Author: David Reeder

Do you desire a shot? Find out if you live long enough to require a Depends adult diaper by playing a practical joke on a gun owner by pouring gas on his pickup. This is precisely what occurred to a gun-toting grandfather who was getting into his truck to leave a store when a rambunctious young man splashed what appeared to be gasoline across the front of the vehicle. The young man changed his tune rather quickly when he saw the older man come out with a gun. The youth went from cocky to pleading โ€œItโ€™s just water.ย Smell it,โ€ in…

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From the NRA-ILA . . . Proponents of so-called โ€œred flagโ€ laws like to claim they are a โ€œpublic safetyโ€ measure. But a union representing state police investigators in New York is sounding the alarm that a mandate handed down by Gov. Katherine Hochul (D) to increase seizures of lawfully-owned guns is interfering with their other crime fighting duties. Details were provided in a recent article at news site โ€œRed flagโ€ laws are a controversial gun control concept that allow certain persons to seek judicial orders for police to seize lawfully-held firearms from supposedly โ€œdangerousโ€ individuals and add such individuals to prohibited…

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When Governor Murphy and the New Jersey Democrats rushed a flurry of gun laws through the legislature last June of 2022, one of the laws rammed through was under the guise of banning guns with no serial numbers. This law banned millions of rifles, shotguns, handguns, hunting guns, target shooting guns, military surplus guns, and virtually ALL muzzleloaders, black powder guns, antique guns, air guns and BB guns. N.J.S. 2C:39-3 N screenshot 5-25-2023 There are NO exceptions and there is NO grandfathering. This was the largest gun ban ever passed in the history of the United States. The law bans…

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A new NPR-PBS NewsHour-Marist poll released Wednesday shows an โ€œalarming disregard by Democrats for the Second Amendment,โ€ the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said. The poll, conducted May 15-18, 2023, revealed that โ€œ88 percent of Democrats think reining in gun violence is more important than protecting gun rightsโ€ฆ โ€ฆwhile 67 percent of Republicans say protecting gun rights is more important,โ€ according to a report in The Hill. โ€œThis is a stunning revelation,โ€ said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. โ€œWhile we have always advocated for safer communities and have supported citizen initiatives aimed at locking up criminals, it is…

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USA โ€“ โ€œFinding โ€˜common groundโ€™ with the thinking of evil men is a foolโ€™s errandโ€ ~ Herschel Smith As we witness our Armed Forces recruitment efforts repeatedly falling drastically short of even minimum maintenance goals, DOD in its infinite wisdom, now cynically manufactures yet another significant reason for young Americans not to enlist! Under the laughable pretext of โ€œlethal-means reduction,โ€ a new DOD report, โ€œPreventing Suicide in the U.S. Military:ย Recommendations from the Suicide Prevention and Response Independent Review Committeeโ€ [embedded below], consists of a demand for active-duty troops to โ€œregisterโ€ all privately-owned guns, even those troopers who are in possession…

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This week, a reporter was caught on camera with a far-left professor holding a machete to his neck and threatening to โ€œchopโ€ him up. The professor recently gained notoriety for insulting pro-life students. Tuesday, a reporter from the New York Post visited the residence of Shellyne Rodriguez, a lecturer at Hunter College, to confront her regarding a profanity-filled rant that had been shared on Twitter by Students for Life of America. โ€œYouโ€™re not educating s***. This is f***ing propaganda,โ€ the art professor yelled at the students. โ€œWhat are you going to do, like, anti-trans next?โ€ After saying that the students…

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Mark Houck, a devout Catholic father of seven, spoke before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday and related a terrifying incident with federal agents and a subsequent legal dispute that endangered his familyโ€™s safety. In the event, five federal officials showed up at Houckโ€™s house around 6:30 in the morning brandishing M-16 weapons at him and his seven children. This happened on September 23. Houck described the circumstances leading up to the confrontation. Houck has been actively involved in pro-life activism in Philadelphia for the past 20 years. He spoke of a cordial encounter that occurred on October 13, 2021,…

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Tennessee โ€“ย On May 16, 2023, WTN 99.7 FMโ€™s Brian Wilson delved into the revelations from a secretly recorded training session held by gun control advocates in preparation for the upcoming special session in Tennessee. This special session, called by Governor Bill Lee, aims to pass more red-flag laws and gun control measures within the state. Wilson reviews snippets from the approximately two-hour training session, which shed light on the tactics and strategies employed by these freedom-hating advocates and their affiliation with Planned Parenthood. During the training, one notable aspect that emerged was the discussion surrounding the presence of armed anti-gun…

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The AR-15 is the most popular firearm in the United States due to its customization possibilities. In most cases, AR-15 uses 5.56x45mm NATO or .223 Remington cartridges. However, when you take a closer look at available ammo for your AR-15 rifle, you can see there are more types available than those two mentioned above. On the other hand, to shoot specific rounds youโ€™ll need barrels made for those rounds with some exceptions where you can use one barrel for multiple calibers. Table of contents: AR-15 Ammo Calibers Bullet Grain in Short Choosing the Right AR-15 Ammo Best AR-15 Ammo Tips…

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