Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attachรฉ with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty โ€” at home and from abroad.

WEDNESDAY PDB โ€“ One Senator is playing hardball in the war against Woke at the Pentagon. Specifically, its new taxpayer-funded abortion travel policy. Pentagon slams Tuberville for setting โ€˜dangerous precedentโ€™ by holding up nominations. The Pentagon on Tuesday slammed Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) for setting a โ€œdangerous precedentโ€ by holding up more than 200 general and flag officer nominations over the Defense Departmentโ€™s new abortion policy. And perhaps the backlash against the taxpayer-funded trans surgeries is giving the VA second thoughts – After two years, still no timeline for transgender surgeries at VA. Two years after Veterans Affairs leaders announced they would…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ One of the most transcendent political issues today is the Leftโ€™s war on reality. Specifically, the radical efforts to push a totally made-up, anti-science, transgender ideology on society, and especially our children. And most Republicans agree. Actually, most Americans agree. Being on the wrong side of this issue should automatically disqualify a GOP candidate for president. And former New Jersey governor Chris Christie is wrong on this issue โ€“ big time. During a segment on CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday, Christie argued against state bans on sex change treatments for children, reported Fox News. When asked about Republican governors banning life altering, genital mutilating…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ After an outrageously long five-year investigation, federal prosecutors will finally charge Hunter Biden for various crimes. He is expected to plead guilty. The catch? The charges are minimal misdemeanors, and Hunter will get a sweet deal that allows him to avoid any federal jail time. This, thanks to Bidenโ€™s attorneys who have been negotiating with prosecutors for a very long time. Many will contrast this to the way former President Donald Trump is being treated by federal prosecutors and see the first son getting preferential treatment. But donโ€™t expect Republicans just to let things go. Hunter has been…

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ANALYSIS – A massive search and rescue operation is underway off Newfoundland for a high-tech, privately-owned, submersible that takes tourists to view the wreck of the Titanic deep beneath the Atlantic Ocean. OceanGate Expeditions said in a brief statement on Monday that it was โ€œmobilizing all optionsโ€ to rescue those on board the vessel. It was not immediately clear how many people were missing, but according to the company, the sub usually carries a pilot, three paying guests, and what the company calls a “content expert,” Contact with the small sub was lost about an hour and 45 minutes into…

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TUESDAY PDB โ€“ As part of a radical restructuring, the Corps has essentially walked away from its traditional role as the nation’s worldwide “911” force to concentrate on an anti-ship role in the South China Sea. Gary Anderson, the former director of Marine Corps Wargaming and chief of staff of the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab, believes this extreme transformation may have been based on flawed wargaming. Inย The Games The Marine Corps Plays, he writes:ย  โ€œI was surprised to learn that the Marine Corps claimed to have validated its Force Design (FD) 2030 concept based on a few war games and became alarmed…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ Joe Biden is weak on China. Maybe it’s partly due to his son Hunterโ€™s business entanglements with the Chinese communist regime, maybe itโ€™s just part of Joeโ€™s nature. Maybe it’s Democrat ideology. Maybe itโ€™s all of the above. But Biden, and his entire national security team, reeks of weakness and appeasement. And Secretary of State Antony Blinkenโ€™s trip to Beijing is just the latest example. I have repeatedly referred to Bidenโ€™s attempts to โ€˜repair relationsโ€™ with Beijing, especially this obsequious trip by Blinken, as being โ€˜weakโ€™ and โ€˜desperate.โ€™ And this perception is extremely dangerous considering Chinaโ€™s growing aggressiveness,…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ Big Brother keeps growing โ€“ As part of the broader government war against free speech, the Department of Defense (DoD) is now using Orwellian means to search the internet, social media, and just about everything else, for things we say or post. And it’s not just for legitimate physical threats against generals, it will also be looking for simple negative comments about our top military leaders. And we should all be outraged. This really is scary stuff. This even goes beyond recent reports of the government buying our detailed personal information from data brokers, which I wrote about here.…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ Itโ€™s time to kick them all out. Most of us have heard of the Chinese Communist (Chicom) so-called โ€˜police service centersโ€™ in the U.S. and allied countries. Iโ€™ve written about them here. As a reminder, back in April, the Department of Justice (DOJ) charged two men for allegedly establishing a secret Chinese police station in New York City in order to โ€œmonitor and intimidate dissidentsโ€ and others critical of China. But we are learning much more about these odious extrajudicial Chinese law enforcement operations that monitor and bully people living in America. And there may be several more of these illegal spy…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ One of the wildest stories Iโ€™ve read recently was about an Air Force officer who claimed a drone powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) turned on its own real-world pilot in a combat simulation, launching a simulated strike against him on the ground. As described, the story, reported by Business Insider, seemed incredibly plausible. Very Terminator-like. And very scary. According to the original story told at a Royal Aeronautical Society (RAS) conference in London in May, the AI powering the drone in the U.S. Air Force simulation was commanded to destroy enemy defenses and surface-to-air missile (SAM) sites. Unfortunately, using its internal…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ The most extreme left-wing idea being pushed today is life-altering child m*tilation procedures to โ€˜affirmโ€™ a childโ€™s so-called โ€˜g*nder identityโ€™ by โ€˜tr*nsitioningโ€™ to the opposite s*x. These irreversible procedures are bad enough when conducted on consenting adults, some of whom later regret their decision and try to โ€˜detr*nsition.โ€™ Some studies show that self-identified tr*nsgender people, already being far more likely to suffer from mental illness, are potentially more likely to commit s*icideย afterย transitioning.ย  Yet, highly politicized medical experts continue to push this radical agenda, even on children. And in doing so they are ignoring the science and providing zero…

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