Author: Nancy Jackson

Nancy grew up in the South where her passion for politics first began. After getting her BA in journalism from Ole Miss she became an arts and culture writer for Athens Magazine where she enjoyed reporting on the eclectic music and art scene in Athens, GA. However, her desire to report on issues and policies impacting everyday Americans won out and she packed her bags for Washington, DC. Now, she splits her time between the Nation’s Capital and Philadelphia where she covers the fast-paced environment of politics, business, and news. In her off time, you can find Nancy exploring museums or enjoying brunch with friends.

Pennsylvania voters reelected Democrat state Rep. Anthony “Tony” DeLuca Tuesday evening but there’s one big problem, Mr. DeLuca passed away in October. According to the Pennsylvania House Democrat Caucus Mr. DeLuca, 85, passed away following a brief battle with lymphoma, a disease he previously beat twice. “While we’re incredibly saddened by the loss of Representative Tony DeLuca, we are proud to see the voters to continue to show their confidence in him and his commitment to Democratic values by re-electing him posthumously. A special election will follow soon,” Pennsylvania House Democrats said in a tweet. According to Fox News, DeLuca’s opponent, Green Party…

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As Americans continue to wait for election results to trickle in, a Georgia elections official said Wednesday morning that it’s safe to assume the Georgia Senate race will head to a runoff election. “While county officials are still doing the detailed work on counting the votes, we feel it is safe to say there will be a runoff for the US Senate here in Georgia slated for December 6,” Gabriel Sterling, the Georgia secretary of state’s chief operating officer, said on Twitter. Shortly before noon, Sterling provided another update, saying that the runoff election between Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker will occur on…

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Massachusetts U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins is reportedly being investigated by President Biden’s Department of Justice inspector general. While exact details surrounding the investigation are currently being kept under wraps Rollin’s office was able to confirm the investigation to Fox News. Rollins was nominated and confirmed last year after Vice President Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking vote to make her the top federal prosecutor in Massachusetts. Early reports have indicated the investigation hinges on a potential Hatch Act violation during an appearance with first lady Jill Biden over the summer. Christina DiIorio-Sterling, a spokesperson for Rollins, told Fox News Digital that “the United…

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Philadelphia, PA has made a last-minute change on Election Day that has the potential to impact some of the most closely watched races in the county. The Philadelphia City Commissioners said it will delay counting thousands of paper ballots after the polls close Tuesday night because of a lawsuit that accused it of being open to double counting. (RELATED: Pennsylvania Senate Candidate Sues Over Mail-in Ballots) According to The New York Times, the agency voted 2-1 at a special early morning meeting to reinstate a process called “poll book reconciliation,” which is designed to eliminate the duplication of in-person votes…

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Following the violent attack on her husband, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., says her retirement plans have changed. In her first public interview since the attack, Pelosi told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that her decision will be affected but stopped short of revealing any details. “I have to say my decision will be affected about what happened the last week or two,” Pelosi said. Pelosi’s full interview with CNN is scheduled to air at 8 p.m. on “AC360.” Pelosi described being awoken by Capitol Police the morning of the attack for the first time. (RELATED: San Fransisco Police Update on Paul…

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Pennsylvania Democrat Senate candidate John Fetterman sued to argue that mail-in ballots with an incorrect or missing date should be counted following a Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling against them being included in the vote count. In the federal lawsuit filed on Monday, the Pennsylvania lieutenant governor claimed that not counting the votes on the grounds of an issue with the date violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The complaint also argues rejecting the ballots violates the First and 14th Amendments. Pennsylvania law requires voters to write the date on their ballot’s outer envelope when they return the ballot. The…

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Democrats are poised to lose big on Election Day and they know it. In what could be Democrats’ biggest red flag yet from this midterm election cycle, former President Bill Clinton descended on the U.S.-Mexico border on Monday, an apparent last-ditch effort to help two vulnerable House candidates. Clinton will first visit Laredo to stump for nine-term Democrat Rep. Henry Cuellar (TX- 28th). Cuellar is in a tight race for the 28th Congressional District against Republican Latina candidate Cassy Garcia. RealClearPolitics has ranked the race a “toss up” but Republicans have been shining in on the competitive district for months. Cuellar…

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Mere hours before Election Day and people are already focused on the road to the White House. As anticipation continues to build over which conservatives will take the plunge in pursuit of the 2024 Republican nomination one high-profile Senator says you can count him out of the running. Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton informed Politico that despite rumors he will not be running for president in 2024. Cotton, who previously served in Iraq and Afghanistan, has reportedly been reaching out to donors, supporters, and senior Republicans to notify them of his decision. The Republican said his family was the primary factor…

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Stacey Abrams was left blindsided when a high-profile Georgia Democrat opted to endorse Republican Brian Kemp instead of her. Kwanza Hall, who previously ran for lieutenant governor of Georgia, made the surprising endorsement on Friday, four days before Election Day. Hall also endorsed Republican lieutenant governor candidate Burt Jones citing Kemp’s ability to make “tough decisions” in “unprecedented circumstances,” and Jones’ plans to reduce crime and improve the state’s education system. “While we don’t agree on every issue, it’s abundantly clear that Brian Kemp is a man of character, a strong leader, and someone who Georgians can trust to…

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In the final days leading up to Election Day, the nonpartisan Cook Political Report shifted its Senate forecast toward the GOP. Jessica Taylor, the Senate and governors editor, noted that the reason for the forecast change comes because the national environment recently has been seen as more favorable toward Republicans and that issues like the economy and inflation are resonating more with voters now than abortion. (RELATED: Cook Political Report Shifts 10 Biden-Won Districts Toward Republicans) According to The Hill, Taylor noted that while it’s possible Democrats manage to maintain their 50-50 split in the Senate, Republicans are poised to pick…

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