Author: J.S. Coldwater

Inevitably, the conflict between Israel and the Iranian-backed Palestinian paramilitary terrorist organization Hamas has led to several political personalities comparing it to the U.S.-Mexican border and hysterical liberals responding that the two are vastly different. Indeed, Eric Boehm, in Reason, scripted a piece October 10th titled “Here’s What the Hamas Attack Tells Us About U.S. Immigration Policy: Nothing,” attempting to question the intelligence of former President Trump; former Governor Nikki Haley (R-S.C.) and Governor Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) of such a thought that our border with Mexico and Israel’s with Gaza could possibly be compared at all. Boehm writes, “If a…

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While some have engaged in outright hysteria about the ouster of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA-23), “If you want to know what it looks like when democracy is in trouble, this is what it looks like. It should set off alarm bells that something is not right.” So says Daniel Ziblatt, a Harvard professor of government, quoted by Sarah Ellison in the October 4th Washington Post. What academic nonsense. There is no Constitutional crisis, no conspiracy, no seditious behavior, no war, no pandemic or financial meltdown – it was a simple House procedural vote. Period. Congressman McCarthy, as we…

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