Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty — at home and from abroad.

ANALYSIS – Forget keyboards and touch screens or even voice commands. Troops may soon control military electronic devices and robots with their thoughts. And it is frighteningly easy to do according to tests by the Australian Army. All it takes is a connected headset and a robot. Working with technology researchers, the Aussies are using non-invasive headsets and skin patches to read brain signals and control robot dogs via mental telepathy. During the testing, the Australian Army reportedly used Microsoft HoloLens 2 headsets and Raspberry Pi-based AI decoders to capture brain waves and translate them into “explainable instructions” sent telepathically to a Vision 60 Ghost Robot dog.…

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THURSDAY PDB – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING – The Marine Corps is totally transforming itself into an island-hopping missile force focused on fighting China in the Pacific. The Air Force is rebuilding its Pacific plans around the B-21. The new stealth bomber that’s also an intel-and-communications hub will make the entire service less vulnerable in a potential war with China. And Air Force ‘mobility teams’ are rapidly moving cargo to remote Indo-Pacific sites. The risk of war with China is behind these Air Force teams made to disperse quickly to deliver cargo to far-flung spots across the Indo-Pacific. The Army, too, has made some changes…

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WEDNESDAY PDB – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING – U.S. generals are clueless about the left’s woke agenda. They are buying the talking points and clearly don’t understand the real meaning behind the terms. FIRSTLY, ‘INCLUSION’ FORCES ACCEPTANCE AND PROMOTION OF THE RADICAL TRANS AGENDA – Woke-ism not an issue, top military leaders say. Inclusion is actually a critical part of unit cohesion, Air Force chief and Marine commandant said. Secondly, ‘inclusion’ is only one of three terms in the Left’s DEI agenda which includes Diversity and Equity. Thirdly, ‘diversity promotes divisions based on gender and race. Fourthly, ‘equity’ is the socialist opposite of equality.…

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ANALYSIS – The establishment media continues to mostly ignore the constant drip of information on the Biden family’s deep China ties and corruption. But the evidence keeps coming in. Now, an explosive claim by an Israeli source says Hunter Biden used an FBI mole named ‘One-Eye’ to tip off his Chinese business partners that they were being investigated. The high-level Israeli had his own dealings with Hunter’s Chinese partners. But this one FBI informant Hunter used is only part of the bigger story. The New York Post reports: The House Oversight Committee is investigating the explosive claims by Dr. Gal Luft,…

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ANALYSIS – Maybe the realistic threat of the U.S. taking some sort of limited military action against the Mexican drug cartels is having an effect on Mexico’s socialist president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO). Because Joe Biden’s administration is certainly not the reason — more likely though, this is just wishful thinking and AMLO, as the president is better known, is just pretending to play nice. Still, AMLO now appears to be quietly meeting with American lawmakers on security and drug policy. This, after several prominent GOP lawmakers recently called for the authority to use military force against the drug cartels, as part of the broader…

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TUESDAY PDB – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING – The new leaders of the axis of evil militarily harass Japan – China’s Xi makes ‘no-limits’ Moscow visit as Putin wages Ukraine war. Xi Jinping arrived in Moscow on Monday for a three-day visit that shows off Beijing’s new swagger in world diplomatic affairs and offers a welcome political lift for Russian leader Vladimir Putin just days after an international arrest warrant was issued for him on war crimes charges related to the war in Ukraine. AND TO MAKE A POINT OF THEIR COOPERATION, BOTH POWERS HARASSED JAPAN – Russia flies strategic bombers near Japan as its…

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ANALYSIS – Former President Donald Trump announced on his Truth Social media site Saturday that he was going to be arrested on Tuesday, March 21. He also urged his supporters to protest. So far, no other news media has confirmed his claim, and Trump remains untouched. It appears that this announcement citing illegal leaks in the Manhattan DA’s office was Trump’s successful attempt to get ahead of the story. In part, he wanted to mobilize the GOP. Still, if or when this does happen, an arrest of a former president and current candidate would be unprecedented in U.S. history. It would…

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ANALYSIS – Until recently, the left has been fairly united behind Joe Biden’s blank-check approach toward helping Ukraine defend itself against Russia’s invasion. Or if there were critics, they stayed quiet. Until now. Per my recent pieces on former President Donald Trump, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, most of the pushback on Ukraine has come from the Trumpian wing of the Republican Party. Rep. Matt Gaetz also argues that Washington is overspending in defending Ukraine. Some of the criticism of Biden’s approach is justified – some of it less so. (RELATED: Is GOP Rep. Marjorie Greene…

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MONDAY PDB – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING – DUELING PACIFIC BASES AND ALLIES – Both the U.S. and China are expanding and deepening their military ties with two key Pacific allies. China with Cambodia and the U.S. with the Philippines. China and Cambodia hold first naval drills in Cambodian waters. Exercises underline deepening relationship between Phnom Penh and Beijing, which has expansive claims in the South China Sea. US, Philippines to announce new sites for US military as soon as possible – US official. The U.S. and Philippines will announce new sites as soon as possible for an expanded Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA),…

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ANALYSIS – With recent remarks by some GOP lawmakers and leaders, the war in Ukraine, and America’s role in it, is a big topic of debate in the U.S. and in Europe. I’ve written about both Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ foolish characterization of Russia’s brutal war of conquest as a ‘border dispute.’ I’ve also chided Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG) for foolishly saying Russia isn’t a threat because she hasn’t seen Putin’s detailed plans to invade Europe. I believe both were wrong. Former president Donald Trump was also wrong when he suggested Ukraine simply give up its territories to a…

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