Author: Holly Robichaud

Holly Robichaud first introduced herself to hundreds of thousands of readers writing for the Boston Herald in a column called the Lone Republican. She is an award-winning political consultant for races across the country and the campaign management trainer for the National Federation of Republican Women.

President Biden is in Poland for one purpose only. Heโ€™s trying to improve his image before he announces his reelection bid. I would say, โ€œGod help us,โ€ but it is up to us Republicans to stop him. Every day there is another embarrassment or bad policy decision coming out of the White House that takes our country to a new low.ย Republicans have to pull out all the stops to win the presidency in 2024. If we want to save the Republic, we cannot afford for the red wave to miss again. The 2022 elections should serve as a great warning…

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Fire Pete! It turns out that serving in the Biden administration is the equivalent of getting a Democrat participation trophy. You donโ€™t have to excel or be competent or even show up for work.ย  Just look at Secretary of Transportation Peter Buttigieg. He should have been fired well over a year ago, but he still has his job. Buttigieg is probably the most famous or, should I say, infamous Secretary of Transportation our nation has ever had.ย He is known for his continuous failures. His infamy started with the supply chain crisis. While our store shelves looked like a third-world country,…

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It is inflation, stupid! I cannot believe how Republicans are taking the Biden bait! Stop! During the State of the Union speech, Biden lied as he usually does, claiming Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare. Instead of the GOP stepping up their attacks on the high inflationary rate Biden has caused, the newly discovered classified documents and his lack of response on the Chinese spy balloon, they are responding to his idiotic claims giving his falsehoods media coverage.ย They should have ignored him and not pumped life into his lies. Their strategy or lack of strategy on this latest…

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Ouch! Only 37% of Democrats want President Joe Biden to run again. It is hard to believe that they could find anyone other than a member of the Biden crime family to say he should seek another term.ย Did they include Chinese spies in this poll? These numbers are devastating for an incumbent president. However, we should not put all of our stock in polling numbers.ย Remember last Novemberโ€™s predictions of a red tidal wave? If these numbers are correct, the Democrat National Committee has a huge problem on its hands with an unpopular and unelectable president who they need to have…

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I am from Massachusetts, which is commonly known as Taxachusetts, so I know a lot about paying taxes. I dream of moving to Florida and New Hampshire, where there are no income or sales taxes. Not only do I despise paying the income tax, but also paying for the accountant. But going to a national sales tax or what is being called the Fair Tax Act is not the answer. For congressional Republicans to be pushing this movement is a mistake. They are shooting themselves in the political foot. A better idea would be focusing on reducing taxes not redistributing them…

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Wokeness can go to hell! Every time I turn around, there is a new rule or form of political correctness from the woke crowd.ย They should learn to mind their own business. Watching the fundamental transformation of our country over the past 15 years has been shocking. I would have never believed such large numbers of our citizens would openly mock and trash our founding fathers along with Abraham Lincoln and that our police force would be public enemy number one. Their annoying lack of knowledge of history and public safety is only eclipsed by the overflowing accusations of racism tossed…

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Joe Biden should have never been elected president. Americaโ€™s hatred for Donald Trump and his tweeting caused voters to disregard sound judgment and led them to elect a corrupt misfit to the highest office in the world. Last November, there should have been a huge red wave protesting Bidenโ€™s presidency.ย  Unfortunately, two things crushed the pending wave. First, the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade drove out liberal women to vote en masse. Second, Trump announcing that he was going to announce again for president right after the election drove out the Democrat base. So now desperate friends, family…

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It is energy, stupid. While the progressive press acted like the world was ending with the 15 rounds of voting to elect Kevin McCarthy, it was not a do-or-die moment. Now comes the time for Speaker McCarthy to be a hero or a zero. The inside-the-beltway Republican activists and commentators are all clamoring for investigations of the Biden administration, Dr. Anthony Fauci and other Democrats. Like them, I want my pound of Democrat flesh, but thatโ€™s not why the GOP won the slim majority.ย  Republican congressional members were able to overcome the fallout from Roe v. Wade’s repeal due to…

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The media has always tilted left, but now they are openly progressive activists, some of them even being former Democrat campaign operatives who, of course, have absolutely no journalistic integrity or know-how. This slanting of the news is giving Democrats an unfair electoral advantage and monopoly on news coverage, and it is compromising our right to free speech. The most recent case of double standards was newly elected Representative George Santos. My phone has been getting constant updates from CNN about his resume-enhancing lies. However, I donโ€™t recall one CNN update on Elizabeth Warren lying about her fake Indian ancestry…

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Would you continue to watch our nationโ€™s favorite pastime baseball if you knew every call by the umpires was only going to favor one team?ย Of course not. Nobody wants to watch a fixed game when they know the result has already been determined before the game was played. But thatโ€™s how it is with the nationโ€™s news media. It is one of the numerous reasons no one is watching the news anymore and it is also the cause behind the rising national discord.ย  Viewers know the stories are rigged for a liberal point of view. So, regardless if a news…

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