Author: Nancy Jackson

Nancy grew up in the South where her passion for politics first began. After getting her BA in journalism from Ole Miss she became an arts and culture writer for Athens Magazine where she enjoyed reporting on the eclectic music and art scene in Athens, GA. However, her desire to report on issues and policies impacting everyday Americans won out and she packed her bags for Washington, DC. Now, she splits her time between the Nationโ€™s Capital and Philadelphia where she covers the fast-paced environment of politics, business, and news. In her off time, you can find Nancy exploring museums or enjoying brunch with friends.

The Supreme Court dealt a loss to President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice on Monday. Justices declined to hear a case about whether the Justice Department may use “filter teams” that allow teams of federal prosecutors and agents not assigned to a given case to review seized documents claimed to be privileged before the privilege question has been resolved. The Justices denied a writ of certiorari in Korf v. the United States, which questioned the legality of filter teams. The DOJ recently employed a filter team to begin an initial review of materials and documents seized by the FBI during…

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Is Hillary Clinton gearing up for another attempt at the office that has alluded her for years? Some say the signs are there and now it’s simply a waiting game. According to veteran political expert Dick Morris, Clinton is attempting to position herself as a “moderate” candidate and will likely swoop in after the Democrats’ losses this November. Morris, who served as an aide to former President Bill Clinton, called out Hillary’s recent comment that “Americans do not believe in open borders” as evidence for his claims, according to The New York Post. โ€œThese are all signals that she is…

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The Republican National Committee (RNC) is exploring legal options against tech giant Google after allegedly suppressing millions of fundraising and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) emails. The RNC claims Google has shown its intentional party bias by sending millions of GOP election emails to Republican subscribers’ Gmail spam folders. The RNC informed Fox News that since Sept. 28, Gmail has “suppressed” more than 22 million RNC emailsโ€”358,000 of which were GOTV emails. RNC officials have reportedly raised the issue to Google multiple times to no avail. “Our emails have been suppressed despite concrete changes that have improved overall performance,” an official said, noting…

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Democrats are turning on each other with less than six weeks until the midterm elections. On Friday, Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) harshly criticized Democrat leaders House Democrats scrapped plans to vote on legislation banning lawmaker stock trading. In the shocking rebuke, the Virginia Democrat called for new leadership in Congress. โ€œThis moment marks a failure of House leadership โ€” and itโ€™s yet another example of why I believe that the Democratic Party needs new leaders in the halls of Capitol Hill, as I have long made known,โ€ Spanberger said in a statement. The Virginia lawmaker introduced and strongly advocated for…

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Shannon Brandt, the North Dakota man accused of mowing down a teenage boy who he claimed was a “Republican extremist” has been charged with murder in the death of Cayler Ellingson. Brandt, 41 was arrested after police say that he fatally hit Ellingson with his SUV the morning of September 18th after a street dance that took place at a local bar in McHenry, North Dakota. Brandt initially fled the scene and told a 911 operator that Ellingson was part of a “Republican extremist group,” adding that the teenager was calling on others to come “get him,’ according to court…

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Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky has announcedย his nation has formally submitted an expedited application to become a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). President Zelensky’s announcement on Friday comes as Russia’s invasion of the nation reaches its seven-month milestone. โ€œUkraine was and remains a leader in negotiation efforts. It was our state that always offered Russia to reach an agreement on coexistence on equal, honest, decent and fair terms,โ€ Zelensky said in aย video message. โ€œIt is obvious that this is impossible with this Russian president. He does not know what dignity and honesty are. Therefore, we are ready for…

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Republicans might be feeling the pressure with Election Day on the horizon. With just under six weeks to go the nonpartisan Cook Political Report has just shifted three key gubernatorial races toward Democrats. The election forecaster shifted the races in Pennsylvania and Michigan from โ€œlean Democraticโ€ to โ€œlikely Democraticโ€ and the race in Oklahoma from โ€œsolid Republicanโ€ to โ€œlikely Republican.โ€ According to The Hill, Cook’s Senate and governor’s editor Jessica Taylor explained that experts predicted the Pennsylvania and Michigan gubernatorial races to be considered toss-ups throughout the entire election cycle but because those two states have seen the biggest decline…

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Pennsylvania Democrat candidate for Senate, John Fetterman is clearly getting nervous as November’s midterm elections draw closer and closer. Fetterman, who has attempted to paint himself as a moderate Democrat to voters, removed all mentions of his affiliation with the controversial Black Lives Matter activist group from his campaign page. The phrase does not appear in text anywhere on his website anymore, and it only gets a passing mention in theย videoย on his โ€œTaking on Crimeโ€ page. In that video, he attempts to justify his decision toย chase downย an unarmed black jogger in his pickup truck while armed with a 20-gauge…

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A married couple, including the Army’s first openly transgender officer, have been indicted for allegedly trying to provide soldiers’ private medical records to the Russian government. A federal grand jury in Baltimore indicted Jamie Lee Henry and his wife, Anna Gabrielian, on charges of conspiracy and wrongful disclosure of individually identifiable health information. Prosecutors claim the couple met with an undercover FBI agent in August who was posing as a Russian diplomat and offered medical information from Fort Bragg, the home of the militaryโ€™s elite Delta Force, according to The Washington Free Beacon. Gabrielian, an anesthesiologist at Johns Hopkins University,…

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Vice President Kamala Harris has landed herself in the headlines once again. During a visit to the Korean Peninsula’s Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), the Vice President put her foot in her mouth when she commended the countryโ€™s strong alliance with the โ€œRepublic of North Korea.โ€ “It is an alliance that is strong and enduring,” she added, intending to refer to the Republic of Korea, which is South Korea’s official name. The heavily fortified DMZ, a buffer zone that separates North and South Korea, was Harris’ final stop on her diplomatic trip to Asia meant to signify America’s “rock-solid commitment” to…

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