Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty — at home and from abroad.

ANALYSIS – Just when you thought things couldn’t get worse with Joe Biden, he goes and has a chummy sideline meeting with China’s communist leader-for-life, Xi Jinping, at the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia. While his partisan spinmeisters in the media dutifully reported the White House line that Biden was firm with Xi, the three-and-a-half-hour private meeting was muddled, absurdly naïve and dangerous. At the summit, Biden stated that the U.S. aims to manage competition with China “responsibly” and that there is no need for a new Cold War.  Biden also strongly and foolishly reaffirmed China’s ‘One China’ policy regarding Taiwan, adding…

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ANALYSIS – In what might be the greatest (albeit perhaps accidental) escalation since Russia invaded Ukraine, the war just crossed the border into a NATO country. According to a senior U.S. intelligence official, as Russia pounded Ukraine’s energy facilities Tuesday with the largest barrage of missile strikes to date, some reportedly ‘stray’ Russian missiles crossed into NATO member Poland and struck a site in Poland about 15 miles from the Ukrainian border. The allegedly errant strike killed two persons in the Polish village of Przewodów and provoked an emergency crisis meeting of Poland’s national security team, which will be held Tuesday evening. Ukrainian…

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ANALYSIS – After the disappointing ‘red ripple’ last week the Republican questioning and blame game quickly began. I wrote that the GOP failed to win more seats because it did not forcefully address the abortion issue by countering the left’s hysteria over the Dobbs decision. I also argued that former President Trump didn’t help Republicans by continuing to obsess over the 2020 election and making the 2022 election all about loyalty to him. And I still believe those were major factors. However, conservative commentator Mark Levin provides an added perspective as to why (mathematically) 2022 could never have been a…

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FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – American Liberty News (ALN) – in collaboration with respected national security expert Paul Crespo and the Center for American Defense Studies (CADS) – provides our readers the PDB: Not the President’s Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING. Get Your Best Daily Defense and Foreign Affairs Intelligence Here in One Brief. Read the summaries or dive deeper via the linked articles. POLITICS This week in Congress: Still waiting on election results. Lawmakers return to Capitol Hill Monday afternoon after an extended election break without knowing for sure what those election results are. Military absentee votes down from 2018 as key races…

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ANALYSIS – Even as Communist China strives to build a world-class military aviation force comparable to the U.S. and NATO, it still lacks combat experience and has suffered some significant losses. However, China remains hell-bent on catching up to, or surpassing, the West in air power. It jump-started its efforts over 30 years ago. Since the 1990s China has been recruiting Western-trained ex-fighter pilots to train their own military pilots. As I have recently written, many of these Westerners have been recruited in the last couple of years from countries like the U.S., U.K., Canada and Australia. (RELATED: Is This Country the…

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FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – American Liberty News (ALN) – in collaboration with respected national security expert Paul Crespo and the Center for American Defense Studies (CADS) – provides our readers the PDB: Not the President’s Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING. Get Your Best Daily Defense and Foreign Affairs Intelligence Here in One Brief. Read the summaries or dive deeper via the linked articles. POLITICS STILL NEED OVERSIGHT – Biden: Ukraine aid will keep flowing, even through a GOP-led House. President Joe Biden says he expects U.S. aid for Ukraine’s fight against Russia to continue to flow whatever the still-undecided outcome of the midterm elections,…

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ANALYSIS – As an isolated Russia deepens its political and military ties with the terrorist regime in Tehran, a new tech transfer is occurring. And it’s part of the mutually beneficial military trade between the two highly sanctioned pariah states. While I’ve written about the Iranian ‘suicide drones,’ ballistic missiles and Revolutionary Guard trainers backing Russia in Ukraine, now we are seeing a reverse flow of military hardware. In late August Russia reportedly sent captured high-tech U.S. and NATO weapons to Iran for reverse engineering and copying. Sky News reports: Russia flew €140m in cash [roughly US$141million] and a selection…

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FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – American Liberty News (ALN) – in collaboration with respected national security expert Paul Crespo and the Center for American Defense Studies (CADS) – provides our readers the PDB: Not the President’s Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING. Get Your Best Daily Defense and Foreign Affairs Intelligence Here in One Brief. Read the summaries or dive deeper via the linked articles. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARINES! – 8 Marine Corps birthday survival tips. Semper fi, devil dogs. POLITICS After election wins, the number of vets in Congress is going up. The number of veterans elected to Congress will increase next session, only…

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ANALYSIS – ‘Red China’ is back. The latest 20th Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Congress has made it crystal clear that any hope (if there still had been) for a peaceful, open and reformed China is dead. Instead Party Chairman (and ‘leader-for-life’) Xi Jinping has now finalized his aggressive bid to consolidate total power in himself.  He has also revived a variation of communist Marxist-Leninist ideology as the core of his rule. How should the West see this? Kevin Rudd argues in Foreign Affairs that: [This] means foreigners must set aside the comfortable analytical frameworks many of them have used to analyze China for the last…

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ANALYSIS – The midterm elections have reminded us that the country is more divided than at any time since the Civil War. While the GOP is likely to retake the House with a narrow majority, the Senate is still split evenly with a runoff in Georgia likely to decide control in January. Meanwhile the red wave, or tsunami many predicted, including me, turned into a ripple. Abortion and Trump tipped the scales. While there is, and will be, a lot of finger-pointing among conservatives for the tepid results, I believe there may have been a few factors at play beyond…

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