Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty — at home and from abroad.

ANALYSIS – Since the beginning of Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, experts and analysts have warned about the danger of escalation and Putin resorting to using nukes. Putin has reinforced this concern by repeatedly warning of his own red lines and threats to use nuclear weapons. But with every threat he made and every one of his red lines crossed without a major response from Moscow, some have begun doubting the danger. Many believe Putin is all bluffed out. I certainly have fallen prey to that complacency at times. And in the meantime, Ukraine keeps stepping up its own escalation…

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ANALYSIS – ‘Go woke, go broke’ – the saga of Budweiser and Target’s disastrous forays into transgender politics is great for conservatives and all Americans. It shows how national grassroots pressure can force giant woke companies to lose billions of dollars in a matter of weeks. (RELATED: What’s Behind The Efforts Of Bud Light, Target, Disney And Starbucks) But more importantly, it shows us other ways to fight back. To truly force change we have to effectively leverage these boycotts and go way beyond them. We need to go after the behemoth investment firms that push and incentivize these corporations…

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MONDAY PDB – China’s military provocations: Beijing’s war hawks are making it harder to improve relations with the U.S. Navy releases video of US destroyer’s close call with Chinese warship in Taiwan Strait. The video shows what it called an “unsafe” Chinese maneuver when a Chinese navy ship cut sharply across the path of an American destroyer, forcing the U.S. vessel to slow to avoid a collision. China’s new defense minister defends country’s response to ‘provocation.’ He said Chinese fighter jets and naval vessels were responding to provocations close to China’s airspace and waters when carrying out maneuvers that have been…

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ANALYSIS – It wasn’t a good moment for National Security Communications Director John Kirby. The former Navy admiral and prior Pentagon spokesman was left dumbfounded when a New York Post reporter challenged him on the numerous scandals and investigations swirling around Joe Biden. Citing a Harvard/Harris poll in May that found 53% of Americans believe Biden was involved in “an illegal influence peddling scheme” with his son, Hunter Biden, the reporter, Steven Nelson, was direct with Kirby. He asked: “So what do you say to the majority of Americans who believe that the president is himself corrupt?” “Wow,” was Kirby’s initial response as press…

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ANALYSIS – China has just announced that it plans to land its version of astronauts ‘taikonauts’ on the moon by 2030. This would be a first for any country other than the United States, which last sent men to the moon on the Apollo 17 mission in 1972. Along with China’s other impressive space developments, this lunar goal is also pushing the U.S. and China closer to war in space. China is increasingly posing a threat to the vital U.S. satellites the Pentagon relies on for almost everything. In 2021 China launched a satellite with a robotic arm – Shijian-17, or…

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ANALYSIS – It appears that the conservative backlash against the overwhelming oppression of the radical LGBT agenda is finally having an effect.  Not only with companies like Budweiser feeling the pain of hiring a man who claims to be a woman as a digital ambassador for its beer, but the Pentagon is feeling it too. Only the Navy posted anything LGBT or pride-related on June 1, the start of Pride Month. And then, it was quickly taken down by the next day and replaced with generic military imagery. No explanation was given, but the word most certainly came down from…

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ANALYSIS – Joe Biden appears to be panicking over the downturn in U.S.-China relations (and lack of high-level communication) on his watch. While the belligerent communist regime in Beijing is the cause of the increasingly bad blood, Biden thinks making nice with the Chinese Communists (CHICOM) is the solution. As part of Biden’s attempt to improve the situation, he reportedly sent his potentially compromised CIA director, William Burns, to Beijing last month on a clandestine mission. This according to the Financial Times (FT), citing five anonymous officials. Soon after the reported Burns trip, Biden, who is daily being accused of being compromised…

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ANALYSIS – FBI Director Christopher Wray has steadfastly refused to provide the House Oversight and Accountability Committee an internal Bureau document that alleges Joe Biden took a $5 million bribe from Chinese sources. The committee issued a subpoena for it a while ago. Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., has said he learned about the allegations from a whistleblower whom he declined to identify but has described as “very credible.” With the committee’s deadline passing, Comer has said he will seek to hold Wray in contempt of Congress, rejecting Wray’s offer to allow lawmakers to view the FD-1023 form in a…

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ANALYSIS – In a bid to deepen U.S.-Indian defense ties, move India away from Russian technology and help counter China, the U.S. is poised to sign a deal with India allowing General Electric (GE) to jointly produce jet engines for military aircraft in India. This, according to a Reuters report using highly placed anonymous sources. The expected deal is significant since Washington maintains strict controls over what U.S. military technology can be shared with or sold to other countries, especially those outside formal alliance structures like NATO. Once finalized, the deal requires notification to the U.S. Congress, but that isn’t expected to…

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FRIDAY PDB – In the past, when most of the armed forces were men, there were occasional skits where male military personnel would dress like women as part of a comedy routine, but that’s not what these shows are about now. The drag queen shows of today are in-your-face efforts by outside groups to push a woke gender ideology that promotes and celebrates gender dysphoria and radical sex change procedures. And these far-left outsiders are billing them as “family-friendly,” gunning for your kids, not just some troops performing for other troops. This is why Republicans have pressured the Pentagon to END THEM. And it is…

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