Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty — at home and from abroad.

FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – American Liberty News (ALN) – in collaboration with the Center for American Defense Studies (CADS) – provides our readers the PDB: Not the President’s Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING. Get Your Best Daily Defense and Foreign Affairs Intelligence Here in One Brief. Read the summaries or dive deeper via the linked articles. Today’s PDB includes a variety of critical, global national security issues. ** For additional daily intel on the Russia-Ukraine war and other hot topics we can’t fit here, please also subscribe to ‘Paul’s Defense Brief’ at READ TODAY’S PDB BELOW: NATIONAL SECURITY SO SAID MITT ROMNEY TO OBAMA – The…

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ANALYSIS – In December 2020 I wrote about how 50 former U.S. intelligence officers became part of a Democrat election disinformation campaign to hurt Donald Trump and aid Joe Biden by claiming Hunter Biden’s laptop was part of a nefarious Russian spy plot. I noted this was coordinated election interference by high-ranking former intelligence officials. And their effort succeeded – proving, as I said – that: “Democrat disinformation is far more dangerous than Russian.” But few followed this lead for over a year. Until now. (RELATED: Outlet Belatedly Decides Media Should Reassess Hunter Biden Laptop Story) The list of intelligence luminaries (aka partisan hacks) used by the…

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In an apparent attempt to take advantage of the world’s preoccupation with Russia’s war on Ukraine, China is steadily building up its naval presence and capabilities across the Pacific. And this build-up is significant. It is also provoking tensions. Earlier this month, a Chinese J-20 stealth fighter had a close encounter with an American F-35 fighter over the East China Sea. Experts believe China is aggressively moving to fill a void in Asia created by the war in Ukraine. Beijing similarly flexed its muscles in both the East China Sea and the South China Sea in 2020 while the world…

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FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – American Liberty News (ALN) – in collaboration with the Center for American Defense Studies (CADS) – provides our readers the PDB: Not the President’s Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING. Get Your Best Daily Defense and Foreign Affairs Intelligence Here in One Brief. Read the summaries or dive deeper via the linked articles. Today’s PDB includes a variety of critical, global national security issues. ** For additional daily intel on the Russia-Ukraine war and other hot topics we can’t fit here, please also subscribe to ‘Paul’s Defense Brief’ at READ TODAY’S PDB BELOW: NATIONAL SECURITY AS IT SHOULD BE – BUT STILL…

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Opinion – I’m a fan of Will Smith. I’ve enjoyed his acting since his early days as the “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.” He is generally a cool, even-keeled dude. But what he did at the Oscars, no matter how he felt, or how ignorant and insensitive the provocation, is simply outrageous and unacceptable. It’s criminal assault. On national TV. At the Oscars. Over a bad joke. Let me repeat that. It’s criminal assault. On national TV. At the Oscars. Over a bad joke. And while some dismiss it as a stupid Hollywood thing, that nobody cares about, it matters because…

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While in Poland this weekend, President Joe Biden made several significant and very public verbal gaffes, all of which required the White House to issue corrections or denials, yet when pressed by a Fox News reporter, Biden denied they ever occurred. Among these reckless comments, Biden appeared to tell American soldiers of the 82nd Airborne Division in Poland that they were going to Ukraine. “You’re going to see when you’re there… you’re going to see women, young people, standing in the middle, in front of a damn tank,” he said. The White House then denied this was the case. Then, Biden appeared to say the U.S. and NATO were…

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FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – American Liberty News (ALN) – in collaboration with the Center for American Defense Studies (CADS) – provides our readers the PDB: Not the President’s Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING. Get Your Best Daily Defense and Foreign Affairs Intelligence Here in One Brief. Read the summaries or dive deeper via the linked articles. Today’s PDB includes a variety of critical, global national security issues. ** For additional daily intel on the Russia-Ukraine war and other hot topics we can’t fit here, please also subscribe to ‘Paul’s Defense Brief’ at READ TODAY’S PDB BELOW: NATIONAL SECURITY PROBABLY – Is the US losing an arms…

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After delivering a speech to the European Union (EU), leftist Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau didn’t get the response he expected, as numerous Members of European Parliament (MEPs) – from both old and new Europe – bashed him over his tyrannical repression of the peaceful ‘Freedom Convoy’ protesters in February. (RELATED: Poll Shows How Democrats Really Feel About Trudeau’s Trucker Crackdown) As Fox News reported, Trudeau has also faced backlash at home for how he responded to the Freedom Convoy, as “Video circulated widely on social media in February of police decked out in riot gear cracking down on convoy…

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ANALYSIS – Gen. David H. Berger, the Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps has been creating waves since he began a radical transformation of the Marines more than two years ago. And now those waves are becoming a tsunami as retired generals are openly challenging some of the commandant’s biggest changes, as well as the way in which they are being implemented. In a critical op-ed in The Wall Street Journal, Jim Webb, a former Marine officer, Navy secretary and a U.S. senator from Virginia noted that: …it is unclear to just about everyone with experience in military planning what formal review and coordination was…

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FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – American Liberty News (ALN) – in collaboration with the Center for American Defense Studies (CADS) – provides our readers the PDB: Not the President’s Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING. Get Your Best Daily Defense and Foreign Affairs Intelligence Here in One Brief. Read the summaries or dive deeper via the linked articles. Today’s PDB includes a variety of critical, global national security issues. ** For additional daily intel on the Russia-Ukraine war and other hot topics we can’t fit here, please also subscribe to ‘Paul’s Defense Brief’ at READ TODAY’S PDB BELOW: NATIONAL SECURITY Why Biden’s off-script remarks about Putin are…

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