Author: Jeff Isaak

As a native Iowan, Jeff grew up with a ringside seat to the Iowa caucuses. He knew early on that his involvement in our democratic process would go beyond voting for candidates and causes he cared about—Jeff wanted to use his voice to make a real difference.

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) just became the most powerful Republican to speak out against President Biden’s latest nominee. In this case, Saule Omarova became Biden’s pick for comptroller of the currency in September. The administrative position oversees banks at the Treasury Department. While Omarova has faced criticism before, Toomey’s comments tore into her soft spot for central planning. Omarova has long supported collectivist ideas, recently seen in “The People’s Ledger,” a paper she wrote that advocates for the end of banking as we know it. Under the circumstances, the left has begun equating GOP “attacks” to the 1950s Red Scare.…

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President Joe Biden recently nominated Saule Omarova to be the Treasury Department’s next Comptroller of the Currency. While Democrats have the slimmest of majorities in the U.S. Senate, Omarova has had to endure repeated grilling from Republicans for her more extreme opinions. Indeed, GOP critics have argued that her views would end banking as we know it. Most recently, Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) tore into Biden’s pick for banking watchdog, for her praise for the Soviet Union, among other views. WATCH: SEE ALSO: Soviet-Taught Biden Nominee Refuses to Release Paper Praising Karl Marx Read Senator Scott’s remarks below: “…I…

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UPDATE: Since yesterday afternoon, more reactions to the not guilty verdict have poured in. Vice President Kamala Harris all but chastised the jury even though the facts in the case clearly favored the defense. Indeed, Wisconsin law allows someone to use deadly force when they genuinely believe that they face the possibility of death or great bodily harm. President Biden initially only said “I stand by what the jury has concluded. The jury system works and we have to abide by it.” In a later statement put out by the White House, Biden said he was “angry and concerned.”…

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Judge Bruce Schroeder announced this afternoon that reporters from MSNBC will no longer be allowed inside his courtroom. For the duration of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, at least. SEE ALSO: DUI Video of Star Witness in Rittenhouse Case Emerges The ban follows the Kenosha Police Department’s arrest of a freelance journalist working for NBC News. Officers pulled the individual over after he allegedly ran a red light. They arrested him after suspecting that he wanted to photograph jury members. Judge Schroeder addressed the incident before the court. He said the reporter had followed the van at the behest of an…

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