Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty — at home and from abroad.

ANALYSIS – You’re a ‘hater’ – in a stunning, yet not surprising development, California’s Democrat governor, Gavin Newsom (aided by his politically active wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom) has launched a state hotline to report alleged ‘hate’ against someone’s “actual or perceived” identity. The insane leftist effort, ‘CA vs. Hate,’ was originally launched in 2021 as a response to alleged anti-Asian violence. At the time it mandated the state create an online reporting system for “victims and witnesses to report a hate incident against any group in a safe, anonymous manner, particularly those who may face language or cultural barriers or are…

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TUESDAY PDB – If we pause our research on Artificial Intelligence (AI), only China and Russia will gain. The next fear on A.I.: Hollywood’s killer robots become the military’s tools. U.S. national security officials are warning about the potential for the new technology to upend war, cyber conflict and even the decisions to use nuclear weapons. This is why some experts and AI luminaries have proposed a pause on AI research. But the idea of a six-month pause in developing the next generations of ChatGPT and similar software is a bad idea: The Chinese won’t wait, and neither will the Russians. “If…

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ANALYSIS – Bad idea. It was just a matter of time before the conservative Republican populists ranting against defending Ukraine and America’s so-called ‘forever wars,’ would join forces with the far-left. Echoing Donald Trump’s language, Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida has said: “I sometimes feel as though I’m waging a forever war against forever wars.” In this case, Gaetz suggested left-wing Democrats and populist Republicans might join forces in opposing U.S. support for defending Ukraine against Russian conquest and ending U.S. military involvement in securing Somalia from ISIS. (RELATED: How Will The Pentagon Evacuate Americans From War-Torn Sudan?) But this doesn’t mean just…

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ALERT – Despite Team Biden’s frequent falsehoods regarding the border, his team and, as I wrote about earlier, some in the media see a coming crisis. As I’ve said before, the crisis has been ongoing and worsening since Joe Biden took office and immediately reversed Donald Trump’s effective border and immigration policies. Since 2021 it has been a steadily growing wave of illegal immigration. But now, with Biden set to allow the Trump-era pandemic-related health restrictions known as Title 42 set to expire in three days, that wave is about to become a tsunami. As I have also written, between 700,000 and one million migrants are…

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ANALYSIS – Unfortunately, it’s a little late. The Biden border crisis has been ongoing for over two years. It’s only about to get much worse. When Time publishes a piece warning about an impending border crisis, you know it’s a lot more serious than they say. And this time it will be impossible for the establishment media to ignore or sweep under the rug. Criminal smugglers, and the powerful drug cartels they work for, control parts of the border. They have been telling would-be illegal migrants that the end of Title 42 will allow people to come into the U.S. I have…

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MONDAY PDB – Communist China dominates the rare earth materials needed to make the electric vehicles and solar panels that the Defense Department needs to meet Team Biden’s extreme emissions reduction targets. And Republicans are sounding the alarm. Pentagon seeks to ease China’s green tech chokehold amid GOP criticism. The Defense Department, the world’s largest institutional greenhouse gas emitter, is trying to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, even as it seeks to lessen its dependence on China for its renewable energy supplies. Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, took aim at the Pentagon’s goal of transitioning its roughly 170,000 non-tactical vehicle fleet to electricity…

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ANALYSIS – The Air Force recently released new images of the service’s 30,000-pound class GBU-57/B Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP) bunker buster bomb. The most recent, posted on Whiteman Air Force Base’s official Facebook account on May 2, shows a live bomb with an active warhead but without its fins. The airbase in Missouri is the home to America’s B-2 Spirit stealth bomber fleet. An earlier photo released in April showed a fully assembled training version of the MOP with an inert warhead. Live warheads are indicated by a diamond checkered band near the nose, rather than a blue band on training versions. This gargantuan weapon…

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ANALYSIS – The Air Force has been trying to retire the beloved and unique A-10 Warthog (officially the Thunderbolt II) for years. One of the best tank-busting, close-air support aircraft of the Cold War, it has also seen plenty of use in Middle East battlefields. But it’s getting old in the tooth. And many argue that after four decades in service, it has outlived its usefulness, despite its massive 30mm GAU-8/A Gatling gun and bomb load. Then again, the Air Force never really liked the idea of a slow, ‘ugly’ plane dedicated to supporting troops on the ground. They have…

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FRIDAY PDB – A shrunken, dysfunctional Navy is a threat to national security – Navy’s capacity to wage war hindered by maintenance, shipyard problems, GAO finds. The U.S. bulwark in any armed conflict with China, suffers from failures in mission readiness that include maintenance backlogs, decaying shipyards and crew fatigue and shortages, the Government Accountability Office said. The Navy is poorly positioned to fully repair its fighting fleet of warships damaged in future high-end battles. The GAO found that the Navy would struggle if conflict erupted and several ships sustained sufficient battle damage that ships’ crews couldn’t repair. “It could handle a single battle damage…

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ANALYSIS – Until now, only billionaires could afford to enter sub-orbital space. And it needed to be by high-powered rocket (think Jeff Bezos in his Blue Origin or Richard Branson in his Virgin Galactic). Star Trek actor William Shatner also did a flight on Blue Origin’s rocket. But now you too can see the earth from 20 miles high. It will cost you just over $120,000 and it’s by high-altitude balloon. And, no, it’s not aboard a Chinese spy balloon. These will be private companies running the trips. The billionaires in rockets still have one treat we can’t get –…

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