Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty — at home and from abroad.

ANALYSIS – While it is not known how many Hamas rockets have been intercepted by Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ short-range air defense system, a lot have been destroyed in flight, as video from journalists on the ground prove (see videos below). The problem is Hamas, as well as to a far lesser extent Hezbollah in Lebanon to the north, have fired a few thousand missiles into Israel since Saturday’s terror assault. (RELATED: How The Brutal Iran-Backed Terror Assault On Israel Unfolded) Israel says they have fired two to three thousand, Hamas claims they have launched 5,000. Regardless of the true number,…

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WEDNESDAY PDB – The Pentagon has rightly decided it needs numbers as well as technology to defeat China. And the best way to do that is with lots and lots of autonomous (AI-piloted) drones working alongside all manner of manned vehicles and aircraft. Army mulls attack drones, ground robots for Replicator. The Army could contribute one-way attack drones and ground-based robotics to the Pentagon’s nascent Replicator initiative, which aims to deploy masses of autonomous systems against China. Shield AI unveils V-Bat Teams drone swarm tech, with eye to Replicator initiative. The California-based defense technology firm recently launched its new drone swarming capability. Teledyne…

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ANALYSIS – Amid all the horrific details of the mass slaughter of innocents by Hamas jihadists in Israel, there are a few emerging stories of bravery and sacrifice. In my earlier piece, I described the brutal massacre of civilian families at two Israeli kibbutzes, including the murder and beheading of 40 babies and toddlers at one of them. That latter kibbutz – which is the name of collective agricultural settlements unique to Israel and founded on the idea of being a utopian and peaceful Jewish community – was Kfar Aza. (RELATED: How The Brutal Iran-Backed Terror Assault On Israel Unfolded) There, even…

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ANALYSIS – Hunter knew how to party. The problem is a lot of his fun may have been highly illegal. And we aren’t just talking about run of the mill illegal drugs or prostitutes but hiring Russian hookers from an ‘Eastern European Sex Trafficking Ring.’ And at times he used tens of thousands of dollars in cash funneled through a China-based company to pay for them. When ‘Hunter goes wild’ it’s on an epic, global scale. And it appears his dad, Joe Biden knew about it, and at times may have helped pay for it. Hunter also shamelessly deducted some hooker…

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ANALYSIS – A two-year campaign of deception, and intimate help from the Iranian terror regime, ensured Israel was caught off guard when the Palestinian Islamist terrorist group Hamas launched its brutal dawn attack on Saturday against Israel. (RELATED: Iranian President Refutes Biden’s Claim About Unfrozen Funds) The deception, as well as what appears to be substantial Hamas intelligence on the Israeli border defenses, allowed bulldozers, motorized hang gliders, motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) to take on the powerful Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). The Hamas leadership misled Israel by providing economic incentives to Gazan workers, allowing them work permits, to make it appear…

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TUESDAY PDB – While any U.S. fight with China will be primarily an air and maritime campaign focused on the Navy-Marine Corps team battling across swaths of sea and many islands, with long-range strikes by Air Force bombers, the Army is adding its firepower to the mix as well. US Army moves to pre-position materials in Pacific. The Army is hoping progress made at Talisman Sabre, the joint U.S.-Australian exercise this summer, could open doors for it to position more equipment in the Indo-Pacific region. US Army relies on Pacific allies, exercises to sustain supply lines. Army commanders overseeing forces in…

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ANALYSIS – As the Israeli death count mounts well past 1,000, mostly civilians murdered by Hamas terrorists, the barbaric focus on innocent families at kibbutz’s, including Israeli babies, is shocking. A kibbutz is a collective settlement unique to Israel based on agriculture, which was founded on the idea of being a utopian and peaceful Jewish community. The destroyed Israeli kibbutz Kfar Aza, where the bodies of Hamas terrorists still lay outside of some of the small, well-maintained, but now burned-out homes, and Israeli troops continue to clear others, is one of the worst examples so far. Here, some 70 Hamas terrorists…

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ANALYSIS – While most of us don’t care much about what a deranged former porn star turned OnlyFans webcam model (‘cam girl’) says, it’s a sign of our times that this is news. Mia Khalifa is a 30-year-old Lebanese American born in Beirut and raised Catholic. But her previous life choices and current words and actions are far from Christian. Once Pornhub’s highest-ranked adult star, Khalifa left the hardcore porn business to focus on OnlyFans. Khalifa, who has long called Israel an apartheid state, provoked outrage with her enthusiastic support for Hamas terrorists following their horrific surprise attack on Israel, which has taken over…

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ANALYSIS – In the latest example of tone-deaf behavior from our befuddled and demented commander-in-chief, Joe Biden, and his wife Jill, cluelessly hosted a White House barbecue on Sunday with a live band for residence staff and families. The music could be heard from a distance into the evening. This day of lighthearted gaiety went on even as reports were flooding in that Americans were among those brutally murdered or taken hostage in the horrific and ongoing Hamas terror rampage against Israel. (RELATED: Report: Israel-Hamas Death Toll Rises Amid Ongoing Conflict) “We can confirm the deaths of several U.S. citizens,” a…

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MONDAY PDB – Republican field blames Biden for dealing with Iran after Hamas terror attack. Hamas’ surprise early morning terror attack Saturday marks a new foreign policy front in a presidential election. JOE BIDEN IS GUILTY AS CHARGED – HIS $6 BILLION PAYOFF TO IRAN WAS HORRENDOUS AND ENABLING. Biden has been desperately trying to kowtow to Iran’s terror regime to get them to reengage on the worthless Obama 2015 nuclear weapons deal canceled by Trump. This may be partly due to the fact, as I wrote earlier, that Iran appears to have infiltrated both the Obama and Biden White House. Biden’s weak…

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