Author: George Allen

George Allen served as Virginia's governor (1994โ€“1998) and U.S. senator (2001โ€“2007). He currently lives in Virginia Beach. Since leaving the U.S. Senate, George has continued to advocate for the issues and ideas that mean the most to him. In 2009, he launched the American Energy Freedom Center to educate and influence the public about energy issues.

Throughout my life I have been guided by four Fโ€™s: family, faith, freedom and football. So, Iโ€™m happy that itโ€™s football season. And Iโ€™m happy to say our family is growing. This past January, our first grandchild was born, and being with him and his mother were reasons I chose to get vaccinated against COVID-19. I did not do it because someone from any government required or mandated that I had to do so. I undertook my own analysis of the facts and considered the fundamental questions I know many are now asking themselves. Is it safe? Is it effective?…

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