Author: Jennifer Cunningham

Via Bearing Arms Byย Tom Knightonย  While people like to pretend thereโ€™s no gun control to speak of in this country, thereโ€™s quite a bit on the books. Sure, itโ€™s not as much as youโ€™d find in most parts of Europe, but itโ€™s still not exactly zero, either. Yet in some areas, thereโ€™s even more gun control. Time and time again, these anti-Second Amendment regulations are held up as examples of what we need more of, often regardless of those laws inability to actually address the problems they were supposed to address. Chicago has long been held up as an example…

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Via GAT Daily By Keith Finch- August 11, 2023 Marijuana legalization and its removal from Title I controlled substances is continuing to creep forward as politicos and industries with something to lose in the fight figure out how to lose the least. The propaganda campaign of fear, lies, and slander, all targeted to prey on demographic prejudices and give both more power to government and protect the paper paper of all groups is crumbling. Even the momentum of habit where the drug has been illegal so long it was just assumed to be the correct idea is failing, because it never…

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Via Bearing Arms By Cam Edwards | 10:20 AM on August 11, 2023 The multiple legal challenges to Illinoisโ€™ recently enacted ban on so-called assault weapons and โ€œlarge capacityโ€ magazines are taking place in both federal and state court, and while weโ€™re waiting on a decision from the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals regarding the federal challenges, the state Supreme Court in Illinois has now released its own opinion in a case brought by Illinois state Rep. Dan Caulkins. To the surprise of few gun owners, the Democrat-controlled court reversed the lower court decision finding the ban violated the equal protection and special…

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CNN and several others are carrying the the story that the United States has breached a crucial and terrifying milestone early this year, 400 โ€˜mass shootingsโ€˜ in only 203 days. Is that bad? It sounds bad. Thatโ€™s bad, right? Yes, it is. But like most headlines, it doesnโ€™t communicate much (any) nuance. It just bludgeons you in the face with the item the writer wants you to ruminate on and none of the surrounding data, especially contextual data. Weโ€™re not that far ahead from the three prior years at this point in time, and 2020โ€™s violence ramped up late compared to…

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U.S.A. โ€” Hawaii has been one of the states with the most severe infringements on Second Amendment rights. Hawaii became a territory of the United States in 1900. Hawaii became a state in 1959. Hawaii, therefore, has no history of American laws which apply to the test established by the Supreme Court Bruen decision. History after 1900 is not allowed, and Hawaii has no history as an American territory before 1900. This did not stop the government of Hawaii from claiming Hawaiiโ€™s history as a kingdom should be used as a precedent for Hawaiiโ€™s extremely restrictive gun control laws. The Supreme Court…

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Gun Nation just passed a significant milestone. July was the 48th consecutive month with one million or more adjusted background checks, the best measure of retail gun sales. Thatโ€™s a very big deal for a couple of reasons. First, the NSSFโ€™s adjusted number is really a minimum. It doesnโ€™t account for sales of multiple firearms in on transaction and it doesnโ€™t include sales in states that donโ€™t require background checks for carry permit holders (never mind private sales). Second, the line between Gun Nation and the country as a whole grows more blurred by the day. Given the fact that recent research shows the…

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