have sunk Biden’s approval to the lowest level of his presidency thus far. WATCH: And for the first time in NBC polling since 2014, Republicans have an edge in which party voters prefer to control Congress. The NRSC adds: Joe Biden and Democrats are underwater on nearly every issue. Voters do not trust them…

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During her time in private practice, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson advocated against reportedly peaceful pro-life protesters’ First Amendment rights. In this case, their right to share their belief in the sanctity of human life. A press release from Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans explains: In private practice, Judge Jackson advocated against pro-life advocatesโ€™ First Amendment right to express respect for the sanctity of life. Three pro-life women challenged a Massachusetts law that banned them from offering counseling and distributing leaflets outside of abortion clinics.A federal district court sided with them, stating that First Amendment rights ensure โ€œ[p]ro-life advocates who firmly believe that abortion remains a…

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Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) is leading an effort by 25 U.S. senators demanding the ATF explain its recent ruling on gun silencers and if they’re banning homemade suppressors. Daines argues the Bureau’s recent actions infringe on the Second Amendment rights of American citizens. In a letter to the ATF, the senators wrote, โ€œThese continued assaults of the Second Amendment threaten law-abiding Americansโ€™ rights as they try to follow ATF guidance on making these parts. We request that the ATF provide us answers on why they are rejecting legal applications and denying law abiding citizens access to their Second Amendment right.…

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