Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty — at home and from abroad.

ANALYSIS – As if we need any more evidence, testimony from former Obama-era CIA director and part-time partisan hack John Brennan confirms the letter smearing Hunter Biden’s bombshell laptop story as ‘Russian disinformation’ was a purely political move to help Joe Biden beat Donald Trump. I’ve repeatedly referred to this outrageous and unprecedented letter, signed by 51 senior former intelligence community officials, as Democrat domestic disinformation and election interference. The New York Post calls the entire charade – “the spies who lie.” While all the officials who signed the letter saying the laptop appeared to have earmarks of a “Russian…

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ANALYSIS – Britain has ramped up the Western effort to arm Ukraine by donating long-range cruise missiles to the besieged country for the first time. This could now open the door for the U.S. and other allies to provide longer-range weapons as well. Joe Biden has balked at doing so due to fear of provoking Vladimir Putin and escalating the conflict. And Putin isn’t happy with this British missile donation, with his spokesman vowing an “adequate response.” But Putin’s permanent representative of Crimea went a lot further in an interview published on Friday, threatening that the U.K. may be turned “into a devastated…

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ANALYSIS – One of Joe Biden’s more insulting (and illegal) responses to his self-created border crisis is to order his Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to simply release illegal aliens caught at the border into the United States with no hearing date. Considering the huge number of migrants currently massing at the border to surge into the country with Biden’s ending of Title 42, this was expected to be a lot of people. Title 42 is the Trump pandemic-era policy that allowed for the swift removal of illegal migrants apprehended crossing the border. Thankfully, a federal judge has blocked Biden’s move.…

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FRIDAY PDB – Dems accuse GOP lawmaker of condoning white supremacy among troops. A Republican senator’s comments appearing to support white nationalists in the military are again exposing the GOP’s lingering anger over the Pentagon’s politicized efforts to root out ‘extremist ideology’ in the ranks. “White nationalism has no place in our armed forces and no place in any corner of American society,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Thursday. He urged Senate Republicans to make a similar public pledge in response to comments by Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., earlier this week. Tuberville was asked if he thought white nationalists should be…

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ANALYSIS – While the press has been all over the Donald Trump civil lawsuit verdict, it has been far less eager to cover the news of a looming Hunter Biden criminal indictment. And even less eager to report on Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s crimes and misdeeds. These crimes could include money laundering, influence peddling, fraud and bribery. Most of the misdeeds are related to Hunter’s massive efforts to leverage his father’s position as vice president to rake in millions in fees and income from shady overseas sources. Those sources include Ukraine, Russia and, most worrisome, communist China. When…

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ANALYSIS – One of the many things Donald Trump said at his CNN town hall that was bashed by the Democrats and the media was that he would “most likely” pardon many or a “large portion” of those convicted for rioting at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. “And it’ll be very early on,” Trump said, referring to making the pardons soon after he is potentially reelected in 2024. The question is – should he? Trump did qualify his pardon promise by hopefully making an exception for those violent rioters who acted egregiously. “I can’t say for every single one…

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ANALYSIS – House Republican leaders are set to put their signature border security bill to a vote today, Thursday. It is strategically timed to coincide with the expiration of Title 42 tonight at midnight. They have worked for months to negotiate the border and immigration package but were still running into last-minute opposition on the day before the vote and have worked furiously behind the scenes to resolve the impasse. The main problem? Some GOP members are not convinced the House bill goes far enough to target Mexican drug cartels and that one cartel provision may actually backfire. Former Navy SEAL Rep.…

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THURSDAY PDB – The isolated Russian city of Kaliningrad will now be known as Królewiec in official Polish documents, its name in the 15th and 16th centuries when it was ruled by Poland. Kaliningrad, a fortified Russian enclave that sits in an exclave sandwiched between Lithuania and Poland on the Baltic coast, is strategically important to Moscow because it houses the Russian Baltic Fleet at the port of Baltiysk and is one of Russia’s only ice-free European ports. Its only connection to Russia is by sea. The city was known by the German name of Königsberg until after the Second World War when it…

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ANALYSIS – While some Democrats and their partisan allies in the media attempt to spin the current border crisis as more of the same, Mexican authorities and the Democrat governor of Arizona strongly disagree. A border surge near El Paso has witnessed over 26,000 apprehensions and over 7,000 “gotaways” within just 72 hours, according to official sources. What’s worse is that the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) union is accusing the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) of tipping off migrants to upcoming CPB sweeps. Large groups of migrants have already amassed in the city of Tijuana, near the U.S.…

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WEDNESDAY PDB – Good strategy or Biden ‘blank check?’ US announces $1.2B Ukraine aid package ahead of counteroffensive. Team Biden pledged a massive chunk of long-term military assistance as the embattled country readies for a counteroffensive. US, UK vow to aid Ukraine regardless of counteroffensive outcome. They will continue supporting Ukraine regardless of whether its military can recover territory from Russia in a planned counteroffensive. FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – Here’s a roundup of today’s other top stories. Not the President’s Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING – the PDB: NATIONAL SECURITY US busts Russian cyber operation in dozens of countries. The Justice Department…

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