Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty — at home and from abroad.

ANALYSIS – Global military spending reached an all-time high of $2.24 trillion in 2022, according to a leading defense think tank. Eastern Europe saw the sharpest rise in spending, driven by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. However, increasing tensions due to Chinese belligerence in the Pacific also contributed to the sharp increase. The U.S. and China are by far the biggest defense spenders in the world. However, military expenditure in Europe saw its steepest year-on-year increase since the end of the Cold War, up 13 percent, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI, said on Monday. Russian military spending grew by an estimated 9.2…

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ANALYSIS – Is your city next? Democrat-run Chicago isn’t just a murder capital; it also has a car theft epidemic. It had more than 21,500 vehicle thefts last year, which includes violent carjackings. That is 55% more car thefts than last 2021. Most of these crimes are committed by teens and gang members. A recent “Teen Takeover” created violence and chaos as hundreds of teens mobbed Chicago streets and clashed with the police. Meanwhile, Chicago’s far-left politicians and prosecutors continue to enable the young criminals. (RELATED: New Chicago Mayor Preaches Tolerance For Criminals After Violent Rampage) And now it seems the Chicago Police…

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MONDAY PDB – Special forces swiftly evacuate US embassy staff from Sudan. About 100 U.S. troops in three MH-47 helicopters carried out the operation. Sudan slides toward civil war and state collapse. People who have navigated Sudan’s tortured politics fear an even darker turn in a nation that is no stranger to ruinous war. In Sudan bloodbath, neither warring general should win. Four years ago, a popular uprising led to the ouster of Sudan’s 30-year dictator, Omar Hassan al-Bashir. He was replaced by a joint military-civilian council that was to pave the way to full democracy. FOR YOUR EYES ONLY –…

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ANALYSIS – The Democrat domestic disinformation campaign to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop contents as Russian disinformation played a key role in securing Joe Biden’s win against Donald Trump in 2020. The central piece of this blatant election interference was the letter signed by fifty-one senior U.S. intelligence officials claiming, without evidence, that the laptop was likely part of a ruse by Moscow. The letter was signed by national security luminaries (aka partisan hacks), such as former CIA directors John Brennan and Leon Panetta. And it was all a Team Biden political dirty trick, admits the former senior U.S. intelligence…

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ANALYSIS – Mineral-rich Sudan, Africa’s third-largest country, has been a tragic site of mass murder and mayhem for two decades. Since 2003 at least 300,000 people have died in genocidal attacks, especially in the Darfur region. But now, two rival generals and their armies, the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), previously allied, are battling for national supremacy. Janes, the global open-source intelligence company, argues that the SAF was both de facto and de jure in control of Sudan before clashes began April 15. The RSF’s attempt to take control of strategic locations across the capital is an attempted military coup…

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FRIDAY PDB – Space is the ultimate battlespace. Whoever dominates this warfighting domain will dominate war on earth. The U.S. must be vigilant in developing military space capabilities. Space is a national security priority. China and Russia are working hard to expand into the final frontier, leaving us vulnerable to numerous dangers. AND THANKS IN PART TO TRUMP CREATING THE U.S. SPACE FORCE, IT IS RAPIDLY BUILDING ITS SPACE CAPABILITIES. Space Force crafting framework for commercial fleet access in a crisis. It expects to set an initial framework this summer for how it might take advantage of commercial space capabilities during wartime…

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ANALYSIS – Is Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green, R-Ga., otherwise known as MTG, a firebrand conservative who tells it how it is or is she a loudmouth who doesn’t know when to shut up? Well, as I have noted before, I think she is a bit of both. I often agree with Greene, and she does bluntly say a lot of things that need to be said. Sometimes she just says really dumb things. In this case, she called Joe Biden’s secretary of Homeland Security (DHS), Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, a liar. Or more accurately, yelled at him that he was a…

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THURSDAY PDB – It’s not just China, Russia and Iran that are spying on, bullying and kidnapping dissidents and critics on U.S. soil. A new report says that U.S. allies in the Middle East target dissidents in America, too. Egypt and Saudi Arabia use threats, surveillance, hostage-taking and prosecutions to try to silence dissidents on U.S. soil. The report by the Freedom Initiative found that Cairo and Riyadh have “become more innovative and emboldened” in carrying out transnational repression — the targeting of critics abroad. While U.S. politicians frequently voice outrage and impose consequences against adversaries such as China, Iran and Russia, for employing…

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ANALYSIS – A long time ago, as an Air Force ROTC cadet, I was accepted to flight school after college graduation. I wanted to be a fighter pilot.  Something changed along the way, and I decided to be a Marine jarhead instead. The Air Force didn’t understand, and neither did my mom. But I have followed aviation and fighter pilots ever since. (RELATED: Lightning From The Sky – Inside Air Force ‘Drone’ Pilot Training) And not long ago, with the advent of remotely piloted aircraft or drones, experts and pundits began predicting the end of the fighter pilot (and all pilots,…

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ANALYSIS – No, this isn’t a story of a wacky conspiracy theory about global elites and pedophilia; it is real news. And this time, the truth is close to the mark. According to a shocking report produced by legal experts backed by the United Nations, children can consent to sex with adults. This is not only despicable; it violates the very U.N. principles that protect children from sexual violence. The widespread raping of women and children is an especially serious concern in the world’s war zones, where the heinous acts are considered war crimes. And in other U.N. documents, allowing…

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