Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attachรฉ with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty โ€” at home and from abroad.

ANALYSIS โ€“ HALLELUJAH! – As Joe Bidenโ€™s radical open-door border policies allow tens of thousands of illegal migrants to flood into the country weekly, former president Donald Trump is vowing to deport many, if not most of them. And that is one of the best things I have heard from Trump recently. This is the only way to reverse the massive foreign illegal invasion Biden has created. While other GOP presidential candidates have talked tough on the border, so far only Trump has promised massive deportations. There should always be exceptions, but in my estimation, most who have come here…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ When I first read of Chinaโ€™s latest aggressive action in the South China Sea – installing illegal floating barriers in contested waters – I thought forceful action was required in response. This should include removing the sea barriers laid by Chinese forces. However, I wasnโ€™t certain it would be forthcoming. My doubts were proven unfounded as the Philippines, likely in consultation with the United States, responded as forcefully as it could have. They publicly removed the barrier installed by Chinese coast guard boats to block access to a prime fishing patch within a disputed area of the South…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ Russiaโ€™s brutal ongoing invasion of Ukraine has produced death and destruction on a scale not seen in Europe since WWII. Ukraine continues to fight back the invaders, making slow headway in recovering territory previously captured by Russia. It is always hard to determine casualty counts, especially during a conflict, but it is safe to say that both sides have suffered heavy losses since the war in Ukraine began in February 2022. The New York Times reported on Friday, citing unnamed U.S. officials, that an estimated 500,000 Russian and Ukrainian troops have been killed or wounded to date. The exact number…

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MONDAY PDB โ€“ Impact on military and veterans will likely be minor. PODCAST: What to expect in a government shutdown. Talk about the possibility of a government shutdown, the roadblocks to an agreement and the House defense bill stalled in the lower chamber. Congress eyes protecting military pay ahead of government shutdown. Lawmakers are prepping plans to guarantee paychecks for troops and in case of a government shutdown next month, arguing that jeopardizing military family finances could hurt national security. Government shutdown would not affect VA medical care and most benefits, secretary says. Medical care and burials at its cemeteries would continue at the…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ During his recent NBC interview, former President Donald Trump called Florida’s recently passed six-week abortion ban “terrible.”ย The ban was signed into law by his 2024 Republican campaign rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Trump believes that picking six weeks as the line to draw for abortion banning is not politically viable nationally. He argued that both liberals and conservatives should agree on a compromise solution โ€“ a compromise number of weeks. And to clarify, Trump said the six-week ban was: โ€œterrible. A terrible mistake.โ€ He was saying that, politically, passing a six-week ban was a mistake, because it charges…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ In case some readers werenโ€™t sure, this is a big reason the conservative GOP โ€˜Freedom Caucusโ€™ is threatening a government shutdown. Thanks to Joe Bidenโ€™s massive spending orgy, the gross U.S. national debt hasย breached the $33 trillionย mark for the first time. To be precise, according to the U.S. Treasury Department, as of September 18, 2023 (just 12 days short of the end of our fiscal year), the national debt has risen to $33,053,950,837,720 or $33.05 trillion. Americaโ€™s runaway inflation, which is crushing everyoneโ€™s pocketbooks, is just one result of this part of โ€˜Bidenomics.โ€™ (RELATED: IMF Predicts Continued High Inflation Heading…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ President Donald Trump was lambasted by the foreign policy elites in both parties when he called Germany delinquent in its commitments to NATO and bashed other allies for not doing enough to defend themselves, while relying on the United States. But Trump was right to demand more from Europe. He was also right to make his demand clear by removing some U.S. troops and relocating others. Europe has a GDP equivalent to the United States, and most NATO members werenโ€™t reaching the minimum requirement of spending 2% of GDP on defense. After pressure from Trump, defense spending by…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ Joe Bidenโ€™s border disaster is getting worse by the day as thousands of illegal immigrants swarm U.S. border entry points daily. And as I have repeatedly noted, the Mexican drug cartels essentially control the border regions of Mexico. Across the entire southwest border, as many as 9,400 migrants have crossed into the U.S. in a single 24-hour period.ย That is tens of thousands a week or over 100,00 per month. Over a million a year. And now, thanks to Joe Biden and his band of merry leftists, the cartels essentially control the U.S. side of the border as well,…

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FRIDAY PDB โ€“ย Did he really?ย The patriot: How General Mark Milley protected the Constitution from Donald Trump.ย During his tenure, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley helped to preserve democracy as the first and only Chairman in history faced with a former President accused of inciting a riot on the Capital. This, according to The Atlantic Editor-in-Chief Jeffrey Goldberg. โ€œHe did a lot of things, General Milley, both domestically and internationally, to make sure that we didn’t have reckless wars,โ€ Goldberg says. Milley and other national security officials โ€œnever disobeyed President Trump,โ€ but instead tried to convince him that certain…

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ANALYSIS โ€“ This is a strange but serious situation between two important American allies. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has accused India of being behind the assassination of a Sikh-Canadian citizen on its soil โ€“ an unprecedented charge to make against a fellow G7 nation. The crisis has the potential to complicate America’s burgeoning “strategic partnership” with India. (RELATED: Moon Race โ€“ India Catching Up To US And China With Lunar Mission) Trudeau’s rare attack comes just days after New Delhi hosted a G20 Summit. Even if the accusations prove true, Canada may be on the wrong side of the issue.…

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