Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty — at home and from abroad.

MONDAY PDB – It may come down to a simple choice – will the Marines be America’s global crisis-response force or a dedicated China fighter? These two pieces best summarize the quandary. How capable is today’s Marine Corps to answer a 9-1-1 call? Not very. Neither the Navy nor the Marine Corps can meet the essential requirements today, these two retired Marine leaders write. How Marine Commandant Berger became ‘the poster child for change.’ In the small town of Newport, Rhode Island, a U.S. force lacking in capabilities was about to face off against well-armed and advanced Chinese troops. FOR YOUR…

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ANALYSIS – While the establishment media has tried to spin France’s recent wave of rioting as a response to unfair or racist French policing, like the Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots of 2020 in the United States, they really aren’t. For both, that is only the pretext. But they are very similar in other ways. As I wrote before, both were about much more. In the case of BLM, it was part of a bigger far-left agenda. In the case of France, it is an uprising of racial, cultural and religious resentment with Islamist overtones. (RELATED: Dutch Government Collapses Over Migration…

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ANALYSIS – Saturday will mark the 500th day of the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine.  Russia’s invasion is a far-reaching human and economic tragedy that shows no sign of ending, especially with Joe Biden’s indecisive, incrementalist approach to arming Ukraine. (RELATED: US Agrees To Give Cluster Munitions To Ukraine) On February 24, 2022, Russian leader Vladimir Putin announced a “special military operation” in Ukraine, aimed, he said, at maintaining its proxy control of Donbas, the “denazification” of the country and preventing the expansion of NATO to its southwest flank. Five hundred days later, Putin has only been partly successful, still holding…

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FRIDAY PDB – The Navy’s current efforts to test and develop unmanned and autonomous vessels are too vulnerable to espionage from China, Russia and other U.S. adversaries, warns retired Navy Capt. Jerry Hendrix. That’s why Hendrix is advocating that the Navy create a new ultra-secret research development and test range for unmanned vessels on Lake Michigan, where there is no chance the experimental vessels could be captured and reverse-engineered by rivals. Retired Navy officer calls for creating ‘Area 52’ amid China, Russia concerns. A secretive testing ground in the waters of Lake Michigan for unmanned ships and submersibles could be game changers in…

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ANALYSIS – Another summer of rage erupts in Paris, this time sparked by the police shooting several days ago of a 17-year-old Muslim man of North African origin. Many liken the fiery French riots to our own Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots of 2020. And in many ways, they are similar. They both used the police killing of a man of color to justify violence, arson, looting and spreading chaos. Their initial stated agenda was to highlight police brutality and police racism, then just racism. Then a bunch of other stuff. In the United States, a lot of the BLM…

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ANALYSIS – In an unexpected but long overdue move, the Pentagon has stated it will no longer work with directors if their movies comply with censorship demands from Beijing. This follows directly on the heels of Vietnam banning the movie “Barbie” over its inclusion of a China-friendly map of the South China Sea. That movie’s producers apparently caved to Chinese pressure and included the map showing China essentially owning the South China Sea, which it does not, despite its claims. And Vietnam wasn’t happy. (RELATED: ‘Barbie’ Movie Banned In Vietnam As Hollywood Again Kowtows To China) But, as I previously wrote, this Chinese censorship problem…

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THURSDAY PDB – Iran tried to seize 2 oil tankers in Gulf, fired shots at one. The U.S. Navy said the Iranian naval vessels backed off after Navy ships responded. “The Iranian navy did make attempts to seize commercial tankers lawfully transiting international waters,” said Cmdr. Tim Hawkins, spokesman for the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet.  “The U.S. Navy responded immediately and prevented those seizures.” Iran has seized at least five commercial vessels in the last two years and has harassed more than a dozen others. Many of the incidents have occurred in and around the Strait of Hormuz, the narrow mouth of…

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ANALYSIS – One of the first wisps of rumor I heard about the recent spectacular, brief and failed military revolt in Russia by the Wagner mercenary group’s leader was that it was staged by Vladimir Putin. I even investigated that possibility briefly. Unfortunately, there is little to confirm that the attempted coup, mercenary revolt, putsch or whatever it was, was faked. But there is also very little real information about it other than what we were allowed to see. I analyzed what I could based on available information and wrote about it here. I’m still unsure what really happened. Or…

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ALERT – In what appears to be increasing attacks inside Russia, the third drone attack on Moscow this year forced flights to be diverted from Vnukovo International Airport and brought Russia’s war in Ukraine closer to its own capital – a goal of the Ukrainians. Operations were interrupted for about three hours in the early morning of July 4. Vnukovo is the Russian capital’s third-largest airport. This was the first time a Moscow airport has had to interrupt operations due to a military threat since Moscow launched its brutal invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. (RELATED: Retired US General Says…

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WEDNESDAY PDB – Most Americans still celebrate the founding of our great Republic with patriotism and zeal. For new American citizens, this is often an even more special day. And for those who became citizens while serving in the U.S. military, it’s maybe even more. Unfortunately, to the left, it’s often a day to be ignored or dismissed. SCR*W THEM! – HOPE YOU ALL HAD A GREAT JULY 4th. HAPPY INSURRECTION DAY! (RELATED: Loss Of Patriotism Leading Some Americans To Rethink July Fourth Celebrations) BIDEN ALMOST MADE A BIG DEAL OF THIS – White House celebrates Fourth with military families, concert.…

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