Author: Justin Hart

Justin Hart is an executive consultant with over 25 years of experience creating data-driven solutions for Fortune 500 companies and presidential campaigns alike. Mr. Hart is the Chief Data Analyst and founder of, which helps companies, public policy officials and even parents gauge the impact of COVID-19 across the country. The team at offers alternative solutions on how to move forward during this challenging pandemic.

The media won’t cover it but the first week of December has seen hundreds of protests across the world. I woke up at 4AM sick to my stomach โ€” and not with COVID. It was March 2020 and I had really put my neck out on this one. What if I was wrong? What if this really was the apocalyptic pandemic they predicted? What if my โ€œin-cautionโ€ put lives at risk? The very next day John Ioannidis came out with his now infamous STAT News article and I set myself on a trajectory to do everything I could to stop the insanity.…

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ICYMI: This Harvard study notes that there is NO correlation between vaccination rates and case rates… I have no idea how this paper made it past the censors but there it is! This was published two months ago but didnโ€™t receive much fanfare and now we know whyโ€”it confirms what weโ€™ve been saying for months now: the vaccines have not stopped and likely will not stop the pandemic. Back in July we tweeted that the CDC data mapping vax rates to COVID-19 case rates shows ZERO impact of the former on the latter: Weโ€™ve written in these pages multiple times about the same phenomenon. Yesterday, Dr. Jay…

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180ยฐ from the exasperating media reports and knee-jerk reactions across the world and here in the U.S. โ€” the word on the ground from South Africa is telling a very different tale. From ourย esteemed colleague Dr. Andrew Bostom: Dr. Coetzee, Chair of S. African Med Soc & active practitioner, caring for C19 omicron patients: โ€œNo one here in South Africa is known to have been hospitalized with the Omicron variant, nor is anyone here believed to have fallen seriously ill with it.โ€ –ย link SEE ALSO: Federal Court Blocks Nationwide Healthcare Worker Vaccine Mandate โ€œIf, as some evidence suggests, Omicron turns…

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Our watchful friend Phil Kerpen brings us news this morning that a Missouri court has crushed down the notion that a state health entity can wield power over a population without a representative body being involved. SEE ALSO: Bill Maher Lambastes Media for Overhyping COVID Fears The MO Department of Health and Senior Services cannot shut down a school or quash an assembly โ€œbased on the unfettered opinion of an unelected official.โ€ The court goes on to quote Montesquieu and a few other cases. Most importantly the court lays out precedent now to demolish the roughshod run of local unelected health officials…

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This article originally appeared inย Rational Ground. We give SO MUCH ENERGY to the concerns over children and COVID-19 but we need to come back to this reality:ย the risk to kids is very, very low.ย How low? Only 22 states have even reported COVID-19 deaths among children ages 0 to 17. Note that certain states have reported fewer than 10 deaths for children and those are suppressed at the national level for privacy and even statistical reasons. Is yours on there? As Dr. Walensky notes: โ€œchildren arenโ€™t supposed to dieโ€. Thatโ€™s true, but over this same time period about 62,000 children HAVE…

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Viral competition! Two respiratory pathogens slug it out on the boxing ring of humanity and one comes out a victor. Weโ€™ve been trying to convince Team Apocalypse that the flu was crowded out (not snuffed out by masks) for over a year or more! Low and beholdโ€”they knew this already. Our RG colleague Stinson Norwood (@snortman1776) uncovers all the key players saying the same thing over a decade ago! Viruses compete! Theyโ€™ve always known. Did they forget? Or did it diminish โ€œthe narrativeโ€ so they dismissed it. Hereโ€™s the thread from Stinson reproduced. See the whole thing here. It’s odd to see people…

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Dr. Fauci appeared on a podcast over the weekend and straight up admitted what weโ€™ve been saying for months: the vaccines are NOT working as expected and the waning is real. SEE ALSO: Our Health Overlords Are the Worst – Again Bottom line: a large cadre of vaccinated people are about to joint those of us in the great unwashed. The government will likely move to make people get a booster shot – probably AFTER Thanksgiving. Audio at this tweet: SEE ALSO: Vax Rates, Cases, Deaths by County CDC FOIA Revealed Elsewhere, in response to Elizabeth Brehmโ€™s FOIA request,…

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Weโ€™veย beenย sayingย thisย forย a while now but itโ€™s clear that the vaccines are NOT our way out of this pandemic. Asย Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford tweeted: Now that October is over we ran the regressions again: So I took: All U.S. counties with over 500K in populationAvergae vax rates for the total population, 12+ yrs up, 18+ yrs up, and 65+ yrsCOVID-19 Cases/100KCOVID-19 Deaths/100KJuly through October โ€˜21 Results .07 was best Spearman r2. Thereโ€™s no relation frankly. Here are the charts. Deaths on the top rowCases on the bottom rowTotal, 12+, 18+, & 65+ average vax ratesSize of the dot = population…

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What do people die of? Well the CDC has that covered. They itemize the โ€œunderlying cause of deathโ€ into codes known as ICD-10 codes. This is actually a WHO standardization adopted here in the U.S. to categorize the causes of death. These are also used for insurance reimbursement. (There are entire professions built around this codifying.) Every so often the CDC puts out a dataset entitled: โ€œWeekly Provisional Counts of Deaths by State and Select Causesโ€ They typically have only published data for 2020-2021 but if you search hard enough you can get it back to 2014. The select causes…

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