Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty — at home and from abroad.

TUESDAY PDB – China is daily increasing its military combat power and lethality. It recently increased defense spending by 7% on top of its already massive military buildup. But fear not, America now proudly has pregnant female combat pilots flying missions, comfy new maternity flight suits and pregnant cadets and recent mommies with infants can now continue their studies in our service academies. IS OUR MILITARY BECOMING ONE GIANT BABY DAYCARE? WELL, THESE STORIES WILL MAKE YOU WONDER – Navy reduces child care waitlist but needs workers to keep up momentum. The Navy waitlist for child care has been reduced by more…

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ALERT – The New York Times (NYT) reports that new intelligence points to pro-Ukraine groups being responsible for the deepwater explosions last September that sabotaged at least three separate Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea. While the biggest loser in this attack was Vladimir Putin, who relied on the Euro cash paid for the Russian gas sent via those pipelines to Europe, the anti-Russian media quickly found a way to blame Russia for the sabotage. And kept that theory alive as long as possible. But blaming Russia simply makes no sense. In my own analysis in December I concluded Russia…

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ANALYSIS – At the recent Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) event, Daily Wire host Michael Knowles argued that conservatives should not compromise with the left on certain core issues, such as radical transgender ideology, but should reject these leftist ideologies completely. And this is something I would support wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, the wording of Knowles’ statements, made while discussing marriage and gender issues, gave the left an opening to hysterically and falsely claim he wants to get rid of all transgender people, which he clearly never said, nor intimated. And what was the statement that created the contrived firestorm of leftist hysteria? Knowles’…

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MONDAY PDB – It seems China is gearing up for war sooner rather than later. Already the biggest, most powerful state in the Asia Pacific. It is also the most belligerent and menacing. It has systematically built militarized artificial islands in contested waters and is bullying smaller neighbors with armed warships and fishing fleets illegally in their territorial waters, not to mention making almost daily bombing runs and invasion drills against Taiwan. Despite all that, and more, China is now gaslighting everyone, claiming ‘escalating threats’ to China are the reason it will increase military spending by more than 7% this year. This…

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ANALYSIS – As the political, cultural and geographic battle lines for a 2nd American civil war, or ‘national divorce,’ continue to be drawn, the question is – are we already fighting this war? To some, this war already began. For the right we are ‘at war’ against a ‘woke Biden regime, just as the left was ‘at war’ against an ‘illegitimate Trump regime.’ But it’s about far more than that. It’s about the ever-widening ideological chasm between right and left. We are at a crossroads in defining what America still is or will be. And the battle for that already began and…

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ANALYSIS – Just 10 years ago few would have doubted America’s ability to not only deter, but defeat any Communist Chinese (CHICOM) attempt to forcibly seize Taiwan. But now after years of a relentless and accelerating Chinese military buildup, and the West asleep at the wheel for much of this time, there is increasing doubt. Today the most important question we can ask is: Can the U.S., even with its allies, defeat a Chinese invasion of Taiwan? Some in the U.S. say it will be a tough fight, devastating to both sides, but the U.S., et al., will succeed. However,…

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THURSDAY PDB – Here we go again. More unreliable Intelligence Community (IC) assessments. The same intelligence agencies that said COVID didn’t leak from a lab in Wuhan – and that Hunter Biden’s laptop was a Russian intel plot – now say that the so-called ‘Havana Syndrome’ affecting thousands of US diplomats and spies unlikely caused by foreign adversary or sonic weapon. A new U.S. intelligence report didn’t pinpoint a cause for the wide range of symptoms but said factors such as pre-existing medical conditions were probably behind the incidents. WRONG THEN. LIKELY WRONG NOW. Admitting it was caused by a foreign weapon…

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WEDNESDAY PDB – Biden’s Pentagon is still a collective clown show regarding COVID vaccines. Congress has made its intent clear on ending the COVID vaccine mandate for troops, who can now refuse to take the shot without risking ending their careers. And that also means that those who were forced out may now rejoin the military. Woo-hoo! But, Defense officials warned lawmakers that, Troops who refused COVID vaccines in the past still could face punishment and even be booted for “disobeying a lawful order.” CAN WE SAY MIXED MESSAGING? MAYBE THIS IS WHY MOST DON’T WANT TO RETURN. Single digits: Only a handful of…

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ANALYSIS – In another sign that the Pentagon is preparing for a very high-intensity, high-attrition war with China, one prominent naval analyst explains why the U.S. Navy’s Indo-Pacific Fleet may consist of so many older nuclear-powered carriers and submarines. To Craig Hooper, writing in Forbes, all these older ships in the Pacific are not an “embarrassing sign of American weakness,” rather, it shows the U.S. is preparing to lose quite a few capital ships in an upcoming war with China. And it would rather lose ships at the end of their service lives than far newer ones. In other words, these…

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Editor’s Note: Dear readers, We apologize for the service outage tonight. Our team is working with our marketing platform to resolve this incident. We’re working hard to make amends and provide you the service you deserve. Original Article: TUESDAY PDB – Language and messaging are problems at the Pentagon. While most of us focus on DOD’s idiotic neo-Marxist obsession with woke pronouns and terms, the problem goes deeper. Sometimes senior officers simply don’t understand what message they are actually conveying. GOAL IS NOT TO ‘AVOID’ – IT IS TO DETER OR WIN – Army secretary says goal with China, Taiwan is to…

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