Author: James Fotis

James J. Fotis has a long career of experience as an informed, decisive leader and an analytical, proactive problem solver. He served more than twenty-three years as the Executive Director of the Law Enforcement Alliance of America (LEAA); an association of law enforcement officers, crime victims and concerned citizens. During his tenure, LEAA became a serious influence in the law enforcement community, on Capitol Hill and within the Executive Branch of government.

The United States Congress in 1965 passed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) to make sure every child has access to a quality education. ESEA, since its passage has evolved to address the diverse needs of students and schools across the country. Recently, an outstanding part of ESEAโ€™s needed programs has been defunded raising concerns among proponents of outdoor education. Under the watchful eye of the Biden Administration anything resembling self-defense including federal funding allocated for schools with hunting and archery programs under ESEA. This absurdity must stop and the ESEA funding should be returned to the budgets of…

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The proposed HB684 in the Maryland House of Representatives and Senate, introduced by State Senator Jill Carter, has sparked controversy and raised concerns about justice and public safety. This legislation aims to provide an avenue for expungement of records and early release for teens convicted of violent crimes, including murder. While proponents argue for rehabilitation and second chances, it is crucial to consider the implications of such a law, particularly considering the tragic case of Dawnta Harris, who was convicted of killing police officer Amy Caprio in cold blood. Dawnta Harris, at the age of 16, was involved in a…

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As fireworks burst across the night sky, the Fourth of July serves as a reminder of the profound significance of America’s day of independence and freedom. This day should hold immense importance in the hearts of Americans, resonating with the values of liberty, sacrifice and bravery; however, many of these values have been forgotten. Forgotten by those born in America and given these inalienable rights from birth, rights that so many other are fighting to attain throughout the world. This is a time when everyone in our nation, regardless of color or creed should reflect upon the struggles, triumphs and…

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Memorial Day, observed on the last Monday of May each year, holds profound significance in the hearts of Americans. Regrettably, it is often overshadowed by the excitement of a long weekend, barbecues, and the unofficial start of summer. However, it is essential to remember that Memorial Day is not merely another day off from work or a casual occasion for leisurely pursuits. It is a solemn day of remembrance, a time to honor and pay tribute to the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to safeguard our way of life, protect our freedom, and ensure that America…

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Police Week is here! This dedicated week of reflection and honor allows us to commemorate the commitment and sacrifice of our brave men and women in law enforcement. Police Week is marked by a truly remarkable display of unity, as the U.S. House came together in a bipartisan manner to pass H. Res 363 by an overwhelming vote of 413 to 2 on Monday morning. This resolution, which recognizes National Police Week, extends our deepest condolences and appreciation to the cherished loved ones of every law enforcement officer who has made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. Additionally,…

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The incident of Jordan Neely’s death on a New York City subway has prompted controversy and discussions on the use of force, as well as the mental health challenges faced by the homeless population in the city. Neely, a 30-year-old homeless man, died after being held in a chokehold, sleeper hold, or possibly just a headlock, but the media has already dubbed it a “chokehold.” The incident continued for approximately 15 minutes on a NYC subway, according to witnesses. The occurrence was witnessed by several riders, and Neely’s death has subsequently been ruled a homicide. Of course, the fact that…

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The recent conviction of Daniel Perry for murder is a resounding defeat of the Second Amendment and our right to self-defense. Those of us who believe in justice are left wondering about what exactly happened, and whether justice was truly served. Daniel Perry shot and killed an individual who was pointing an AK-47 at him from just 18 inches away, while another person fired shots at Perry’s car, hitting it four times. Despite initial reports suggesting that Perry acted in self-defense, he was ultimately convicted of murder, leaving us to question the fairness of the trial and the justice system.…

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Honesty as a public good is almost nonexistent these days. That isn’t an indictment of human nature. Babies have innate goodness. The problem is far more nuanced and pervasive than that. The honest man has not been found because the honest men and women have had their eyes and minds closed. Working hard, raising children, finishing college or trade school. Many men and women have been warfighters from Kennedy to Biden who recently, unashamedly, withdrew our warfighters from Afghanistan without thought or concern for the many Afghanis that were our allies for over 20 years and left behind billions of…

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Even if Tyre Nichols was having an illicit relationship with one of the five Scorpion squad member’s wives, it becomes irrelevant after the officers on the squad stopped Tyre, approached his vehicle with firearms drawn, flung the car door open and pulled the driver out of his car. Their actions were a departure from proper police protocol. The usual approach is to wait for the driver โ€” who may or may not be discourteous to the officers โ€” if all is normal. He or she would have opened the window and asked, “Why are you stopping me, or what have…

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As the midterm elections approached the American people were told over and over that America stands to lose its โ€œdemocracyโ€ if MAGA Republicans take over Congress. The terms MAGA Americans, and MAGA Conservatives, were terms coined by President Biden, most likely by White House staff and fed to the president, incredibly lumping together the 76 million Americans who voted for Trump in 2020 and insinuating that they were terrorists ready to steal our democracy. Biden used these terms, as did a cadre of Democrat candidates to scare others into thinking that a โ€œred waveโ€ or a great influx of Republicans…

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