Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty — at home and from abroad.

ANALYSIS – Ukraine keeps hitting targets in Russia or Russian-occupied Ukrainian territory. Most recently attacking the critical bridge linking Russian-occupied Crimea with the Russian mainland. Russia illegally annexed the Crimean peninsula in 2014 and built the bridge in 2018. The 12-mile-long bridge, which includes tandem road and rail lines, holds major importance for Russia. (RELATED: Tucker Carlson Appears Wrong About Who Destroyed Ukrainian Dam) Russian officials have halted traffic on the bridge after a Ukrainian attack on Monday caused parts of it to collapse, killing two people. Vehicle traffic on the Kerch Bridge came to a standstill, while rail traffic…

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TUESDAY PDB – A Cyber Force? Senate proposes study with lessons learned from Space Force. One provision in the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act bill would task the Pentagon with studying the possibility of an independent Cyber Force – using lessons from the Space Force. There are arguments pro and con. If pursued, this would create a new, 7th branch of military service. FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – Here’s a roundup of today’s other top defense stories from conservative national security expert PAUL CRESPO. Not the President’s Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING – the PDB: NATIONAL SECURITY DOH! – Sensitive US military info…

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ANALYSIS – In one of my earlier PDBs I asked if the Pentagon’s ‘wokeness’ was a deliberate effort to keep straight, white Christian males from joining the military. Of course, I knew the answer was ‘yes.’ I even said, “this may be the left’s goal – to deliberately alienate [straight] white Christian men from joining, so they can expand efforts to recruit non-religious, non-white, woke LGBT lefties instead.” But now Joe Biden’s Army Secretary, Christine Wormuth, a lefty civilian bureaucrat who never served a day in uniform, is saying the quiet part out loud. And she is going even further. Much further. (RELATED: Controversial…

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MONDAY PDB – From banning taxpayer-funded abortion travel to taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries, the Republican-led House is sticking to its guns and fighting the Pentagon’s far-left woke agenda. STAND STRONG AND WIN – House narrowly passes defense bill after Dems defect over abortion. The House on Friday narrowly passed the annual defense authorization bill largely along party lines after Democrats withdrew their support in protest over amendments that took a hard-right tack on numerous hot-button, culture-war issues. CALL IT WHAT IT IS – AN ATHEIST ANTI-CHRISTIAN GROUP – Ban on troops communicating with anti-Christian ‘religious freedom’ group clears House. A conservative Republican provision…

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ANALYSIS – One of the most common federal felony charges brought against J*n. 6 C*pitol ‘ri*ters’ is “obstruction of an official proceeding.” I put ‘ri*ters’ in quotes because many of those charged by the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) never ri*ted. While there were violent rioters who viciously attacked police, and I have repeatedly stated that they should absolutely go to jail (just like similar vi*lent BLM ri*ters), some on J*n. 6 simply entered the Capitol or otherwise just wandered the halls. That’s where the ‘obstruction’ charge comes in. And it carries a maximum 20-year sentence. And DOJ might yet even…

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ANALYSIS – To be more precise, is being gay, transgender or gender fluid, or anything but your biological sex and its associated sexual orientation, socially contagious among our youth? Increasingly, the answer seems to be yes. And censorship of any critical or questioning views are big parts of the reason it’s spreading like wildfire. Currently, the LGBT Pride movement has made being LGBT, especially T for transgender, a growing social contagion. It is pushed by academics, teachers, school officials, counselors, and doctors. It’s also being pushed by big corporations such as Target and Budweiser (or it was). It is also…

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ANALYSIS – The moon race is heating up, with India catching up to the U.S. and China. Until recently, the United States had a monopoly on lunar exploration, with the first unmanned landing in 1966, followed by the Apollo 11 manned landing in 1969. The former Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.) landed a craft on the moon in 1966 as well. American manned lunar landings ended in 1972 with Apollo 17, and the moon kind of lost its appeal for a while. Then China became the third nation to successfully land on the Moon in 2013 with its Chang’e-3 mission and interest…

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ANALYSIS – Gal Luft, the ‘missing’ whistleblower responsible for exposing Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden’s China-related corruption, has been charged by the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) for acting as an “unregistered agent of China.” (RELATED: DOJ Indicts GOP’s ‘Missing’ Biden Whistleblower) Luft is now hiding overseas. You really can’t make this stuff up. House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer called Luft “very credible” as a whistleblower against the Bidens, but earlier alluded to him being ‘missing’ and not able to testify before his committee. (RELATED: House Ethics Committee Revives Sexual Misconduct Investigation Into Matt Gaetz) Federal prosecutors in New York also claimed Luft, a U.S.-Israeli…

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FRIDAY PDB – Marine veteran caught up in Jan. 6 conspiracy theory sues Fox News.  A former Donald Trump supporter who became the center of a conspiracy theory about Jan. 6, 2021, filed a defamation lawsuit against Fox, saying the network made him a scapegoat for the Capitol riot. Raymond Epps, a former Marine who said he was forced from his Arizona home because of threats, is asking for unspecified damages and a jury trial. The suit also says the Justice Department told Epps in May that he faces criminal charges for his actions on Jan. 6, and blames that…

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ANALYSIS – Joe Biden has decided to supply Ukraine with controversial Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions (DPICMs), otherwise known as cluster bombs, to use against heavily entrenched Russian forces. Up to now, the U.S. has been reluctant to supply these munitions. More than 120 nations have signed a treaty banning their use since unexploded bomblets can harm civilians years after the fighting has ended. (RELATED: Biden Authorizes Controversial Military Moves) The U.S., Ukraine and Russia are not among the signatories to the ban. Biden’s controversial decision has produced a firestorm of protest, mostly from his own party and some close allies. The…

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