Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty — at home and from abroad.

ANALYSIS – One thing that these Russia apologists, or opponents of aiding Ukraine in its fight for survival, generally ignore is Vladimir Putin’s hostile plans for other parts of Europe. He is especially obsessed with reining in former Soviet colonies with large Russian-speaking populations. (RELATED: Poland On Track To Becoming Our Most Militarily Powerful NATO Ally) And Putin doesn’t care if these countries are members of NATO or not. (RELATED: Is GOP Rep. Marjorie Greene Dangerously Uninformed On Russia – Or Just Playing Politics?) Top on his target list are the three small Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, all formerly occupied…

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ANALYSIS – As part of its continuing intimidation and harassment of the independent island nation, Communist China has just flown one of its TB-001 ‘Scorpion’ medium-altitude, long-endurance (MALE) drones around Taiwan. While the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has been increasing its military pressure and belligerent actions toward Taiwan recently, this is the first time one of these large, potentially armed drones has been reported circling the entire island. Another drone, a single-engine BZK-005, also flew halfway around Taiwan on a similar course but turned back before reaching the median line that serves as a de facto boundary between the two countries.…

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FRIDAY PDB – Chinese escalations could spark war – China flies 38 warplanes near Taiwan, 6 navy vessels in area. It is the biggest such flight display since the large military exercise in which it simulated sealing off the island earlier in April. AT THE SAME TIME – Tense face-off: Philippines confronts China over sea claims. A Chinese coast guard ship blocked a Philippine patrol vessel steaming into a disputed shoal in the South China Sea, causing a near-collision in the latest act of Beijing’s aggression in the strategic waterway. AND – China’s secretive quest for heavier artillery. A now-deleted post reveals a…

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ANALYSIS – I rarely watch TV news. And I didn’t always agree with Tucker Carlson. Sometimes I strongly disagreed – such as on Russia. But I often did agree. And he challenged the left AND the GOP establishment every night on Fox. He will be missed. He also challenged the woke leadership at the Pentagon. And for that, he should be greatly applauded. Carlson was never anti-military. On the contrary, he was opposed to its current emasculation by Joe Biden and his team. Carlson was also opposed to the divisive, destructive and subversive neo-Marxist ideology being imposed on our troops.…

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ANALYSIS – Is she nuts? Team Biden’s dangerous obsession with the radical ‘environmental justice’ agenda just keeps getting worse. According to the energy secretary, now they want all military vehicles to be electric by 2030. It is bad enough that the administration’s efforts are already being imposed on the Department of Defense. Its new online scorecard required by Joe Biden says that the Pentagon has “at least 640 staff that work on environmental justice, either in a full- or part-time capacity.” But that may not be nearly enough people working to establish team Biden’s environmental justice agenda in our military.…

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ANALYSIS – It was 100 operators from SEAL Team Six and the Army’s 3rd Special Forces Group that evacuated over 70 American personnel from our embassy in Sudan.  They used special ops MH-47 helicopters and flew the diplomats and their dependents to safety at a U.S. base in Djibouti on the Gulf of Aden. As I noted earlier, a Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) steaming offshore with multiple ships, helicopters, and trained troops would have normally been a primary option to perform the mission, but due to budget constraints and a dearth of amphibious ships, no MEU was available nearby. That was…

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THURSDAY PDB – China continues its unprecedented military buildup while also expanding its defense ties with partners across the globe. Buildup resumed at suspected Chinese military site in UAE, leak says. The activity has disturbed some U.S. officials, who worry a longstanding U.S. ally in the Persian Gulf is growing too close to Beijing. PLUS – 2 Chinese navy ships head to Singapore for joint drills. China has dispatched a pair of warships to drill with Singapore’s navy and join in a regional maritime security exhibition. AND – China to ‘deepen and expand’ military ties with Pakistan. The defense ministry makes the statement…

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ALERT – Even as we continue to face the risk of nuclear contamination and even meltdown at the Zaporizhya nuclear power plant in war-torn Ukraine, there is now a “high risk of biological hazard” after fighters seized a national laboratory in Sudan. The lab holds measles and cholera pathogens, as well as other hazardous materials. This according to the World Health Organization (WHO), which warned that power cuts were making it impossible to properly manage material at the lab and added that workers can no longer access the lab. “This is the main concern: no accessibility to the lab technicians to…

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ALERT – Could your state be next? In yet another insane proposal in the left’s radical ‘gender bending’ agenda, a bill in the Minnesota Legislature is changing the definition of “sexual orientation” to include pedophilia. This is an extreme and radical move that would make pedophiles a legally protected class of people in the state. And it isn’t getting the attention it deserves. This sickening bill, promoted by 17 of the state’s Democrats, is working its way through the legislature. It has a growing list of sponsors and has already had its “second reading,” which means it can appear on the floor for…

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WEDNESDAY PDB – As its war in Ukraine grinds on, Russia is pushing limits elsewhere. US says Russia’s military actions in Syria raise risk of escalation. Russian jet fighters have repeatedly flown dangerously close to American jet fighters in the Middle Eastern country. “It’s a ripe situation for us to see some sort of miscalculation,” said Air Force Lt. Gen. Alexus Grynkewich, who oversees U.S. military operations in the skies above Syria and 20 other nations in the Middle East and Southeast Asia as head of the U.S. Air Forces Central Command. “It signals a breakdown in professionalism that I have…

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