Author: Holly Robichaud

Holly Robichaud first introduced herself to hundreds of thousands of readers writing for the Boston Herald in a column called the Lone Republican. She is an award-winning political consultant for races across the country and the campaign management trainer for the National Federation of Republican Women.

Brace for impact! There is a new wave of nutty green initiatives infecting the blue states. Have you heard of โ€œembodied carbons?โ€ No, it is not the carbon in your body or what you breathe out. Embodied carbons are the greenhouse emissions associated with manufacturing, transporting, installing, maintaining and disposing of building materials.ย In other words, cement is now an enemy of the state.ย Thatโ€™s right; the greenies have declared war on concrete.ย  The state of New York recently issued requirements for the use of โ€œlow-carbon concreteโ€ for construction.ย What is โ€œlow-carbon concrete?โ€ย Is it concrete delivered by a Telsa?ย Maybe! (RELATED: Report: Automakers Will…

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Do you know the true cause of the division within Republicans in Congress that caused the ousting of Kevin McCarthy as speaker? Answer: Fear of the media. Earlier this year, the media hyped having to raise the debt ceiling as an end of the world crisis. So, having no backbone, Kevin McCarthy folded like a cheap suit and agreed to raise the debt ceiling $4 trillion with only a minor concession of postponing the IRS hiring 87,000 new agents. He forced his membership to support this bad deal, because he could not message against the mediaโ€™s narrative. Instead of leading…

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Living in Massachusetts is not for the faint of heart. There is a good reason it is nicknamed Taxachusetts. Then there is the traffic, liberal legislature, and Liz Warren. It all makes Massachusetts scarier than all the Halloween movies combined. The only more frightening thing in this world is a second Biden term. We have a new Massachusetts disaster brewing. Like New York, illegal immigrants are invading our state in record numbers. Last January when Republican Governor Charlie Baker left office, our state had a total of 14 families living in hotels paid for by the state. Now with Democrats…

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See ya, Mitt. This is a blessing for the GOP. Hopefully, his retirement will result in a real conservative Republican being elected from Utah to the United States Senate! It is time to end the stranglehold Mitch McConnell has over the Republican caucus. I have never been a fan of Mitt Romney.ย From the time he arrived on the Massachusetts political scene, it was clear that everything he does is calculated. He has no core values.ย  Just look at his passage of Romneycare.ย No true Republican would have pushed such legislation which ended up serving as the model for Obamacare. Romney pursued…

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To debate or not to debate? Thatโ€™s the question facing our former President Donald Trump. It is easy to understand why he wants to skip next weekโ€™s Fox News Republican presidential primary debate.ย He has a commanding lead in the polls.ย He doesnโ€™t need to be on stage where multiple candidates will attack him. (RELATED: DeSantis Allies Reveal Entire Debate Strategy Online) But there is far more at stake! Trump may be the Republican nominee.ย He might not have to debate at all in the primary with all these other candidates splitting the anti-Trump vote. But, if he doesnโ€™t he is killing his…

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There is no emergency! As you may have heard, our Governor Maura Healey, has declared a state of emergency in Massachusetts. I can tell you it doesn’t exist.ย What we have in the Commonwealth is self-inflicted wounds, or should I say Democrat-inflicted wounds. Healey made the declaration on Tuesday due to all the illegal immigrants flooding into the state.ย Instead of repealing the Right to Settle law so we have to stop housing these people who broke our laws to be here, she is asking the federal government to pay for the housing and more.ย In other words, she wants you to pay…

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As conservatives, we need to have one focus for 2024. Thatโ€™s winning every elected office we can, whether it is school committee or the White House. While this may seem very obvious, there are many conservatives standing on principle that jeopardize our possible electoral success.ย These conservatives believe that you only vote on Election Day and to suggest otherwise makes you a RINO (Republican In Name Only). The other day while identifying votes for a candidate we received a tremendous amount of pushback on asking whether or not people were going to vote in person or by mail.ย Many suggested that our…

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Does money matter in campaigns? We all know the story that Hillary Clinton significantly outraised candidate Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential campaign, but the Donald pulled off the victory despite the financial disadvantage. However, nine times out of 10, the candidate who raises the most money wins. Money allows a campaign to buy media, mail, phone calls, signs and bumper stickers and keep a grassroots team supplied. (RELATED: Trump Compliments Other GOP Candidates, Praising One In Particular) Thatโ€™s why the Federal Election Commission reports are so important in gauging how a candidate is doing. If there is no money,…

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For those that have student loan debt, President Bidenโ€™s plan to forgive up to 20% percent of it sounded mighty appealing. As I think about it, maybe President Biden should issue an executive order eliminating 20% of all SBA loans, disaster loans or even federal income tax debt? Why not? The federal government doesnโ€™t need the money. It can simply print more to keep us afloat. I obviously say this with JUST a hint of sarcasm. With a federal deficit of $2.8 trillion in 2021, the presidentโ€™s estimated student loan forgiveness program of $400 billion, struck down hours ago by…

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In order for McCarthy to get the final votes to become Speaker, he had to make concessions. One of his agreements to get enough votes to win his throne was to allow a vote on term limits despite his opposition to the issue. It has been 28 years since a congressional vote was allowed on this issue which more than 80 percent of Americans support. However, it appears McCarthy is not going to keep the integrity of his promise. More than 100 members of Congress have signed the U.S. Term Limits pledge supporting limiting representatives to three terms in the…

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