Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty — at home and from abroad.

ANALYSIS – Since the first reported outbreak of the deadly COVID-19 virus in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, the ‘Wuhan Virus’ as it was originally dubbed has been surrounded by mystery, paranoia, misinformation and fanaticism. While some analysts, like me, immediately focused on the presence of a Chinese government Level 4 Biosafety Lab (BSL-4) within a few miles of the reported outbreak, others just as quickly ran to discredit any connection to China’s often recklessly run bioresearch facilities. But now even Biden’s Energy Department believes the virus leaked from a Chinese lab. And that is a big deal. We have…

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MONDAY PDB – In the latest example of why the Pentagon must STOP USING LEFT-LEANING OUTSIDE ‘INDEPENDENT’ COMMISSIONS FOR ADVICE – The latest study by left-leaning ‘experts’ proposes DISARMING OUR SOLDIERS TO PREVENT SUICIDES. Keeping firearms out of easy reach key to preventing military suicides. Limiting easy access to guns is one of the top ways DOD could cut down on military deaths by suicide, according to an independent commission tasked with reviewing the Pentagon’s suicide prevention programs. FORGET MENTAL HEALTH, GUNS ARE ALWAYS THE PROBLEM, EVEN IN THE MILITARY. Meanwhile, Biden troubled that China did not take Pentagon call over balloon.…

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ANALYSIS – Ever since President Trump withdrew nearly 10,000 U.S. troops from our ‘delinquent’ German ally, Poland has been at the forefront of any U.S. military repositioning in Europe. Trump sent many of those troops withdrawn from Germany to Poland. Trump favored Poland and other new NATO members, and Poland was openly enthusiastic about Trump. And as I argued back then, despite the howls and whining from partisan Democrat critics, Trump haters and misguided Cold War experts, this was a very good thing. Since the Cold War ended and former European countries previously under Soviet domination, ‘New Europe,’ entered NATO,…

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FRIDAY PDB – As I have said many times before about the current Pentagon leadership – ‘Go Woke – Go Broke.’ Yet they ignore the obvious, which has been shown by surveys: patriotic, white, Christian men, many from the South (the core of our Armed Forces), are totally turned off by the military’s wokeness. And this may partly be the left’s goal – to deliberately alienate white Christian men from joining, so they can expand efforts to recruit non-religious, non-white, woke LGBT lefties instead. Lawmakers accuse Army of ignoring evidence that ‘woke’ policies hurt recruiting. A pair of Republican House leaders…

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THURSDAY PDB – We now have yet another (unpopular, likely ignored and soon-to-be-forgotten) study showing major issues with women serving in large numbers in the military. This study shows that female soldiers are far more likely to be diagnosed with mental issues in combat zones than men. Even if one accounts for women perhaps being more willing to seek treatment, the gap is huge. This is also the case of rapes and sexual assaults, which are rampant in the U.S. military. Meanwhile, radical left-wing Democrats want to slash the defense budget by $100 billion to fund ‘spread the wealth’ programs and…

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ANALYSIS – February 24 will be the one-year anniversary of Vladimir Putin’s ‘Special Military Operation’ in Ukraine (aka invasion). What was intended to be a quick multi-pronged assault to remove the government in Kyiv has become a grinding war of attrition along a 600-mile front in the east and the south. Putin’s invasion has killed thousands of innocent civilians and displaced millions, ravaged cities and destroyed vital infrastructure across the country. The Russian offensive peaked about a month after the invasion began when it controlled at least 22 percent of Ukraine’s territory. In the beginning, many questioned the ability of the Ukrainians to withstand…

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WEDNESDAY PDB – Does it really matter that Vladimir Putin just suspended its last remaining nuclear arms treaty with the U.S.? Many question whether this is just more empty posturing from Putin since Russia has been accused in the past of violating the treaty, and others argue it was only restricting the U.S. vs. China, which isn’t under any treaty obligations to restrain their massive nuke build-up. Meanwhile, as Joe Biden dithers, Iran, also totally unconstrained, is steadily building up its own ballistic missile force and likely its nuke capability as well. FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – Here’s a roundup of those…

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INVESTIGATION – As I noted in a late January PDB, a “Democrat Colluded With Air Force Against Black Female GOP Candidate.” In that case, the Air Force took the fall for the release of the congressional candidate’s military record, blaming “a junior individual [who] didn’t follow proper procedures.” However, Jennifer-Ruth Green, a Republican, continues to blame U.S. Rep. Frank Mrvan, D-Ind., and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) for illegally obtaining and releasing the information through corrupt Air Force personnel to damage her campaign in the weeks leading up to the November election. The release despicably included information about a sexual assault Green had suffered while…

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TUESDAY PDB – Is China protecting Russia from collapse or prepping for a two-front war against us? Or both? – Even as the U.S. and NATO flood Ukraine with weapons, U.S. intelligence suggests China is considering sending arms and ammunition to Russia, a significant escalation by China on behalf of Putin. Secretary of State Antony Blinken meekly warned that Beijing’s direct involvement in the Kremlin’s war effort would be a “serious problem” and warned China not to send weapons to Russia for the Ukraine war. Meanwhile, North Korean ballistic missile tests and nuclear saber rattling are also raising the risk of war. FOR YOUR…

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ANALYSIS – As Communist China continues its mad dash preparations for likely war with the U.S., undermining America’s strategic nuclear forces is a key goal. This is a growing threat I have written about extensively, here, here and here. And its new computer-tested ‘Phantom Strike System’ is a big part of that preparation. As part of its effort to neutralize America’s nuke advantage, Beijing has been systematically and rapidly expanding its land-based nuclear missile force (United States Strategic Command, USSTRATCOM, recently admitted China now has more land-based ICBM launchers than the U.S.) and adding new nuclear-capable bombers and ballistic missile…

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