Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty — at home and from abroad.

ANALYSIS – Let freedom ring! In a major victory for free speech in America, and a major vindication for conservatives who have been warning of Democrats using the government to censor them on social media, a federal judge is blocking federal agencies from communicating with Big Tech firms to censor posts. The Democrats using federal agencies and other official political bodies to coerce or direct social media firms is being called government “censorship ‘by proxy.'” (RELATED: Media Pushes Controversial AI Censorship Model, Raising Red Flags) This injunction is particularly heartening to me, since I was a victim of this censorship when LinkedIn…

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ANALYSIS – In what could expand to a wider conflict, Israel has launched a major military operation into the West Bank Palestinian refugee camp in Jenin. Launched early on Monday, the raid involving hundreds of commandos, drone and airstrikes prompted the Palestinian Authority (PA) to furiously say it was suspending contacts with Israel. Since then, in what appears to be the most extensive Israeli military operation in the territory in years, there have been Israeli drone strikes and gun battles between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants. (RELATED: Israel Launches Biggest Military Incursion Into West Bank In 20 Years) Israel calls…

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ANALYSIS – At first, it was a David and Goliath story, with a smaller Ukraine being the underdog against its massive neighbor Russia with the world’s 2nd most powerful armed forces. For months we read of how intrepid Ukrainians were jury-rigging improvised weapons to use against the numerically and often technologically superior Russian forces. (RELATED: Why Russian Tanks Are Getting Their Turrets Blown Clean Off in Ukraine) But after almost a year and a half of brutal fighting, Russia may now be, in some ways, the underdog fighting against a highly trained Ukraine military increasingly armed with highly effective and very expensive…

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ANALYSIS – You would think the secretary of defense banning all politicized events on military bases would have sent a message. Maybe the Supreme Court’s ruling last week against discrimination (aka ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’ via Affirmative Action) might also have been a strong reminder. (RELATED: House GOP Targets Anti-Christian Military Lobbying Group) And the Navy was on the right track when it quickly removed a rainbow-themed social media post celebrating June as Pride Month. But, apparently, the Navy, and one admiral, still haven’t gotten the memo. We need to focus on recruiting and training proud American patriots and warfighters, not…

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ANALYSIS – China’s outrageous claim to almost the entire South China Sea – everything within a “nine-dash line” drawn on Chinese maps – has taken its most recent victim – the movie-viewing public in Vietnam. The Vietnamese government has banned the movie “Barbie” due to a scene with that Chinese-made line on a map. China takes its illegal claim very seriously and strives to impose its visual representation on maps everywhere, including those appearing in Hollywood movies. While it’s unclear why the soon-to-be-released film “Barbie” about the iconic doll and her boyfriend Ken would get embroiled in international politics, it has.  The South…

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MONDAY PDB – Between the GOP’s strong push and popular backlash against wokeness, things may be starting to turn around with our increasingly woke military. EXCELLENT – Lawmakers eye ending affirmative action at military academies. Thursday’s Supreme Court decision which ended the use of affirmative action in college admissions contained a carve out for military service academies, but a key Senate Republican wants to eliminate it there too. MORE STANDARDS, LESS WOKE – CMSAF Bass explains what led to her recent ‘standards’ memo to Airmen. When the Air Force’s top enlisted leader wrote an open letter to Airmen focusing on professional standards…

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ANALYSIS – Communist China has been on a war footing for over a decade. At least since Xi Jinping’s rise to power in 2012. In the last few years, many China hawks, including me, have been warning of a looming major U.S. military conflict with China over Taiwan. (RELATED: General Tells Hawaii Marines – Prepare For War In Pacific) This huge fight is going to be brutal, deadly, wildly expensive and will have long-lasting consequences for everyone involved and many not directly engaged. Despite those on Team Biden who are desperately trying to reset relations with China, as if being…

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ANALYSIS – It is becoming sadly clear that this may be the last generation of any real freedom in America as Generation Z (Gen Z or Zoomers) increasingly supports the surveillance and punishment state. Many are also exhibitionists craving 24-7 attention. As I wrote about earlier – Gen Z ‘loves Big Brother.’ Big Brother being the term used by George Orwell to describe the totalitarian surveillance state in his dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984). In that piece, I noted a Cato Institute poll that showed 30 percent of people under 30 support allowing the government to install video cameras in our homes to…

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ANALYSIS – It’s really dark out there! Dark energy and dark matter make up 95% of the universe, but scientists don’t know much about them. NASA is working on its ‘Nancy Grace Roman’ space probe to find answers in the vast dark. It is expected to launch in May 2027. Meanwhile, the European Space Agency (ESA) – their equivalent to NASA – is launching its ‘Euclid’ space telescope next week to uncover the dark universe and explore its evolution over the past 10 billion years. Together they will complement each other’s efforts. NASA says the two missions’ surveys will overlap, with Euclid…

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ANALYSIS – It seems that the Democrat establishment has given its media the green light to start reporting real news about the Bidens. Some will see it as them going after Joe and Hunter Biden, but most will see it as something long forgotten by these organizations – journalism. Either way, as Hot Air asked: “Who let the dogs out?” And more importantly, why now? White House Press reporters not from Fox News or other conservative outlets are finally asking Joe Biden tough questions, including whether he was involved in his son’s shady business deals. And CBS Evening News did an…

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