Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attachรฉ with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty โ€” at home and from abroad.

ANALYSIS – Russia has signed a deal for a permanent naval base in the Russian-occupied breakaway Georgian region of Abkhazia, its leader says. Georgia counters by saying the move is a โ€œgross violationโ€ of its sovereignty. Most of the world considers Abkhazia as part of Georgia, while only the rogue states Russia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Nauru, and Syria have recognized Abkhazia as independent. Georgiaโ€™s Foreign Minister added that the move violates the โ€œterritorial integrity of Georgia and [is] another provocative attempt to legitimize the illegal occupation of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions of Georgia.” Abkhazia, which already hosts a Russian military base, lies…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ In case you missed it, Joe Biden tripped again recently going down the stairs of Air Force One. And these werenโ€™t the normal tall stairs used by proud Commanders in Chief, that rise all the way to the top of the majestic presidential aircraft, but the very short baby stairs that are used by โ€˜the helpโ€™ that go into the lower bowels of the plane. That is the new normal for our aging and decrepit occupant of the White House. That and tennis shoes worn with business suits and seeing a physical therapist. All to avoid tripping, slipping,…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ In what should be one of the biggest bombshell stories of the year, recent reporting has uncovered that the Iranian terror regime successfully infiltrated both the Obama-Biden and Biden-Harris administrations at very high levels.ย  This is a very big deal. One of those key U.S. officials likely compromised by Iran include Robert Malley, the Biden administrationโ€™s discredited special envoy on Iran. He was placed on leave in June following the suspension of his security clearance. Malley led Obamaโ€™s effort to reach a nuclear deal with Iran, the horrible Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), signed in July 2015…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ As part of Joe Biden and the Democrat Partyโ€™s ongoing political plan to demonize and criminalize conservative Republicans, the now weaponized FBI is secretly targeting supporters of former President Donald Trump, ostensibly to prevent violence ahead of the 2024 election. “Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country,” Joe Biden posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, last September, explicitly singling out the former president. This can only end badly. One senior intelligence official who works at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) told Newsweek that Biden’s heated rhetoric could push his opponents into…

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ANALYSIS- Democrats are rapidly descending to obscene levels in their race to prove who can help women kill their unborn babies faster. And for now, New York City Mayor Eric Admas, with help from Joe Biden, seems to be in the lead. According to the Democrat mayor, New York City health-care providers will prescribe and deliver medical abortion pills โ€œon demandโ€ after virtual and phone appointments. This, despite the inherent dangers of providing scared and vulnerable women as young as 18 do-it-yourself (DIY) abortion kits. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under Joe Biden eliminated the safety standards for abortion drugs and allowed…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ More than two years after ceasing construction on former President Donald Trumpโ€™s border wall, and more than two million illegal immigrants flooding into the United States, Joe Biden is quietly restarting the oft-criticized by the left, but critical, border barrier. According to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) led by the incompetent Alejandro Mayorkas, Team Biden has used executive action to suddenly waive 26 federal laws in South Texas to allow emergency border wall construction. The Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act and Endangered Species Act were some of the federal laws waived by Biden to allow immediate…

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ANALYSIS – Satellite imagery suggests Russia may again be preparing to test an experimental nuclear-powered cruise missile with a theoretical intercontinental range of 14,000 miles. The ‘unique’ strategic weapon, called Burevestnik – likely armed with a nuclear warhead – could also potentially stay aloft indefinitely. Due to its extremely long range, the missile, powered after launch by a miniature nuclear reactor, could also be based anywhere in Russia and still be able to reach targets in the continental United States. And because of its nuclear propulsion it can fly at treetop level, an altitude of 160 to 320 feet, throughout almost all…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ General Milleyโ€™s comments were beneath him, even if Trump provoked him. As I wrote about earlier, former President Donald Trump made typically inappropriate remarks when he implied outgoing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, due to his back-channel calls to Chinaโ€™s top general, deserved the โ€˜DEATHโ€™ penalty for treason (all caps were in Trumpโ€™s post on Truth Social). While no one should take Trumpโ€™s bombastic social media posts too seriously, I did say Trump was wrong to add fuel to an already flammable political environment in our country with his comments. I have also criticized Milley…

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WEDNESDAY PDB โ€“ Who do you believe? Gen. John Kelly on Monday confirmed past reports that then-President Donald Trump insulted wounded veterans in private conversations with staff and called fallen troops โ€œlosersโ€ for sacrificing their lives for their country. Trump insulted vets in private, former White House Chief of Staff Kelly confirms. Kelly, who also served as Trumpโ€™s Homeland Security secretary โ€” expressed contempt for the ex-presidentโ€™s past actions and recent comments attacking outgoing Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley.Kelly said that Trump is โ€œa person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat,…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ In what is only the latest weaponized, partisan legal action against former President Donald Trump, the far-left Democrat New York state attorney Letitia James and her leftist cohort Justice Arthur Engoron have just found Trump guilty of civil fraud before his trial even began. Never mind that the case is obscene to begin with and should not even exist. And the law it is based on is obscene as well and should not exist either. Andrew McCarthy explains in National Review: James, an ambitious progressive authoritarian who campaigned for office on a vow to weaponize the Empire Stateโ€™s legal processes…

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