Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attachรฉ with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty โ€” at home and from abroad.

MONDAY PDB โ€“ย China secretly sends enough gear to Russia to equip an army. The pictures posted on the Chinese companyโ€™s website show a tall, Caucasian man with a crew cut and flattened nose inspecting body armor at its factory. He is most likely Russian. His order? Hundreds of thousands of armored military protective vests and helmets. Russia has also imported more than $100 million-worth of drones from China so far this year. Most of the gear is โ€˜dual use,โ€™ and not actually weapons, yet. STILL โ€“ โ€œWhat is very clear is that China, for all its claims that it is…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ In the wake of the Supreme Courtโ€™s decision striking down affirmative action at top universities as unconstitutional, the same race-based policies used to achieve โ€˜diversityโ€™ elsewhere are being scrutinized nationwide, including at the Pentagon. And now we learn that Joe Bidenโ€™s pick to replace Army General Mark Milley as the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, himself had racist hiring practices. That could make him ineligible to be the nationโ€™s top military officer. (RELATED: MSNBC Condemns Homeschooling as Racist Tool in Evangelical War) Air Force General Charles Q. (CQ) Brown, a man of color, is accused…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ Why do so many of Donald Trumpโ€™s former top advisors say he’s “not fit for office” due to his character and actions while president? Former White House National Security Advisor John Bolton, who worked closely with Trump for a year and a half, hasย saidย that the former president is “not fit for office.” The most recent to say that isย former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper. Trumpโ€™s ex-defense chief reaffirmed his views on the former president in a recent TV interview. The segment,ย reported byย Breitbart, which began by discussing the most recent criminal charges being levied against Trump over the Jan.…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ In what is again an egregious example of disparate treatment for rioters with different political views, New York City has agreed to pay violent Black Lives Matter (BLM) rioters $13.7 million after being sued over the mass arrests in 2020. If approved by a judge, it would reportedly be one of the most expensive payouts ever over mass arrests. Each BLM rioter can receive a payout of nearly $10,000 ($9,950 to be exact) as part of the settlement, whether they were arrested or not if their First Amendment rights were found to have been suppressed or infringed on…

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FRIDAY PDB โ€“ Republicans need to keep fighting the Pentagonโ€™s woke agenda. Presidential candidate Ron DeSantis backs Tuberville on military holds, denounces Pentagon abortion policy. โ€œDay one as commander-in-chief, that policy will go out the window,โ€ he said. GOOD CALL. NO TAXPAYER-FUNDED ABORTION TRAVEL. BUT JOE BIDENโ€™S RADICAL ARMY SECRETARY WONโ€™T BUDGE โ€“ย No plans to change abortion policy despite GOP demand, Army secretary says. The Defense Department has no plans to stop covering the travel costs of female troops who seek abortions across state lines, despite protests from a Republican senator who has blocked hundreds of military promotions over the…

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ALERT โ€“ While only one apparent video of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the former head of Russiaโ€™s Wagner paramilitary group, has been released since their brief uprising last month and the Kremlin continues to discredit him, Vladimir Putin has announced his replacement. And that replacement is far less mercurial and less media-conscious but just as brutal โ€“ or more so. (RELATED: Was Wagner Groupโ€™s Russia โ€˜Coupโ€™ Staged By Putin?) The new head of Wagner โ€“ which is being restructured and shorn of its heavier weapons โ€“ is Andrei Troshev, a hard-drinking but tough former Russian Army artillery colonel who helped create Wagner…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ The conservative right is on the move in Europe. First, it was Hungary under Viktor Orban, where the European Union (EU) and the United States, under Joe Biden, have ostracized him and his government. But now Europeโ€™s conservative wave is spreading, and the EU and Team Biden will have to deal with the backlash they helped create. (RELATED: Why US Conservatives Love Hungaryโ€™s Leader Viktor Orbรกn) In Italy, ultra-conservativeย Giorgia Meloni is prime minister, Finlandย has a right-leaning coalition government and Swedenโ€™s government also has a right-wing party in its ruling coalition. And others, like Austria, Germany and France may…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ The moon race is heating up! In a few weeks, the Luna 25 mission โ€“ Russiaโ€™s first trip to the moon in almost 50 years โ€“ will aim to explore the south polar region, eyed by the U.S. and other nations as a site for future lunar bases. A successful Luna 25 touchdown would represent a major milestone in Russiaโ€™s quest to revive its lunar program. And it could create the potential for conflict as well. This is likely a precursor to more lunar missions as Russia and China are working on a long-term plan to set up…

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THURSDAY PDB โ€“ As Senator Tommy Tubervilleโ€™s hold on military promotions continues over the Pentagonโ€™s new abortion travel rules, there is an easy solution. NO TAXPAYER-FUNDED ABORTION TRAVEL โ€“ย Pentagon abortion policy talks fail to yield compromise on nominees. DOD leaders fielded questions and concerns from key senators over the militaryโ€™s abortion access policy in a closed-door briefing Wednesday but failed to break the stalemate over the rules. Schumer says he’s open to giving Sen. Tuberville a vote on the military’s abortion policy.ย Sen. Tuberville, R-Ala., has held up military promotions for months over his objection to Pentagon abortion policy, saying he…

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WEDNESDAY PDB โ€“ Despite dangerousย Obama-Biden attempts to reduce U.S. nuclear weapons capabilities, reality and Americaโ€™s enemies keep getting in the way. More and better nukes are needed for credible deterrence amid growing threats. (RELATED: Top US General Orders Troops To Prepare For Theย Unthinkable) US projected to spend $117B on nuke command and control in next decade. This for operating, upgrading and maintaining the systems the U.S. Department of Defense relies upon to monitor, ready and launch devastating nuclear weapons. Disturbing decline in global nuclear security, watchdog says. For the first time since it began in 2012, the Nuclear Threat Index has…

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