Author: Nancy Jackson

Nancy grew up in the South where her passion for politics first began. After getting her BA in journalism from Ole Miss she became an arts and culture writer for Athens Magazine where she enjoyed reporting on the eclectic music and art scene in Athens, GA. However, her desire to report on issues and policies impacting everyday Americans won out and she packed her bags for Washington, DC. Now, she splits her time between the Nationโ€™s Capital and Philadelphia where she covers the fast-paced environment of politics, business, and news. In her off time, you can find Nancy exploring museums or enjoying brunch with friends.

Florida parents are breathing a sigh of relief. U.S. District Court Judge Wendy Berger dismissed a second challenge to the state’s Parental Rights in Education law, commonly referred to as “Don’t Say Gay” by opponents. (RELATED: Federal Judge Tosses Out Lawsuit Against Gov. Ron DeSantis) The law, signed into effect in March by Gov. Ron DeSantis, prohibits primary school teachers from engaging in classroom instruction related to sexual orientation and identity. High school teachers are barred from addressing either topic in a manner that is not โ€œage appropriate or developmentally appropriateโ€ for their students, according to The Hill. Critics of…

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Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams is in hot water once again. New reports indicate Abrams’ voting rights group Fair Fight Action has funneled millions of dollars to a law firm led by the chairwoman for Abrams’s gubernatorial campaign. According to The Washington Examiner, Fair Fight Action spent $9.4 million in 2019 and 2020 with Lawrence & Bundy, a boutique Atlanta law firm that counts Abrams’s campaign Chairwoman Allegra Lawrence-Hardy, a close friend of the candidate, as one of its two partners, according to the nonprofit group’s 2019 and 2020 IRS tax filings. There are no definitive reports to show how much Lawrence-Hardy’s…

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It’s anyone’s race in Ohio. With only two weeks until Election Day, Ohio Senate candidates J.D. Vance (R) and Rep. Tim Ryan (D) are trying to pull ahead to victory but the latest poll shows it’s too close to call. The latest Marist poll reports the two Senate candidates are only separated by a point in what will be one of the most closely watched races to determine control of the upper chamber. Marist found Vance garnered the support of 46 percent of registered voters, compared to Ryanโ€™s 45 percent, no change from the pollster’s September survey. Eight percent were…

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Former Trump strategist Steve Bannon received his sentence Friday morning following his conviction on two counts of criminal contempt of Congress after he defied a subpoena from the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol raid. Judge Carl Nichols, a Trump appointee, sentenced Bannon to four months in prison and ordered him to pay a fine of $6,500. The judge said that Bannon “has expressed no remorse for his actions” and hasnโ€™t demonstrated that he has any intention of complying with the subpoena from the Jan. 6 Committee. Federal prosecutor J.P. Cooney argued that Bannon is not above the…

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The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) has a message: no Republicans allowed. The Congressional Black Caucus has turned its back on Jennifer-Ruth Green, a Black female air force veteran running for Indianaโ€™s First Congressional District. Instead, the group opted to throw its support behind Democrat Congressman Frank Mrvan, who is White. According to its website, the primary focus of the Congressional Black Caucus is a commitment to “using the full Constitutional power, statutory authority, and financial resources of the federal government to ensure that African Americans and other marginalized communities in the United States have the opportunity to achieve the American…

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Pennsylvania Democrat Senate candidate John Fetterman finally folded to public pressure and released medical information after suffering a stroke, but there’s a big catch. The physician who wrote a letter clearing the Lieutenant Governorย of any lingering health concerns has donated hundreds of dollars to the Democrat’s campaign. (RELATED: John Fetterman Campaign Signs Found Covered in Razor Blades Sparks Police Response) Dr. Clifford Chen essentially signed off that Fetterman has a clean bill of health after suffering a stroke in May. โ€œOverall, the Lt. Governor is recovering well from his stroke and his health has continued to improve,โ€ Chen wrote, noting…

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More pressure is being applied to end President Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan before it goes into effect. A group of Wisconsin taxpayers has asked the Supreme Court to intervene and halt the President’s loan forgiveness plan until a lower court rules on an appeal. The request was filed with conservative-leaning Justice Amy Coney Barrett who handles emergency requests for Wisconsin. The Brown County Taxpayers Association urged the court to rule that the presidentโ€™s debt cancellation plan illegally encroaches on Congressโ€™ exclusive spending power, according to The Hill. โ€œThe assault on our separation of powers โ€” and upon the principle…

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The truth always comes out. Irondequoit Town Council member Patrina Freeman, a Democrat, is facing questions over her accusation that Town Supervisor Rory Fitzpatrick, a Republican, broke her wrist at a town board meeting on September 20th. A newly-released police report found no evidence to substantiate Freemanโ€™s claims and announced that โ€œno further actionโ€ would be taken over the matter. Freeman claimed that the September meeting went off the rails and ended with Fitzpatrick threatening her, storming out of the room, and breaking her wrist, according to The Daily Wire. โ€œSupervisor Rory Fitzpatrick got aggressive and angrily pushed his chair…

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Despite a barrage of scandals, Herschel Walker is still a favorite among voters. A new poll reports that while Latino voters are undecided on their choice for governor, they overwhelmingly support Republican candidate Herschel Walker over incumbent Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock. Theย Atlanta Journal-Constitution/Georgia News Collaborative poll puts Democrat gubernatorial candidateย Stacey Abramsย at 49% and incumbentย Gov. Brian Kempย at 48% among likely Hispanic voters, with a margin of error of plus or minus 5.6 percentage points. However, Walker’s lead over Warnock is greater, 47% to 41%, with Libertarian candidate Chase Oliver pulling in 11% of the vote. The report comes as Walker attempts…

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Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs is letting Arizona voters down. Hobbs, who is also running to be the state’s next governor, admitted to mistakenly sending over 6,000 incorrect ballots on Tuesday. According to Fox News, when individuals register to vote in Arizona or update their registration, an election system queries driver’s license records to verify whether the person has proven their citizenship. Those who do not have citizenship documentation on file are not eligible to vote in state elections and are registered as “federal only” voters. Sophia Solis, a spokeswoman for Hobbs, said the driver’s license query failed to…

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