Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty — at home and from abroad.

WEDNESDAY PDB – This is something I have repeatedly written about. Air Force secretary labels China’s rapid nuclear expansion most ‘disturbing’ threat he has seen. Frank Kendall told lawmakers Tuesday that increased efforts by China to rapidly expand its inventories of nuclear weapons worries him more than anything he has seen in his long national security career. The Pentagon warned in a November report that China was working to nearly quadruple its inventory of nuclear warheads by 2035. Until recently, China was thought to have had less than 300 nukes, enough for a robust second-strike capability. China now holds about 400 nuclear warheads…

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ANALYSIS – The Musk ‘Twitter Files’ exposé showing links between the federal government, prominent Democrat politicians and unconstitutional censorship at Twitter has been mostly ignored or dismissed by the establishment media. However, the Twitter censorship collusion saga is being pursued on Capitol Hill. And apparently, the issue is getting a bit hot for the increasingly Nixonian Team Biden. So hot that Joe Biden’s IRS reportedly sent an IRS agent to harass and intimidate the long-time Rolling Stone reporter who has been doggedly pursuing this scandal since Elon Musk gave him access to a boatload of internal Twitter documents. An IRS…

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ANALYSIS – It is well understood that when it comes to hi-tech toys, gizmos, weapons and gear, the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) gets priority from the Pentagon. And the SOCOM commandos deserve it. That’s why it should not come as a surprise that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has launched a program for a shiny new toy for SOCOM – a ‘runway-independent’ X-plane to quickly get in and out of hotspots. DARPA calls it the Speed and Runway Independent Technologies, or SPRINT, X-plane. The announcement, which initially appeared on the social media business platform, LinkedIn, stated that this aircraft was “envisioned as…

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TUESDAY PDB – Despite former president Donald Trump’s attempt to pull U.S. troops from Syria, calling it a ‘forever war,’ we need to stay there to contain the terrorist regime in Tehran. How the US mission in Syria evolved into a proxy war with Iran. Iran sees Syria as vital to its mission of driving the U.S. out of the Middle East. The U.S. has roughly 900 troops in Syria to fight the Islamic State group, but they also currently face a familiar adversary: Revolutionary Iran. Most recently, the U.S. government has blamed Iranian-backed groups for several attacks against American service members deployed to Syria,…

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ANALYSIS – It seems Russian leader Vladimir Putin didn’t like appearing as the junior partner to Chinese leader Xi Jinping during his recent visit to Moscow. Possibly as a show of independence, Putin quickly backtracked on a public promise on nukes he made with Xi just days earlier. Or at least that is how it appeared and was reported by Newsweek. In their joint statement on March 21, both countries announced they would not deploy nuclear weapons beyond their national borders. “All nuclear powers must not deploy their nuclear weapons beyond their national territories & must withdraw all nuclear weapons deployed abroad.”…

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ANALYSIS – In the latest evidence that the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol was not exactly as it was portrayed by partisan Democrats and the establishment media, a sealed video shows D.C. undercover Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officers acting as provocateurs. And a federal prosecutor has admitted they did so but is still fighting in court to keep the video evidence sealed or ‘masked.’ Videos from Jan. 6, still hidden under court seal, have become an increasingly hot topic, especially as we learn more about the involvement of multiple FBI informants in the riot. One of the Jan. 6 defendants, William…

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MONDAY PDB – It’s mostly about war – and power – Why is China strengthening its military? It’s not all about war. China’s rapid military modernization has spurred considerable fear that the country could provoke a war with the United States. During his service, U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen. Cameron Holt stated that China was acquiring weapons at “five to six times” the rate of the United States. AND DESPITE THIS AUTHOR’S VIEWS, WAR OVER TAIWAN IS LIKELY. THE REST OF ASIA IS PREPARING FOR WAR, TOO. An anxious Asia arms for a war it hopes to prevent. Doubts about both China and the U.S. are…

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ANALYSIS – Even as Turkey and Hungary hold back Sweden’s entry into NATO and Finland is still not formally admitted (but expected to join in weeks), both are joining an unprecedented new club with their Nordic brethren Denmark and Norway – the joint jet fighter force. Their four air forces agreed to operate their roughly 250 jet fighters as one fleet based on NATO methodology and tactics. And their focus will be protecting NATO’s northern flank as well as the Arctic. Together, said the commander of the Danish air force, Major General Jan Dam: “Our combined fleet can be compared to a…

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ANALYSIS – Despite the growing threat from a belligerent revolutionary Iran bent on expansion and acquiring nuclear weapons, not to mention a still active ISIS terror threat in Syria and Iraq, the Pentagon no longer sees the region as a primary danger zone. The focus now is China and Russia. And that’s where our most advanced military hardware is heading. Because of that, the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), responsible for the Mideast Area of Operations (AOR) is coming up short. Significantly, CENTCOM has a minimal requirement of two and a half air force squadrons of around 12 aircraft each. It currently has…

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FRIDAY PDB – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING – The Pentagon rightfully readies US for possible China confrontation. The U.S. military must be ready for the looming conflict with China, the Pentagon’s leaders said, pushing Congress to approve the proposed $842 billion budget, which would modernize the force in Asia and around the world. AND THAT WAR IS COMING. But some generals still don’t get it, arguing that defeating Russia in Ukraine is necessary to avoid doubling our defense budget to face that threat in Europe. Not stopping Russia in Ukraine would force ‘doubling’ of US defense budget, Milley says. The top U.S. general warned…

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