Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty — at home and from abroad.

FRIDAY PDB – Counter to what Tucker Carlson claimed on his Twitter debut blaming Ukraine: Drone footage of collapsed Ukrainian dam counters Russian narrative.  The footage of the collapsed dam and surrounding villages under Russian occupation shows the ruined structure falling and hundreds of submerged homes, greenhouses and even a church – with no sign of life. In addition to the alleged drone video evidence: Kyiv says it intercepted call showing Russia blew up Kakhovka dam. Ukraine’s domestic security service said it had intercepted a telephone call proving a Russian “sabotage group” blew up the Kakhovka hydroelectric station and dam in Southern Ukraine.…

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Germany is set to host NATO’s largest-ever air force war games in the alliance’s history, designed to prove how fast it can respond to potential Russian aggression against one of its members. The Air Defender exercise (AD23) will last 10 days and involve up to 10,000 troops and 250 aircraft from 23 NATO member states. Sweden, which has applied to join the Western military alliance, will also take part, along with Japan. Japan’s inclusion comes as it prepares to open the first-ever NATO liaison office in Asia-Pacific. France just announced this week its opposition to opening a NATO liaison office in…

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THURSDAY PDB – Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation on May 26 to permanently establish and expand the Florida State Guard, which he revived last year. This entity will not have any links to the federal government. Florida expands state defense force, establishes it as permanent unit. DeSantis restored the state defense force last year, citing a need for a larger civilian emergency response force in a state prone to natural disasters. He is the force’s commander-in-chief, as he is for the Florida National Guard when its units aren’t mobilized and placed under federal control. The bill expands the maximum size of the Florida State…

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WEDNESDAY PDB – The war against woke at the Pentagon is spreading to Veterans Affairs hospitals, cemeteries and memorials. Ranger vets group objects to removal of some Confederate-linked names from Fort Moore memorial. The foundation charged with fundraising and care for the National Ranger Memorial at the Army’s Fort Moore has asked House Republican leaders to reverse the decision to remove some Confederate-linked names from the monument. DON’T DESECRATE THE MEMORIAL. LGBTQ+ pride flags at VA facilities in Mississippi draw GOP criticism, protests. All the Republicans in Mississippi’s congressional delegation are demanding that the Veterans Administration remove an LGBTQ+ pride flag…

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ANALYSIS – In his Twitter Spaces debut Tuesday night, called “Tucker on Twitter,” former Fox News host Tucker Carlson immediately accused Ukraine of being responsible for the catastrophic attack on the Nova Kakhovka dam in Southern Ukraine. And he may be right. Ukraine and Russia have routinely accused each other of shelling the dam, the hydroelectric station and the nearby Zaporizhia nuclear power plant. Both sides have blamed the other for the attack, in what appears to be a war crime. Kyiv blamed Moscow for the “terrorist attack,” but the Kremlin claimed that Ukraine had struck the dam to impact Russian-controlled Crimea’s…

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ANALYSIS – In at least two prior analytical pieces, I concluded that Russia was likely not behind the sabotage of the Nord Stream undersea gas pipeline. In one piece, I argued that pro-Ukrainian groups may have been behind the attack. I also hinted at British and Polish involvement and U.S. knowledge of the sophisticated clandestine sabotage. I noted clearly that “likely, the U.S. was aware but turned a blind eye.” However, I generally discounted direct Ukrainian military participation, largely because of the difficulty of the operation. I didn’t believe they had the expertise. Perhaps I shouldn’t have underestimated their undersea special operations capabilities. Or…

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ALERT – If you’re reading this on your cell phone, and you are a Secret Service agent or officer on duty, please stop and put away the phone – immediately. Otherwise, you can continue reading. OK. Now that we got that out of the way, we can inform you of how an intoxicated intruder was able to enter the home of Joe Biden’s national security advisor – Jake Sullivan – back in April. While Sullivan isn’t particularly impressive (and I’m being gracious), he is one of Biden’s top national security officials. By virtue of his position, he is a very big deal.…

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ALERT – Federal authorities are investigating what caused a private plane to fly hundreds of miles off its flight path – and be intercepted by F-16 fighters over the nation’s capital – before it crashed in rural Virginia, killing all four people on board. The F-16s went supersonic as they raced to intercept the wayward and unresponsive plane, causing a loud sonic boom heard widely. The dead included Adina Azarian, a top New York realtor, and her 2-year-old daughter, Aria, her nanny and the pilot. Azarian was the adopted daughter of Trump mega-donors John and Barbara Rumpel. The plane, a Cessna 560…

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TUESDAY PDB – Major dam destroyed in Southern Ukraine. Ukraine accused Russian forces of blowing up the Kakhovka dam Tuesday, producing massive flooding that could threaten hundreds of thousands of residents as well as a nearby nuclear plant, Europe’s largest.  The dam’s destruction has already unleashed flooding across the war zone in southern Ukraine, sparking evacuations and triggering warnings of an “ecological disaster.” The dramatic incident could have far-reaching consequences on the battlefield and beyond. At least one town next to the dam was already completely flooded and officials are concerned about drinking water supplies throughout the region. The dam breach comes…

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ANALYSIS – News coverage of Joe Biden’s border disaster has dropped considerably since the drama surrounding the end of Title 42 faded. But we still have a border crisis. Not only is the border still effectively open, but foreign criminal elements are taking full advantage of it. And it’s not just Mexican drug cartels. The expected tsunami of illegal border crossers never fully materialized once Biden allowed Title 42 to expire, partly because Team Biden had already let in so many and because it more effectively pushed through others without the mobs piling up at the border. The drug cartels, human…

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