Author: Karina Lipsman

Karina Lipsman was born in Odesa, Ukraine, and was the 2022 nominee for Virginiaโ€™s 8th U.S. Congressional District. She is a 14-year veteran of the U.S. defense and intelligence community and a Fellow at the Independent Womenโ€™s Forum.

At the tail end of Congress’ 2022 lame-duck session, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy visited Washington, D.C. making stops at the White House and on Capitol Hill. Less than 48 hours later, the omnibus bill was passed with an earmark of an additional $45B for Ukraine. Coincidence? While the majority of Congress showed overwhelming support for the Ukrainian president and additional funding, some members and some portions of the public are growing skeptical of endless spending without transparency. Where is all this money coming from and where is it going? Why are we making this a contingency to passing legislation that averts a government shutdown? Accountability and transparency are importantย regardingย where the funding…

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