Author: Holly Robichaud

Holly Robichaud first introduced herself to hundreds of thousands of readers writing for the Boston Herald in a column called the Lone Republican. She is an award-winning political consultant for races across the country and the campaign management trainer for the National Federation of Republican Women.

So much of our nationโ€™s problems can be attributed to this ugly human being.ย  How many people have become victims of crime because he has been funneling millions of dollars into campaigns to destroy law-and-order candidates which has resulted in electing extreme liberals who refuse to prosecute criminals? How many??? Elon Musk said that Soros โ€œhates humanity.โ€ย  With the actions he has taken and the socialist agenda he pushes, Musk is right. But, according to the liberal media such as the Boston Globe, George Soros is a Jewish philanthropist.ย  Talk about being in bed with progressive Democrats!ย At age 92, many…

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Stay away from Taxachusetts. I love my home state of Massachusetts from its beautiful seacoast to the mountains to its rich history. Unfortunately, our policies are not friendly to taxpayers.ย Thatโ€™s why 1,100 people are leaving the state each week.ย Here are the top reasons to avoid moving to Taxachusetts. The Commonwealth is the only right to settle state. This law was passed in 1983 by former Governor Mike Dukakis. It forces our state to pay to house illegal immigrants.ย Since January, our state has gone from 15 families in hotels to 467!ย It is costing taxpayers $1 million per week to house them!…

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How nutty is “The Peopleโ€™s Republic of Massachusetts”? Over two weeks ago the completely incompetent Biden administration officially ended the COVID pandemic. But thatโ€™s not stopping crazy commonwealth officials from keeping bad COVID policies. This week our state senate passed a budget amendment to continue the COVID eviction moratorium.ย Thatโ€™s right; renters can still get out of paying their rent even though the pandemic shutdowns are long gone! The program requires eviction cases based on nonpayment of rent to be stopped if a tenant has applied for rental assistance from the state. Thatโ€™s quite the loophole for the tenant and a…

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Despite all the negative ads by the Trump Super PAC, MAGA Inc., Florida Governor Ron DeSantis officially jumped into the presidential race yesterday. So will the Trump PAC change their unsuccessful tactics or will they keep attacking a fellow Republican? Right now, the PAC is running a negative television ad claiming that DeSantis wanted to raise taxes because he supported a national sales tax. It is completely dishonest. Yes, during DeSantisโ€™ tenure in Congress he supported a national sales tax, but the bill would have eliminated the income, estate, payroll and gift taxes.ย Seems like a good trade.ย  While I fully…

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It is not a border crisis. It is a national crisis! Every state is being inundated with illegal immigrants, and it is going to bankrupt our country, which is already $31 trillion in debt. Over the past week, Massachusetts has been the recipient of 4,338 new families. We are being told that they are โ€œHaitian familiesโ€ because they can seek asylum, and they donโ€™t have to go back if we elect a Republican president.ย However, it doesnโ€™t take a rocket scientist to figure out where they came from.ย  3,471 of the new families have been settled into shelters while 867 are…

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Did you see the recent ABC polling numbers? Both President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are defeating the blundering idiot of a president, Joe Biden by 7 points! Unfortunately, this poll is no reason to celebrate about our 2024 prospects of winning back the White House and control of the United States Senate.ย While these numbers look good, we have been lulled into thinking victory was on the horizon in the past.ย Last year the big red wave turned out to be just a ripple.ย We barely took back the House.ย  As Republicans, we are still facing a huge uphill battle…

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We have to stop the spending! This week President Joe Biden is getting together with congressional leaders about negotiating on raising the debt ceiling. Already, Biden has said he is not going to compromise.ย He just wants the ceiling raised so he can continue to spend, spend, spend. While our nation cannot go cold turkey on failing to raise the debt ceiling, we do need to significantly curb government spending. Our nation is $31 trillion in debt.ย To pay it off, each taxpayer would have to send in $247,000 to the federal government. Thatโ€™s right; we each owe almost a quarter of…

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Every day there is a new outrage or attack on our freedoms, and it is hard to know where to start. At the federal level this week, there is a push to get rid of lawnmowers and leaf blowers. These items were invented to make our lives better, but the greenies donโ€™t like them. At the state level, the Peopleโ€™s Republic of Massachusetts wants to give cash assistance to illegals and free tuition to everyone. At the county level, the government wants to require homeowners to get new Title 5 systems to stop the nitrogen problem on Cape Cod. Not…

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Our former President Donald Trump just did an interview indicating that he might not participate in the Republican presidential debates. Here is what he said on WABC 770: โ€œIโ€™m leading by 40 points. A lot of people say, โ€˜Why would you do a debate when you have people at two and three and fifteen and fourteen [percent]? People donโ€™t debate when they have these massive leads. They say, โ€˜Why would we debate?โ€™ I would have a hostile group of anchors โ€” a hostile network โ€” asking questions. Why would I do that?โ€ Has he gone Biden? Is Trump going to…

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Being for a clean environment is like being for motherhood and apple pie. Who doesnโ€™t want a clean environment?ย Hence, for the left, it has been pure political genius to disguise their progressive socialist agenda as protecting mother earth.ย  The real green agenda is about controlling us and limiting our freedoms. Just look at the past few months of the Biden administration. First, this White House went after outlawing gas stoves. Then they moved on to targeting washing machines, and now our cars are on the chopping block. Going after these everyday conveniences is about dictating how we live our lives.…

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