Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty — at home and from abroad.

TUESDAY PDB – This assumes China’s hypersonics are better than Russia’s. Chinese scientists war-game hypersonic strike on US carrier battle group in South China Sea. Military planners conclude the top-of-the-line Gerald R. Ford and its accompanying ships could be destroyed ‘with certainty’ in a rare published report. The researchers said 24 hypersonic anti-ship missiles were used to sink the Navy’s newest carrier and its group in 20 simulated battles. In the scenario, the U.S. vessels are attacked after continuing to approach a China-claimed island in the South China Sea despite repeated warnings. The team said two hypersonic anti-ship missile models with vastly different…

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ANALYSIS – It seems Team Biden is on a campaign to soften relations with China. First, we have Joe Biden idiotically blaming the current tension on what he just called the ‘silly balloon’ incident. And then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) General Mark Milley, infamous for blaming the Capitol riot on “white rage,” is downplaying the risk of conflict with China. This is a far cry from Ronald Reagan’s tough-talking approach to dealing with the Soviet Union in the 1980s. It sounds more like Jimmy Carter. (RELATED: Gen. Milley Surrenders On Chinese Nuke Buildup – Instead, Let’s…

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ALERT – A flash mob of teenage ‘white supremacists’ (aka non-whites) stormed an Armed Forces carnival in a Chicago suburb Saturday, causing numerous fights and clashes with police. The event had been well attended by young people and families. However, the chaos in the Village of Tinley Park made organizers cancel the pro-military event for Sunday due to warnings of another mob being organized online for that day as well. One police officer was injured and was treated at a local hospital. While the media did not reference race in this incident, numerous videos of the chaos tweeted online showed the majority of the…

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ANALYSIS – Commercial satellite imagery shows that Vietnam is adding new construction and doing more landfilling on a remote reef it has occupied since 1978 in the disputed South China Sea. And Beijing is not happy. This according to Radio Free Asia (RFA). Planet Labs provided the most recent imagery. Pearson Reef is in the Spratly Island chain. Officially classified as a ‘rock,’ it is 300 nautical miles east of Cam Ranh in central Vietnam. The reef is seen as critical in the Spratly defense belt for Vietnam. The Spratlys, an archipelago of islets, cays and reefs in the southern part of…

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MONDAY PDB – The Pentagon has pulled back on its efforts to fight ‘extremism’ in the ranks. Only one of six policy recommendations from December 2021 have been implemented. GOP attacks forced Pentagon working group on extremism to disband. More than two years after the Countering Extremism Working Group was formed inside the Pentagon, the effort has vanished virtually without a trace. EXCELLENT – IT WAS MOSTLY A POLITICIZED WITCH HUNT AGAINST CONSERVATIVES. Team Biden has fabricated this huge bogeyman to whip up racial conflict, recently urging unity “against the poison of white supremacy,” declaring it “the most dangerous terrorist threat to our…

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ANALYSIS – The heads of the Group of Seven (G7) nations – the world’s most powerful democracies are meeting in Hiroshima, Japan, to try to form a unified global front against China and Russia. The United States should be leading this effort, but with a weak and befuddled Joe Biden as president, we will need to see what transpires. Japan, led by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, looks to be setting the agenda, and China is at the top of it. The G7 consists of the U.S., Japan, U.K., France, Germany, Canada, Italy and the European Union (EU) – represented as…

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ANALYSIS – The bizarre saga of Sam Brinton, Joe Biden’s disgraced, cross-dressing, ‘nonbinary,’ sex-dog role-playing, former nuclear official, just keeps going. He is in jail again, for the third time. The unstable repeat offender was previously arrested twice on charges of stealing women’s clothes and luggage from various airports in 2022. He was caught red-handed on airport surveillance video. He has been battling charges of airport luggage theft in both Nevada and Minnesota. And now, it seems, also in D.C. But judges keep letting him off with no jail time. This time the flamboyant 35-year-old former Energy Department official was arrested as…

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ANALYSIS – We still don’t know if it was an intentional call for help, a prank or a broken clip as Senate officials claim, but the American flag did spend some time flying upside down over the U.S. Capitol. And considering it flew over the Democrat-led Senate building, the meaning and symbolism weren’t lost on many Americans. A tweet by Rogan O’Handley, a political activist whose Twitter handle is DC_Draino, posted on May 16, 2023, showed a photo of the U.S. flag outside the Capitol flying upside down. He tweeted: “NEW: US flag currently flying upside down over Senate building signaling distress and needing rescue.”…

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FRIDAY PDB – Accounting error means Pentagon can send more weapons to Ukraine. The Pentagon has overestimated the value of the used weapons it has sent to Ukraine by at least $3 billion, counting them as new. A BILLION HERE, A BILLION THERE. This comes at a time when the Pentagon is under increased pressure by Congress to show accountability for the billions of dollars it has sent in arms to Ukraine and as some lawmakers question whether it should continue. Congressional lawmakers are shocked by reports of the Pentagon’s $3B Ukraine aid error. Lawmakers are furious that the Pentagon miscalculated…

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ANALYSIS – Things at the FBI just seem to get worse. A new House report shows that FBI special agents and other key employees who exposed the “politicized rot” within the bureau were suspended or had their security clearances revoked. The interim staff report from the House Judiciary Committee and the Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government describes that ‘rot’ as the deep partisan politicization of the FBI’s leadership and the concerted weaponization of the law enforcement agency against conservatives. The report, released Thursday morning, also described the FBI’s alleged “retaliatory conduct” against the whistleblowers “after making protected disclosures about what they believed in good…

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