Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attachรฉ with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty โ€” at home and from abroad.

WEDNESDAY PDB โ€“ Is the American military too ‘woke’? A theme that keeps dominating certain corners of media commentary is the idea that the U.S. armed forces have become โ€œwoke.โ€ โ€“ YES, IT IS โ€“ ABORTION TRAVEL, TRANSGENDERISM PRIDE, ANTI-WHITE RACIST POLICIES. Government shutdown could hinge on fight over โ€˜wokeโ€™ military policies. Members of the House Freedom Caucus are demanding changes in Pentagon training and programs in exchange for their support of a budget deal. END TAXPAYER-FUNDED ABORTION TRAVEL, SEX CHANGES AND CRITICAL RACE THEORY (CRT) INDOCTRINATION. MEANWHILE โ€“ A Gen Z Marine explores solutions to the military’s recruiting crisis in a new…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ Not afraid of Joe Biden. In another example of gray zone warfare, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) aggressively harassedย the USS Bataan (LHD-5) helicopter assault ship and the USS Carter Hall (LSD-50) landing ship in the Strait of Hormuz. Both vessels, which between them carry four thousand Marines and sailors, have been sent to the region to counter Iranian aggression against civilian shipping. The Bataan, a Wasp-class amphibious assault ship, hosts elements of the 26thย Expeditionary Unit โ€“ Special Operations Capable (MEU-SOC). (RELATED: Marines Urged By Woke Study To Use Gender-Neutral Terms In Boot Camp) The impressive ship also…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ Had a Republican president been as lackadaisical, tone deaf and uncaring as Joe Biden in the wake of the devastating Maui wildfires in Hawaii, the media would be all over him. In fact, George W. Bush was savaged for his Air Force One flyover of Katrina-ravaged New Orleans. But it’s Joe, and he is a Democrat. (RELATED: No Labels Likely To Launch Third-Party โ€˜Alternativeโ€™ If Trump, Biden Win Nominations) Bidenย can take aย leisurely vacationย August 13 onย Rehoboth Beach, Delaware while the town of Lahaina on the island of Mauiย was still smoking,ย and at least 115 Americans were killed,ย and the media remain…

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TUESDAY PDB โ€“ South China Sea: Philippines resupplies Spratlys shoal troops. Manila says Beijing’s attempts to “block, harass, and interfere with the supply mission” were unsuccessful. Chinese ships fired water cannons at a Philippine supply mission to the Second Thomas Shoal in the disputed Spratly Islands two weeks before, stopping it from reaching the Filipino troops. (RELATED: China Cutting Off US And Allies From โ€˜Criticalโ€™ Rare Minerals) Australian Amphib HMAS Canberra in the Philippines for Drills Amidst South China Sea Tensions. The warship launched several MV-22B Ospreys in an air assault exercise off Palawan this week, commencing the first phase…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ It was to be a historic moment for Russia. Its first trip to the moon in almost 50 years. Launched on August 11 aboard a Soyuz-2 Fregat rocket, Luna 25, a robotic lander, was going to explore the moonโ€™s south polar region, which wouldย create problems for American plans for future lunar bases in the same region. The lunar south pole is strategically vital since the craters there, permanently shadowed away from the sun, may contain water. The frozen water in the rocks could be transformed into air and rocket fuel. Luna 25, also called the Luna-Glob-Lander, launched from…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ Should we worry? There is increasing talk in Washington about using American military force against the Mexican drug cartels who now effectively control broad swathes of our southern border. But what many U.S. lawmakers havenโ€™t noticed is that as the cartels have grown more powerful, so has the Mexican Army. And all this under a populist socialist Mexican president. (RELATED: Mexican President Accuses Pentagon Of Espionage) As Newsweek reported: Mexican President Andrรฉs Manuel Lรณpez Obrador vowed while campaigning for office that he would “send the soldiers back to their barracks.” But what Mexico has seen instead during his administration…

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MONDAY PDB โ€“ High public confidence in the military is dropping. Hereโ€™s how to reverse this dangerous trend. The American public has a relatively high level of confidence in the U.S. military โ€” especially compared to how the public views other governmental institutions. This remains true today even though public confidence in the military has dropped markedly in the last few years, hitting the lowest point in two decades at 60%. Yet, the military should not be complacent about its relative status because confidence in the military is high โ€” but hollow. The pillars undergirding the publicโ€™s confidence are eroding. And…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ If you only followed establishment news, you would think that only former President Donald Trump is in a heap of legal trouble. Well, regardless of whether Trumpโ€™s legal woes are justified or a witch-hunt by a weaponized Department of Justice (DOJ) and politicized local prosecutors, he isnโ€™t the only president in increasingly hot water. Whether itโ€™s through his son Hunter, or by his own doing, Joe Biden is also facing what one congressman called an โ€œinferno of allegations.โ€ Pennsylvania Republican and House Oversight Committee member Scott Perry said on a Newsmax TV interview on Thursday that where there’s smoke there’s…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ As North Korea continues its mad dash to become a regional nuclear power, it is now following the Russian example and building nuclear-armed drone torpedoes to strike coastal cities. Similar in type to Russiaโ€™s fearsome Poseidon autonomous nuclear torpedoย and officially designated as theย Haeil-2ย unmanned underwater nuclear attack boat,ย these huge drone-torpedoes were first publicly displayed atย North Koreaโ€™sย latest military parade in late July. (RELATED: US Soldier Laughed While Defecting To North Korea: Report) The Drive has done some excellent reporting on this new weapon. Some have also referred to it as a โ€˜nuclear attack drone,โ€™ย โ€˜uncrewed underwater vehicle (UUV),โ€™ or โ€˜long-range/long-endurance nuclear…

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ANALYSISย โ€“ Will this bring NATO closer to war with Russia? The first civilian ship to sail from Ukraine since the end of the Black Sea grain deal has reached Turkey using a temporary โ€˜humanitarian corridorโ€™ for shipping established by Kyiv. The Hong-Kong-flagged (and German-Chinese owned) Joseph Schulte container ship that left the Russian-blocked Ukrainian Black Sea port of Odesa earlier this week had been stranded in the port since Feb. 23, 2022, the day before Russia’s invasion. The 1,000-foot-long ship sailed as Russian airstrikes reportedly damaged grain storage facilities in Reni, a river port on the Danube some 160 miles…

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