Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty — at home and from abroad.

ANALYSIS – Yes, it’s a big deal, that former President Donald Trump has been booked and charged in federal court with 37 counts of violating federal law. And we should be talking about it.  It’s definitely not Watergate, but some of the charges, such as obstruction, are similar to those Richard Nixon faced before he resigned in 1974. Thirty-one of the counts are for violating the Espionage Act through “willful retention” of classified records. The other six counts include obstruction of justice and false statements stemming from his alleged efforts to impede the investigation. Meanwhile, the media is conveniently ignoring…

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ANALYSIS – Even as the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) rapidly builds up its current fleet of warships – including recently launching its first real aircraft carrier – the Fujian – China is pushing the technology envelope. Its top naval scientist is proposing a Star Wars-style ‘supership’ for the PLAN that will use nuclear energy to power railguns, lasers, and high-powered microwave weapons. The futuristic warship would use breakthrough technologies that would bring “science fiction to the real world,” according to the South Morning China Post (SMCP). The Pentagon, including the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), is also working on all these new technologies. The…

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BREAKING – In a clear message to North Korea’s mercurial leader, Kim Yong Un, the United States has deployed a nuclear-powered guided missile submarine (SSGN) to South Korea for the first time in six years.  The USS Michigan arrived a day after North Korea resumed ballistic missile tests. North Korea fired two short-range ballistic missiles toward the East Sea and into Japan’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) on Thursday in protest against the allies’ massive live-fire drills that ended earlier in the day. At 18,000-tons, the U.S. submarine is one of the biggest submarines in the world. It is also one of the most heavily conventionally armed subs.…

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FRIDAY PDB – Chinese digital spying effort is massive and global. Chinese spies breached hundreds of public, private networks. Suspected state-backed Chinese hackers broke into the networks of hundreds of public and private sector organizations globally, nearly a third of them government agencies including foreign ministries, the cybersecurity firm Mandiant said Thursday. “This is the broadest cyber espionage campaign known to be conducted by a China-nexus threat actor since the mass exploitation of Microsoft Exchange in early 2021,” Mandiant’s chief technical officer said. Google-owned Mandiant expressed “high confidence” that the group was engaged in “espionage activity in support of the People’s Republic…

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ANALYSIS – You would think that a senior U.S. military officer would finally have figured out that they should stay out of the ‘w*ke wars’  Unfortunately, Lt. Gen. DeAnna Burt, deputy chief of space operations at the U.S. Space Force (USSF), appears to have not gotten the memo. Even as the Pentagon cracks down on ridiculous Dr*g Queen shows, and the Congress pushes to eliminate w*ke policies like taxpayer-funded ab*rtion travel, and ‘diversity’ programs that are more divisive than inclusive, Burt decided now was the time to rail against what she called “anti-LGBTQ+ laws” at the state level. She made her speech…

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ANALYSIS – It’s not just the communists in China who are scooping up every bit of personal data they can find on individual Americans, it’s our own federal government, law enforcement, and the intelligence community (IC) that is also doing it. But in this case, it’s not through vast illegal surveillance as uncovered by WikiLeaks, or even through coercive requests from social media sites like the Twitter Files exposed. Instead, we now learn the feds are getting around the Constitution by simply buying sensitive data from private sector data brokers. A newly declassified intelligence report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)…

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THURSDAY PDB – All different cases. Soldier pleads guilty to planning ISIS attacks on US troops. An Army private first class has pleaded guilty to plotting the murder of U.S. service members on behalf of the Islamic State. THIS IS SERIOUS. THIS IS NOT – Former civilian NSA employee gets jail time for ‘storming’ Capitol. A former National Security Agency employee has been sentenced to two weeks of imprisonment for ‘storming’ the U.S. Capitol. HE PLED GUILTY TO ‘PARADING AND DEMONSTRATING OR PICKETING IN A CAPITOL BUILDING,’ A MISDEMEANOR. DAMN – Virginia Beach sailor sentenced to 20 years for dealing illegal machine guns, possessing…

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WEDNESDAY PDB –  Trump’s unprecedented federal criminal booking. Trump pleads not guilty to federal charges that he illegally kept classified documents.  Donald Trump became the first former president to face a judge on federal charges as he pleaded not guilty in a Miami courtroom Tuesday to dozens of felony counts accusing him of hoarding classified documents and refusing government demands to give them back. Navy veteran Walt Nauta charged in Trump classified documents case. He served as a White House military valet to former President Trump. Trump-Milley feud played key role in classified documents case. The feud between Trump and the nation’s…

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ANALYSIS – Be afraid, Be very afraid. 1984 is almost here. A recent poll by the Libertarian CATO Institute showed that a big chunk of our latest and brightest Generation Z (Gen Z or Zoomers) actually favors having the government watch them 24/7. Including surveillance in their homes and bedrooms. Zoomers are officially those under the age of 26. And come right after Millennials. After the horrors of World War Two showcased the brutal dangers of modern totalitarian dictatorships such as Nazi Germany and the Communist Soviet Union, George Orwell penned his classic dystopian tale titled ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ (1984). In…

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In an event unprecedented in American history, a former U.S. president, protected by U.S. Secret Service agents, and currently running for president, was booked on federal criminal charges Tuesday by U.S. Marshals at the U.S. federal courthouse in Miami, before being taken to be fingerprinted and processed. Donald Trump pled ‘not guilty’ to all charges. The charges relate to Trump taking a lot of highly classified documents from the White House after he left office. And that once discovered, he gave multiple bizarre reasons for having them. According to the indictment, the highly sensitive materials Trump kept included documents about overseas…

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