Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty — at home and from abroad.

ANALYSIS – Everyone knows crime has exploded in New York City (NYC). This is especially true in the city’s subway system where aggressive mentally ill vagrants and homeless people abound. Many of these unstable and potentially dangerous people are Black, Hispanic or other minorities, and they can easily become violent. But when a white, 24-year-old Marine veteran on the subway tries to subdue a “threatening” Black, mentally ill man (with a rap sheet as long as his arm — including an outstanding warrant for felony assault) — the left can only see one thing — ‘racist murder.’ The Marine vet used…

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ANALYSIS – America’s Navy is sinking fast – last year, the world’s premier maritime combat service launched, then apparently scuttled, a new recruiting campaign led by an active-duty ‘non-binary’ sailor drag queen. And our nation’s enemies are likely quaking in their boots at the promise of even more drag queens being recruited to fight on the front lines by our armed forces. The Navy’s appointment of a gay cross-dresser as its first ‘digital ambassador,’ while struggling with recruitment, has sparked outrage, disbelief and mockery of the Navy and the entire Department of Defense. A Navy spokesperson told Fox News that the now…

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THURSDAY PDB – The latest escalation in the Ukraine war or Russian false flag? Or neither? Russia claims Ukraine tried to hit Kremlin; Kyiv denies it. Russia claimed it foiled an attack by Ukrainian drones on the Kremlin early Wednesday, calling it an unsuccessful assassination attempt against Vladimir Putin and promising retaliation for what it termed a “terrorist” act. Ukraine denied any involvement, saying Moscow could use it for further escalation of the war. STILL – Real or not, reported Kremlin drone attack unsettles Russia. As Russian officials tell it, two Ukrainian drones flew into the very heart of Moscow under the…

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ANALYSIS – These are staggering losses. More than 20,000 Russian soldiers have been killed and a further 80,000 have been wounded in fighting in Ukraine just since December. This, as Kyiv readies for a major new counteroffensive against Moscow’s forces. Those are huge numbers for Russian leader Vladimir Putin, and the White House is spinning it as very positive news, but these staggering losses appear to be only a fraction of Russia’s total military force. They are also still within the Kremlin’s ability to withstand and sustain, for now. This is especially true since about half of those killed, according to the…

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ALERT – After spending two years ignoring the border or denying that his immigration policies have created a crisis there, Joe Biden is now implicitly admitting there’s a problem. A big problem. So, he is sending 1,500 U.S. troops to the border to ‘support’ agents of the Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) ahead of an expected surge of up to one million illegal migrants once Title 42 ends in less than ten days. Title 42 is the Trump-era authority limiting entry to the U.S., implemented in the wake of COVID-19. Biden is allowing it to expire on May 11. Of course,…

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ALERT – “I’m sorry, you’re screwed.” It is long known among intelligence and border control officials that the powerful Mexican drug cartels use illegal migrant flows to smuggle drugs into the United States. As the migrant numbers surge, so does the drug smuggling. And illegal immigration has exploded under Joe Biden to unprecedented levels. (RELATED: Mass Shooter Still On The Run Is Previously Deported Illegal Alien) Migrant encounters increased from 480,000 in 2020 to 2.3 million last year, according to CBP. This is partly why we have a deadly fentanyl crisis in America right now. As Fox News previously reported: The…

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WEDNESDAY PDB – Do we have a new flashpoint for conflict with China? Philippine Coast Guard cutters, Chinese warship almost collide in South China Sea. A People’s Liberation Army Navy corvette challenged two Philippine Coast Guard cutters during a patrol in the South China Sea. MEANWHILE – Biden: US-Philippines ‘ironclad’ partners amid China tension. Along with the Philippines president, Biden reiterated U.S. commitment to the Philippines’ security and noted the “deep friendship” of the two nations. This, as concerns grow about the Chinese navy’s harassment of Philippine vessels. AND – Cope Thunder exercise is back in Philippines after 33 years. U.S. and Philippines air forces are reviving…

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ANALYSIS – When Republican Governors Ron DeSantis of Florida and Greg Abbott of Texas began busing illegal migrants from their states to deep blue ‘sanctuary’ cities like New York City, Chicago and Washington, D.C., Democrats and the establishment media called it a political ‘stunt.’ Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, a Democrat, leading another state suffering from the same migrant crisis, has also sent migrants from his state to sanctuary cities in recent months. Abbott has been the most prolific bussing migrants north. DeSantis sent a couple of busloads to the uber-liberal and wealthy enclave of Martha’s Vineyard, the exclusive Massachusetts island that…

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ALERT – It has now been confirmed – the Mexican national who murdered five other migrants ‘execution-style’ over a noise complaint is here illegally. And he was previously deported by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) three times. We have been waiting for this shoe to drop and for the media to ignore or spin away ever since he was reported as a ‘Mexican national,’ but his immigration status was unknown or went unreported. Texas Governor Greg Abbott sparked outrage on the left by simply referring to the five victims of the deadly mass shooting as “illegal immigrants,” which they were. And as we now know,…

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MONDAY PDB – Airman in massive classified leaks case worked on a global network essential to drone missions. Jack Teixeira’s National Guard unit is part of a vast system that carries video and data from spy satellites and drone missions worldwide. Called the Distributed Common Ground System, it is a vast computer network that handles the immense amounts of data generated by surveillance drones, spy satellites and other sensors — information that intelligence analysts rigorously vet and pass along to troops on the ground. DESPITE HIS EGREGIOUS TREASON – Family of Pentagon leak suspect say they’re supporting him. The airman first class has…

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