Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attachรฉ with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty โ€” at home and from abroad.

ANALYSIS โ€“ After working relentlessly to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop story broken by the New York Postย just weeks before the 2020 presidential election, The New York Times has now admitted the story, among other things, showing links between Joe Bidenโ€™s son and Ukrainian energy company Burisma, was true. Of course, it didnโ€™t outright admit it, instead grudgingly acknowledging it deep in the weeds of an innocuous story it published Wednesday. The unprecedented attack by the liberal press on this critical 2020 Biden election story wasnโ€™t limited to the establishment media though, as Big Tech joined forces to protect Biden.ย Twitterย andย Facebookย also…

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As Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky shames the U.S. into providing more arms and support to face the brutal Russian invasion, many NATO members, and a few others, are providing large quantities of arms, with a few acting as central supply hubs for military supplies already pouring into Ukraine. (RELATED: Ukrainians Praying to โ€˜St Javelinโ€™ โ€“ The New Patron Saint of the Tank-Busting Missile) Among those countries on the Ukraine supply front lines, are former Soviet colonies, Poland, Slovakia and Romania, which all share a border with Ukraine. As the Financial Times writes, this is the largest European arms supply since…

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Former Trump Attorney General Bill Barr is taking fire from all sides after criticizing the former president while also calling the far-left wing of the Democrat Party โ€˜dangerous for the United States.โ€™ While promoting his book,ย “One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of an Attorney General,”ย Barr has repeatedly stated he would not support Donald Trump during the GOP primary in 2024, if he were to run. This has angered many die hard Trump supporters, even though Barr has also stated he will support whoever is the GOP nominee. The reason Barr says he will support Trump if he is the Republican…

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FOR YOUR EYES ONLYย โ€“ American Liberty News (ALN) โ€“ in collaboration with theย Center for American Defense Studies (CADS)ย โ€“ provides our readers theย PDB: Not theย Presidentโ€™s Daily Brief, but almost as good โ€“ย PAULโ€™S DAILY BRIEFING. Get Your Best Daily Defense and Foreign Affairs Intelligence Here in One Brief. Read the summaries, or dive deeper via the linked articles. Todayโ€™s PDB includes a variety of critical, global national security issues. **ย For additional daily intel on the Russia-Ukraine war and other hot topics we canโ€™t fit here, please also subscribe to โ€˜Paulโ€™s Defense Briefโ€™ atย paulcrespo.substack.comย  READ TODAYโ€™Sย PDBย BELOW: NATIONAL SECURITY APPEAL TO CONGRESS AND BIDEN โ€“ย Zelensky to…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ย I recently wrote about a Florida GOP Congresswoman, and former media colleague, who appeared to haveย flubbed simple questionsย about her support for a NATO-enforced โ€˜no-fly zoneโ€™ (NFZ) over Ukraine. But itโ€™s not just her, too many politicians, armchair strategists and social media military experts are demanding the same thing. Usually in the name of protecting Ukrainian civilians from Putinโ€™s increasingly brutal attacks. But few actually know what a NFZ entails, or the risks involved. And they should. And where were they for months when Biden was doing very little as Russia prepared to invade? Asย I wrote earlier: The time to…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ย Even as you watch the sudden outpouring of newfound liberal patriotism โ€“ย for Ukraine, a recent poll shows that most Democrats who are now clamoring for tougher actions against Russia in favor of Ukraine, would run rather than fight if America was similarly invaded. It appears that questioning the patriotism of liberal Democrats isnโ€™t so crazy after all. And Ukrainians are braver and love their own country more than most Democrats love America. In a Quinnipiac University survey the pollster asked: โ€˜What would you do if you were in the same position as Ukrainians are now, stay and fight or leave the…

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FOR YOUR EYES ONLYย โ€“ American Liberty News (ALN) โ€“ in collaboration with theย Center for American Defense Studies (CADS)ย โ€“ provides our readers theย PDB: Not theย Presidentโ€™s Daily Brief, but almost as good โ€“ย PAULโ€™S DAILY BRIEFING. Get Your Best Daily Defense and Foreign Affairs Intelligence Here in One Brief. Read the summaries or dive deeper via the linked articles. Todayโ€™s PDB includes a variety of critical, global national security issues. **ย For additional daily intel on the Russia-Ukraine war and other hot topics we canโ€™t fit here, please also subscribe to โ€˜Paulโ€™s Defense Briefโ€™ atย paulcrespo.substack.comย  READ TODAYโ€™Sย PDBย BELOW: NATIONAL SECURITY OR LET EUROPE DEFEND EUROPE โ€“ย Ukraine makes…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ย Whileย the American Left instinctively calls much of the Right โ€˜Putin apologistsโ€™ following the debunked Trump-Russia-collusion narrative, most conservative Republicans are as hawkish on Russia and โ€˜Vlad the Invaderโ€™ as anyone. Possibly more so. Recall it was Barack Obama along with feckless VP Joe Biden, who allowed Putin to invade Ukraine in 2014 โ€“ after mocking Republican Mitt Romney for saying Russia was a major threat. President Biden also refrained from aggressively arming Ukraine more recently prior to Putinโ€™s current invasion. Biden also essentially gave Putin a green light when he absurdly promised publicly that he would not send U.S.…

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The Kremlin has recently begun making false claims about a secret U.S. and Ukrainian โ€˜military-biological program.โ€™ The communist Chinese have also been repeating these same false claims. While the U.S. has flatly rejected these accusations as โ€˜preposterous,โ€™ โ€˜laughable,โ€™ and โ€˜outright lies,โ€™ U.S. and NATO officials believe these claims could be yet another Putin-contrived false flag โ€˜pretextโ€™ for Russia to use its own banned chemical weapons in Ukraine. (RELATED: Putin Purges Heads of Russian FSB Security Serviceโ€™s Foreign Intelligence Branch) Last Sundayย tweetย byย the Russian foreign ministry: @mod_russia: During the course of the special military operation evidence of an emergency clean-up performed by…

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FOR YOUR EYES ONLYย โ€“ American Liberty News (ALN) โ€“ in collaboration with theย Center for American Defense Studies (CADS)ย โ€“ provides our readers theย PDB: Not theย Presidentโ€™s Daily Brief, but almost as good โ€“ย PAULโ€™S DAILY BRIEFING. Get Your Best Daily Defense and Foreign Affairs Intelligence Here in One Brief. Todayโ€™s PDB includes a variety of critical, global national security issues. **ย For additional daily intel on the Russia-Ukraine war and other hot topics we canโ€™t fit here, please also subscribe to โ€˜Paulโ€™s Defense Briefโ€™ atย paulcrespo.substack.comย  READ TODAYโ€™Sย PDBย BELOW: NATIONAL SECURITY Kyiv-Moscow and US-China talks set as Ukraineโ€™s humanitarian crisis escalates. Talks are set to resume Monday between…

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