Author: Holly Robichaud

Holly Robichaud first introduced herself to hundreds of thousands of readers writing for the Boston Herald in a column called the Lone Republican. She is an award-winning political consultant for races across the country and the campaign management trainer for the National Federation of Republican Women.

Another Kennedy is running for office. Usually this is not a shocker of a headline especially from my home state of Massachusetts. However, Robert Kennedy Jr. announcing that he is going to challenge President Joe Biden in the primary is going against the norm in modern day Democrat politics. The nephew of President John F. Kennedy and son of his brother Robert F. Kennedy is daring to challenge a sitting president in the Democrat Party where establishment doesnโ€™t tolerate breaks in the ranks. Look at how the Democrat National Committee leadership is whistling past the graveyard ignoring all Bidenโ€™s clear…

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Why is the Make America Great Again PAC attacking Governor Ron DeSantis? DeSantis has not even formally declared his candidacy for president, but yet, the Trump-supporting PAC has launched a $1.5 million attempt to discredit our nationโ€™s leading conservative governor. There is only one reason for this early expenditure. DeSantis has widespread support! These commercials are going to backfire on Trump. Why??? First, Republicans know that we are in a must-win situation. We need to nominate the conservative who has the best chance of winning the White House. So GOP voters are not going to embrace this nastiness on DeSantis, who has…

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Senator Elizabeth Warren, the fake Indian, is the poster politician for term limits. She should call it quits instead of announcing for a third term. For the people of Massachusetts, Warren has done nothing that deserves reelection. While I never agreed with any of Senator Ted Kennedyโ€™s policies, he did care about delivering for the Commonwealth. The only person Warren delivers for is herself by writing books to enrich her wallet, taking advantage of special tax breaks and fatting her political war chest. Warren is so out of touch with Massachusetts she doesnโ€™t even know how to pronounce names of…

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I thought we lived in a free country. After telling us it was fake news, the Biden administration has now outlawed 96% of gas stoves.ย Why is the federal government in my kitchen? Wake up, America!ย This push for green energy is out of control and it is the latest excuse Democrats are using to control our lives from cradle to grave. President Joe Biden has managed to screw up everything he touches.ย When it comes to foreign policy, we are now back to a cold war with Russia, China openly mocks us by flying a spy balloon over our country and we…

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What happens in Massachusetts, unfortunately, doesnโ€™t stay in Massachusetts! Senator Elizabeth Warren is not only my home stateโ€™s albatross, but she is also a problem for the nation. There is not a word that comes out of her mouth that is believable. She will say or do anything to read her name in the headline or sell a book. This week our embarrassment of a U.S. Senator is howling about bank failures and demanding answers. Thatโ€™s priceless coming from the fake Indian who still will not provide a copy of her Harvard employment application. Warren is going after Federal Reserve Chairman…

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Can we now call the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 a complete failure?ย I think so.ย Donโ€™t you? Congress and President Biden passed the $738 billion monstrosity in a fake attempt to reduce inflation to gain political points with voters for the November election.ย These sleazy Democrats preyed on our inflation fears to spend billions of dollars on clean energy, raise taxes and expand the IRS when there was absolutely nothing that addressed the issue of inflation in the bill.ย And now we are paying the price for their falsehoods. This past February, inflation hit a new high of 7.9%, but thatโ€™s just half…

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Donald Trump is known for handing out some whopper nicknames to Democrats and fellow Republicans. Having suffered years of RINOs (Republicans In Name Only), I truly enjoyed him calling everyone and anyone out over the past eight years. In 2016, it helped push the conservative message and give congressional members more backbone. But the 2024 election is not 2016. It is not even 2020. The heart and soul of our nation are at stake in this presidential race. As conservatives, Republicans, freedom-loving citizens and workers with 401(k)s, we cannot afford to lose the White House to a Democrat. This is…

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Did you watch Chris Rockโ€™s Netflix special? I could not agree more with his lines about Lululemon charging $100 plus for yoga pants and then lecturing us on politics. Who cares! Heโ€™s right; they need to keep their politics out of the stores. But, as we all know, everywhere you turn, there is another business lecturing us on political correctness and their views of equality. These companies should be worrying about their bottom lines and selling products, not lecturing us on social justice. How many viewers have the NFL lost over kneeling during the National Anthem? Viewership is down as…

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Eviction can be a good thing. King Charles evicted his vengeful son and daughter-in-law. Nancy Pelosi has been evicted as Speaker. And we are now all hoping that voters across the nation will evict the Bidens in 688 days from the White House, so we can secure our borders and evict illegal immigrants who broke into our country. Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Governor Ron DeSantis and Governor Greg Abbott have done a great job exposing the problems and the burdens of our broken borders.ย But, left out of the discussion all too often is the cost to taxpayers. It needs to be…

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Democrats must know that they are in trouble over home heating and electricity prices. Why they were not held accountable last November defies all logic, but voters may be learning from their past mistakes. Last week, Vice President Kamala Harris told us that the Biden administration had reduced the price of home heating and electricity. Talk about being out of touch with reality. I guess it was her version of trying to pull off a Jedi mind trick of telling us what to believe. However, it turns out Jedi mind tricks donโ€™t work on people who are freezing due to…

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