Author: Jeff Isaak

As a native Iowan, Jeff grew up with a ringside seat to the Iowa caucuses. He knew early on that his involvement in our democratic process would go beyond voting for candidates and causes he cared aboutโ€”Jeff wanted to use his voice to make a real difference.

In 2019 I said that if Joe Biden became president, we would lose the border. After spending nearly 35 years enforcing immigration law on the border and the interior, I knew that, based on the promises he was making during the campaign, millions of foreign nationals would flood our border and they have. In its first few months, the new administration sharply curtailed blanket public-health expulsions at the border; dumped the extremely effective โ€œRemain in Mexicoโ€ policy of sending asylum-seekers back to Mexico to await their hearings rather than releasing them into the United States; issued โ€œenforcementโ€ priorities that effectively…

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“Money is the mother’s milk of politics,” legendary California politico boss Jesse Unruh was fond of saying. In politics, money is an essential tool for winning elections, but as we see every cycle, buying an election is very difficult. Without sufficient money, a good candidate, and a good district, most campaigns fail. However, there is no amount of money that will convince voters to vote for someone they do not want to support. Politicians must spend enormous time raising funds to hire staff, buy advertising, and get out the vote. Candidates often spend hours on the phone raising money each day, time…

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Editor’s Note: The original version of this article said that Trump had not made an endorsement in Missouri’s U.S. Senate primary. The former president has since endorsed “ERIC” for Senate. Whether he was referring to Eric Greitens or Eric Schmitt, the two Republican frontrunners, is up for speculation. These Six States Head to the Polls This Week Arizona โ€“ Tuesday, August 2nd Governor: Trump endorsed Kari Lake, a former television news journalist. Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons US Senate: Former President Trump put the weight of his endorsement behind Blake Masters, a venture…

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One of Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s top advisors has resigned their position and fled the country in protest of Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. Anatoly Chubais, Putin’s climate envoy, has become the highest-ranking Russian official thus far to oppose the war publicly. As Bloomberg reports: Chubais, 66, is one of the few 1990s-era economic reformers whoโ€™d remained in Putinโ€™s government and had maintained close ties with Western officials. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov didnโ€™t immediately respond to a request for comment.Known as the architect of Russiaโ€™s 1990s privatizations, Chubais gave Putin his first Kremlin job in the mid-1990s and initially welcomed…

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Multiple reports and video have come in from Ukrainian officials and media outlets allegedly showing the devastating results of a Russian airstrike on Mariupol’s Donetsk Regional Theatre of Drama. According to the Mariupol City Council, the famous theater was “purposefully and cynically destroyed.” (RELATED: Russia Destroys Maternity Ward and Childrenโ€™s Hospital in Besieged Ukrainian City) With the city center under constant artillery fire, the theater had become a sanctuary for many civilians. The number of casualties is unknown. The BBC reports: More now from the besieged port city of Mariupol โ€“ the city’s deputy mayor has told the…

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Over a century after slipping beneath the unforgiving Southern Ocean, a search party has located the wreck of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s Endurance. As The New York Times reports: A team of adventurers, marine archaeologists and technicians located the wreck at the bottom of the Weddell Sea, east of the Antarctic Peninsula, using undersea drones. Battling sea ice and freezing temperatures, the team had been searching for more than two weeks in a 150-square-mile area around where the ship went down in 1915.Endurance, a 144-foot, three-masted wooden ship, holds a revered place in polar history because it spawned one of the…

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The Republican Governors Association (RGA) has unveiled an ambitious midterm advertisement strategy: a $31.4 million ad buy in five battleground states. RGA leadership believes the investment will expand its 28 state majority. It’s a diversified approach that involves shoring up support for GOP candidates in competitive states like Arizona and reclaiming the governor’s mansion in ruby-red Kansas, where a subpar candidate doomed the GOP’s chances in 2018. The most significant payment, $10.2 million, will go to Arizona, where a grueling Republican primary and a continued population boom leaves the fate of the 2022 election decidedly uncertain. However, RGA co-chair Gov.…

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While acknowledging uncertainty over Ukraine, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell confirmed the central bank will start raising interest rates in two weeks. Powell’s remarks came during congressional testimony earlier Wednesday. Consumer prices remain at four decade highs. Determined to act, Powell reiterated to members of Congress that he expects a 0.25% rate hike this month. But he left open the possibility to act “more aggressively” if inflation continues. Per Forbes: Powell said that the Fed is, however, prepared to raise interest rates โ€œmore aggressivelyโ€ than just 25 basis points per meeting if higher inflation persists, while also adding that the…

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U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken appeared before members of the U.N. Security Council this morning to deliver a dramatic speech. Satellite images have reportedly showed a continued Russian troop escalation near the border with Ukraine after Putin had announced a “partial withdrawal” of troops. Instead, the U.S. and her allies say that Putin has sent an additional 7,000 troops to the Russo-Ukrainian border since his remarks. Emphasizing the stakes, Blinken said, “I am here today not to start a war, but to prevent one.” WATCH: CBS News reports: Blinken urged Russia to return troops, tanks and planes back…

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The fate of President Biden’s Federal Reserve nominees is up in the air today after Republicans decided to boycott Wednesday afternoon’s key Senate panel. The U.S. Senate Banking Committee had scheduled a vote on Sarah Bloom Raskin’s appointment, among others, and the renomination of Fed Chair Jerome Powell. Raskin, a fierce critic of Wall Street, is Biden’s pick to become the Fed’s top banking regulator. However, GOP Senators have leveled ethics allegations against her. Specifically, they accuse Raskin of influence peddling after a three-year stint as second-in-command at the Obama Treasury Department. They also accuse her of wanting to weaponize…

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